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Peru Packing List Update and a Giveaway thumbnail

My Peru and Ecuador packing list was a detailed confession of my overpacking addiction. Unfortunately my proposed support group, tentatively titled Yes In Fact I do Need Both Styles of Jeggings Thanks For Asking never came to fruition and along the way I grudgingly admitted that in certain categories I would have been better off packing…

Inside my Bag: Dive Gear thumbnail

You guys seemed to enjoy the chronic-overpacker reveal post that gave you a peek inside my toiletries. So I thought I’d keep the virtual unpacking going with this in-depth dissection of my scuba gear. Hold on to you dive hoods, ’cause things are about to get wordy. Dive gear is painfully expensive. I think I snagged…

Inside My Bag: Toiletries thumbnail

Guys. I have a confession. I’m a horrible packer. I wince whenever a packing related question lands in my inbox. I end up in tears whenever I end up in my childhood bedroom — also known as my free storage unit! — reloading for another journey. Despite more than two years of perpetual travel, I always…