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Santa Barbara

The Great Escape: Months 84 + 85 + 86 Roundup thumbnail

Where we’re at: I finished recapping my summer of 2018, of which this is a huge roundup. I’ve been working on this post for what feels like forever. I’m sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted. To be honest, I think this draft sitting in my queue kind of messed with my head a little…

Tucker’s Tails: California Livin’ Edition thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping my summer of 2018, and my dog Tucker is stepping in for this final post from my trip to Los Angeles and Santa Barbara in July. In other news: after the first week sold out so quickly, we opened up a second set of dates for my Wander Women Red Sea Retreat. Grab…

Hotel Crush: Kimpton Goodland Santa Barbara thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping my summer of 2018, which included this trip to California in July.  The number one way to incite a crush? Win over my canine companion. Which is exactly how Kimpton Goodland Santa Barbara earned itself the latest billing in my Hotel Crush series. No kidding — this hotel was one of the reasons…

The Ultimate Dog Friendly Santa Barbara Guide thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping my summer of 2018, which included this trip to California in July.  I have a confession to make: after a few days in Santa Barbara, Ian and I had started musing that the dog friendly guide I was there to research would be the easiest post I’d ever had to write…