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Responsible Travel

Scuba and The Sphinx: Celebrating Conservation Day thumbnail

Breaking News: Our Red Sea, Egypt, and Lebanon Retreats for 2020 have officially been rescheduled for 2021, and there are a few spots left in each. More details at the end of this post! Here, I’m recapping my travels in 2019, including my Wander Women Red Sea trips in September.  Long time followers of the Wander Women brand know…

Wander Women Wednesday: Earth Day Edition thumbnail

It’s Wander Women Wednesday, where we highlight an upcoming Wander Women Retreat, or a new aspect of our retreats we’re excited about.  I realize for some this is a difficult time to read about travel. I am writing often about our current global crisis — the impact it’s having on me personally, on the world of travel…

Going Plastic-Free with Hair Removal thumbnail

It’s funny to see how much my habits and my values have changed since back when I wrote this post about the toiletries I was traveling with at the time. Since then, I’ve made an effort to go environmentally-friendly and disposable-plastic-free with my hair care, my toothcare, and beyond.  Yet for the longest time, I resisted…

How Clean Up Dives Can Change The World: My Review of the PADI Dive Against Debris Specialty thumbnail

Bookings are open for Wander Women Koh Tao 2020! Read all about our inaugural edition here, here, and below. Can a scuba dive change the planet? You bet your bottom time it can. Since PADI’s conservation arm Project Aware launched the Dive Against Debris program in 2011, more than 50,000 divers have participated in 114 countries around…

Conservation in the Keys thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping my summer of 2018, which included this trip to Florida in July. Want to explore Florida with me? Be sure to nab one of the last few spots to our Wander Women Key Largo: A Sustainability Dive + Yoga Retreat rescheduled for July 15-18, 2021. Want to get sustainable on your…

Celebrating Earth Week! Going Green with Bamboo Toothbrushes, Plastic-Free Toothpaste Bites and Beyond thumbnail

I love Earth Day — around these parts, I celebrate it as Earth Week! Don’t miss some of my previous content, including eight ways to live and travel plastic free, a guide to carbon offsets for travelers, and my full roster of responsible travel content. What’s better than a brighter smile? One that’s as good for…

Can An Eco-Friendly Songkran Be Sustainable? thumbnail

Confused on where we are? I’m taking this moment while my travels are grounded to care for my mom to catch up on my black hole of un-blogged content. Here, I’m covering my time in Thailand from March through May of 2017. My apologies for any confusion with the timeline, and thanks for sticking with me. In the…
