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Downsize Yourself! Ebay Tips thumbnail

On Wednesday, I shared an overview of how I made $1,800 selling stuff I no longer wanted or needed. Friday, I went into detail about what I learned from my garage sale. Today, I’m sharing my top tips for Ebay, where I made $945 over the past year. Ebay can be a lot of work, from…

Downsize Yourself! Garage Sale Tips thumbnail

As I mentioned in Wednesday’s post, downsizing has been an important goal for me this year as I prepare to travel around the world. I wanted to make packing easier, to make storing what stayed behind easier, to have less physical things to clutter my space and mind, and to have some extra cash for my…

The Departure Lounge: Downsizing thumbnail

Welcome to my newest ongoing series, The Departure Lounge! Here I’m going to delve into the preparations for long-term travel. Previously, I wrote about what gear I’m packing, and how I’m going to stay healthy. “How much does your life weigh? Imagine for a second that you’re carrying a backpack. I want you to pack it…