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New York

Spring in Albany Part I: Marching Out of Winter thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping my 2019, including my time at home in Albany and around in March.  I recently wrote a post about surviving winter in Albany in which I concluded that frankly, spring doesn’t tend to bring much weather-related relief to the area, at least at first. The official first day of spring tends…

A Pet Friendly Weekend in Saratoga Springs thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping my travels in 2019, including this weekend in Saratoga Springs in March. If you’re familiar with the Upstate New York destination of Saratoga Springs, it’s probably for one of two things: the famous horse racing track, and the renown Saratoga Performing Arts Center. Growing up just forty-five minutes south in Albany…

Winter in Albany: A Non-Skiiers Survival Guide thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping the winter of 2018-2019, wrapping up with this post about all I got up to while I was home in Albany from December through February. There’s no two ways about it — winter in Upstate New York is brutal, especially if you’re not a winter sports aficionado. This was my first full…

Yoga Trainings, A Travel Show, and Time with Friends: January in New York City thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping my 2019 travels, which included this week in New York City in January. I started 2019 with a goal: reintroducing travel, a new kind of travel, back into my life. We’d finally found a reliable home aide at the start of January, and my sister’s campaign job had ended, meaning she’d be…

The Great Escape: Months 89 + 90 + 91 Roundup thumbnail

Whoops — did not mean to take such a long break from blogging. I have been insanely busy getting our 2020 Wander Women Retreats live, and also, to be honest, a bit stymied by this next post in my chronological queue. This post opens the floodgates, I promise! I just prepped posts for New York City, the…

The Holiday Season at Home thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping the winter of 2018, of which this is my second-to-last post. Next up, my spontaneous four day Mexico trip for New Year’s. I think this is another one of those posts that I’ve been sort of putting off writing, because it’s a pretty poignant and personal one — even if I know…

Blonde and Bladed: My Microblading for Travel Review thumbnail

So, I confess: since I got microblading, I basically feel like everyone should get microbladed. I mentally style eyebrows on the street constantly! I know that this is far from a beauty blog (I think having used a blowdryer more than a dozen times in ones life is probably a prerequisite for that) but microblading seriously…

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