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San Francisco

Three Weeks in Six Cities: Looking Back on “The Before Times” thumbnail

Wanderland Workshops are here! Don’t miss our very first, a Travel in 2021 Workshop on Thursday, February 11th 2021, from 5-7PM EST! Where we’re at: I’m recapping my travels in 2020, including this criss-cross of my home country from January through February 2020.  It’s almost unimaginable in our current state of the world: In just three weeks…

The Great Escape: Month 61 Roundup thumbnail

Time to dive back into roundups! Since I’m working my way through my black hole of content from August of 2016 to April of 2017, that means we’ve got roundups to catch up on as well. This one will be pretty short and sweet, with Months 62 + 63 are coming out next week. Apologies for…

Summer in San Francisco thumbnail

Last summer, while planning my now-annual visit to California to visit my dad, I added in a new stop that I hope becomes a regular one — San Francisco. One of my hometown best friends had recently moved cross-country to settle in Lower Pacific Heights, and I couldn’t wait to explore the amazing life she’d created…

Capping off California thumbnail

Ten days into my California trip and I’d hit up Anaheim, Marina del Ray, and Palm Springs — and I felt I’d barely scratched the surface of what SoCal had to offer. But alas, for my last few days in The Golden State I hopped a north-bound flight to San Jose to hang with my girl…

Photo of the Week 145 thumbnail

Five and a half months, twenty-three and a half weeks, one hundred and sixty-four days — however you say it, I’ve been away from the great state of New York for quite some time. I returned home a few short days ago to a blanket of snow and a flurry of bad news, but I’m here…