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The Great Escape: Months 53 and 54 Roundup thumbnail

Oh, my monthly roundups. They are so ridiculously out of sync with real time now that I recently considered axing the series, but I decided to play catch up instead — so brace yourself for a couple of these coming up! Apologies for the delay, but I suppose better is late than never. Ah, Southeast Asia…

Exploring Phang Nga Bay from Phuket thumbnail

In the middle of our rainy five days in Phuket, we were faced with a big decision: should we risk spending a stormy day at sea in order to visit the famed Phang Nga Bay, or should we continue to hide on our lovely balcony in Cape Panwa? After some hemming and hawing and a hundred…

Crushing on Cape Panwa: Phuket As It Once Was thumbnail

While I continue to recap the remainder of my endless summer, I’ve decided to jump out of chronological order and start sharing snippets of what I’ve been up to since I reached Southeast Asia this fall. Thanks for sticking with me! I have to be honest — I never felt much of a pull to Phuket…

Photo of the Week 225: Phuket thumbnail

Inertia. An object in motion tends to stay in motion, and a blogger not blogging tends to stay not blogging. That’s how I’ve felt this week… this month? September was one of my lightest posting months ever (tied with December 2014, for my fellow useless information hoarders) since I launched Alex in Wanderland, and October’s not…