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Utila Cays: Tiny Little Paradises thumbnail

Some traveling days are hard. Rushing to make bus connections, trying to communicate in a completely foreign language, preparing to sleep on the beach with no protection from the elements. Other days are just blissful and easy and make you want to sell everything you own and set up permanently on a deserted island. This was…

From Virgin Snorkelers to Diving in 3 Days Flat! thumbnail

What happens when you take 3 city girls and stick them on a hippie diving island? No, it’s not the start of a joke, it’s what happened the week we were in Utila. From having never breathed through a snorkel on Monday, by Thursday we were headed out so they could try a Discover Scuba Diving…

Getting What You Pay For: Diving Utila thumbnail

After a day of snorkeling and beach hopping we were ready to spend the day on a boat, jump in the water and maybe get lucky and see a whale shark. The girls came along to snorkel and get a feel for the diving to see if they were going to “take the plunge” and give…

Beach Hopping The Utila Underworld thumbnail

Some places take on a kind of mythical reputation in the travel and diving world. Places where the photos look like postcards, the parties are hard and the living is easy. Utila is one of those places. It’s a small island (about 25 square miles) with only one proper settlement, Utila Town, which stretches along the…

Reunited in Utila thumbnail

It all started like this. As soon as I had my ticket for spring break in Cayman, I started dropping hints that it would be a great place for everyone to go. After a while I realized it wasn’t going to happen and went on with my trip. Once I confirmed I was spending an entire…

Getting From Roatan to Utila: Sailing in Style thumbnail

Planes, too expensive. Sea Ferries, too pukey. Buses, overdone, yawn! Semi private sea catamaran? I think I shall! Okay so we didn’t really have all those other choices in order to get from Roatan to Utila. I mean, we could have taken the sea ferry back to the mainland and then out to Utila, but it…

A Two Wheel Tour of Roatan thumbnail

When I travel, I look forward to seeing. Not just the big sites in guidebooks, not just the beautiful beaches and the hailed natural wonders. I like to see everything; the energy and mood, the roadside stands, the way people live. It’s the things you can’t really discern from a book or a picture. I like…

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