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Total Travel Disasters: Bed and Breakfast Meltdown Edition thumbnail

Since you guys seemed to love hearing about my Florida camper van travel disaster so much, I thought, what the heck — let’s make this a series! Because heaven knows that ten years after I left on my first big solo travel adventure, I still manage to find myself entangled in a couple complete travel meltdowns…

What To Do in Brighton: The UK’s Coney Island thumbnail

Here we are, catching up on my black hole of content from September of 2016 to April of 2017! So excited to be turning my detailed notes and journals into blog posts from the United Kingdom, Hawaii, Jamaica, Thailand and Bali! Shall we head to the UK together, then? Thanks for joining me on this trip…

Bright, Sunny and Bold: Falling in Love with Brighton thumbnail

Here we are, catching up on my black hole of content from September of 2016 to April of 2017! So excited to be turning my detailed notes and journals into blog posts from the United Kingdom, Hawaii, Thailand and Bali! Shall we head to the UK together, then? Thanks for joining me on this trip down…