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Behind the Blog

Wowed by WITS: Recapping The Women In Travel Summit in Portland, Maine thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping my travels in 2019, including this trip to Portland, Maine in May for the Women in Travel Summit. Use alex35 to get 35% off at their next one! I have to admit, I did a double take when the invitation arrived in my inbox.  Sit on a keynote panel? At the…

Yeehaw! My First Trip to Texas for TravelCon thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping my brief travels in the fall of 2018. As my plane touched down in Texas, I internally cheered. I’d just made it one step closer to my goal of someday visiting all nifty fifty — the Lone Star State was #23. And who doesn’t want to visit Austin, what with all…

Nuptial Happiness in New Hampshire thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping my brief travels in the fall of 2018.  Hear that sound? It’s wedding bells, my friends. I think at this point I legitimately have six weddings I need to blog about. I’ve debated whether or not to make a blog post out of each of them, but in this case I…

Friendship in the Finger Lakes: TBEX 2018 thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping my brief travels in the fall of 2018. Last September, I basically took a huge sharpie to my calendar and crossed out the month, writing “weddings and conferences!!!” across the whole of it. With speaking gigs at both TBEX and TravelCon and the weddings of two very close family friends —…

Saying Goodbye After Seven Years: My Frantic Koh Tao Farewell thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping my summer of 2018, of which this is the bitter end. How do you say goodbye to your home nearly a decade in the making? I first visited Koh Tao in 2009, fell wildly in love, and headed back on a one-way ticket in 2011 ready to start the next chapter…

My Blogaversary: Seven Years of Blogging thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping my summer of 2018, including my blogaversary, which I celebrated in June. In other news: after the first week sold out so quickly, we opened up a second set of dates for my Wander Women Red Sea Retreat. I’m pinching myself that I get to spend so much of September in Sinai’s…

My Blogaversary: Six Years of Blogging thumbnail

Where we’re at: As I started to write my seventh travelversary and blogaversary posts, I realized that while I paid tribute to my sixth travelversary, I never celebrated the blogging milestone! (The contents of this post may somewhat explain why.) I didn’t want to have a gap in my annual recaps, so I’m making it up…

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