Search: hostelworld

How To Sleep in Hostels: A Guide from A to Zzzz thumbnail

Please Note: I have received information and materials from McNeil Consumer Healthcare, Division of McNEIL-PPC, Inc., the makers of TYLENOL®. The opinions stated are my own. This is a sponsored post. . For my third travelversary, I tallied up all the different beds I’d slept in over the past year – seventy-one various beds, plus four…

Miami Dreaming thumbnail

There’s just something about Miami. The more I travel, both domestically and abroad, the more I’ve come to appreciate this great big backyard of mine — and while there are many places within the fifty states that tug at my heartstrings, in just two visits Miami has easily climbed the ranks of favorites. It’s a place…

And I’m Off! Summer in Europe, Here I Come… thumbnail

By the time you read this, I’ll be impatiently waiting in line at immigration in London, clutching the passport I’m so excited to put back into play after four and a half months stateside. This trip kind of crept up on me, and while I’ve dropped hints about where I’m headed I haven’t given you a…

One Week of La Pura Vida thumbnail

Crossing the border into Costa Rica, it finally hit me. There were nineteen weeks of travel behind me, and only one ahead. This was the end of my Latin American adventures. I’d chosen to fly out of San Jose for several reasons. First, because there were flight to New Orleans for only 15,000 frequent flyer miles…

Backpacker Spring Break: Letting Loose at Aqua Lounge thumbnail

Our time in Bocas del Toro, and Panama as a whole, was almost over. We’d chilled on Isla Colon, explored Isla Bastimentos, and day-tripped to Islas Zapatillas. But there was one more stop in our archipelago hop of Bocas del Toro to come: the infamous Aqua Lounge of Isla Carenero. Only a few hundred meters and a…

Blissing Out in Bocas del Toro thumbnail

Confession: I’ve totally used this post title before. But I can’t really think of a better way to sum up the euphoric twelve days we spent in Panama’s Bocas del Toro archipelago. This laid-back Caribbean getaway is getting plenty of buzz these days thanks to its balance of ramshackle charm — you won’t find any five…

Getting our Balance Back in Boquete thumbnail

After four days of hardcore diving and internet disconnect, what does this girl need? A highland retreat in which to dry out and catch up on work. Boquete was the next natural step on our Panama itinerary, the perfect link between the two coasts we were hitting up. It’s also, strangely, a hotspot for American expats…

Style at Every Price in Panama City thumbnail

So far I think I’ve made it pretty clear that I’m obsessed with Panama, a passion that ignited in the Casco Viejo neighborhood of Panama City. One aspect of my infatuation? Great design is everywhere — and at every price. Panamericana Hostel When Anders and I first rolled into Panama City, we checked into the Panamericana…

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