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San Diego

The Great Escape: Month 52 Roundup thumbnail

Oh, my monthly roundups. They are so ridiculously out of sync with real time now that I’ve considered axing the entire series, as I did recently with Photo of the Week. Yet I know this series has some loyal fans — and I’m one of them! Apologies for the delay, but I suppose better is late…

Sea Lion City: Diving Los Coronados from San Diego thumbnail

Pretty much from the moment I got certified seven years ago, it’s just been a given: when I’m traveling near or around a body of water, I’m looking up the local diving in the area. Once I realized I was heading to California for two weeks and would have a dive buddy in the form of…

San Diego is For the Dogs: A Pet Friendly Travel Guide thumbnail

I think I’ve had a pretty wide breadth of experience when it comes to travel. I’ve traveled alone, I’ve traveled with friends, I’ve traveled with family, I’ve traveled with flings and serious boyfriends. But until recently, I’ve never traveled with the love of my life: my eleven-year-old cocker spaniel, Tucker. Regular readers know that Tucker is…

Tucker’s Tails: San Diego Edition thumbnail

By Tucker Baackes Greetings, humans! It’s your favorite canine here, checking in with my latest dlog update. (Get it? dog blog? Try to keep up, guys — your brains are bigger than mine, though I have some thoughts on quality over quantity when it comes to this particular match up.) A lot has happened around here…

Southern California

Well hello there! I’ve missed you guys! For me, putting up just two posts in a week feels like I’m barely blogging, but somehow my final stop in the US — for a long while, anyway — flew by so quickly I barely had time to keep up with the basics. But while I didn’t get…