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A Polar Bear Goodbye to Churchill thumbnail

Hey friends! I’m jumping out of my typical chronologically-based coverage to skip ahead and share my recent trip to Canada. We’ll be back to Thailand soon! After my aquatic adventures were over, we still had a few last land-based excursions to enjoy outside the quirky town of Churchill, Manitoba. Ever the girl scout, I was prepared…

Befriending Beluga Whales in Manitoba thumbnail

Hey friends! I’m jumping out of my typical chronologically-based coverage to skip ahead and share my recent trip to Canada. We’ll be back to Thailand soon! Why are you here? It wasn’t an existential question, it was a literal one. The evening before taking off on our Churchill adventure, my tour group gathered and listened intently…

Belugas, Bears and Blooms: Summer in Churchill thumbnail

Hey friends! I’m jumping out of my typical chronologically-based coverage to skip ahead and share my recent trip to Canada. We’ll be back to Thailand soon! “How do human survive here?” We’d taken off before the sunrise and watched as the view out the window turned more and more harsh and inhospitable. There were no roads…