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The Great Escape: Month 32 Roundup thumbnail

You know how first time travelers get overexcited about being on the road for the first time and totally overschedule themselves trying to do and see it all and then eventually crash and burn? Despite the fact that I had years of travel under my belt when I touched down in Latin America, I made the…

Saying Ciao to Ecuador in Cuenca thumbnail

Our time in Cuenca was unintentional. And it was amazing. Originally, we planned to fly out of Quito after leaving Mindo. But plane tickets skyrocketed before we could press “purchase” and so we ended up scrambling for a Plan B. Our only financially feasible option, it turned out, was to fly out of Guayaquil four days…

Photo of the Week 136 thumbnail

Greetings from Panama City! We’ve only been here for three days but I am already feeling completely recharged by the tropics. I’ve always loved the energy in Central America, and I’ve found it yet again here in Panama. I’m waking up smiling again — I don’t know if it was our change in location, my re-commitment…