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The Great Escape: Month 60 Roundup thumbnail

Oh, my monthly roundups. They are so ridiculously out of sync with real time now (this post is basically eleven months late, whoops!) that I recently considered axing the series, but I decided to play catch up instead — so brace yourself for a couple of these coming up! However, now that I’m writing on multiple…

Surviving Tomorrowland Brasil thumbnail

The Survival Series is a resource highlighting my favorite festivals and parties around the world. Previously I’ve featured Burning Man, an epic week-long social experiment in the desert, Sunjam, an intimate annual rave on a deserted Central American island, The Full Moon Party, Southeast Asia’s most infamous monthly blowout, and Tomorrowland Belgium, one of Europe’s most sought-after…

How Much Does Tomorrowland Brasil Cost? thumbnail

International music festivals don’t come cheap. But exactly how many dollars do you have to drop to attend Tomorrowland? The answer varies wildly — I’ve met festival goers who get by on the cheap by pitching their own tent, bringing in food and generally being frugal, and I’ve met straight up party people who drop what I…

Inside the Tents at Tomorrowland Brasil’s Dreamville thumbnail

One could argue that there’s no wrong way to attend Tomorrowland. But I know for me personally, there’s a right way — staying onsite at Dreamville, and saving up to splurge. There’s a serious dearth of Dreamville related information on the internet, if my own searches and the desperate queries I’ve received since publishing a review of…

Happily Ever After at Tomorrowland Brasil thumbnail

What’s the greatest party you’ve ever been to? I feel lucky to say it’s a tough question for me to answer — I’ve been blessed to attend fabulous festivals, join in colorful celebrations and enjoy wild nightlife all over the world. But there’s no question that the playground-for-grownups Tomorrowland would make it somewhere near the top of…

#ExploreMore2016: My Travel Plans for 2016 thumbnail

Well hello there, 2016. A new year, a fresh start. The time for making ridiculously optimistic resolutions. Join the gym. Eat healthier. Be on time more often. (No? That’s just me?) All mighty fine intentions, rarely carried through. Yet my good friends at Overnight — seriously, I know and love this crew — have made one…