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Dressed to Kilt: A Scottish Wedding Story thumbnail

There’s nothing quite like a wedding to immerse you into a new country headfirst. Rich in traditions, societal norms and cultural pride, a marriage celebration gives you a taster of the best of what is to come. Three days after my departure from New York I attended my first Scottish wedding, and I jumped right in…

Photo Of The Week 1 thumbnail

As long time readers know, last summer in Grand Cayman I worked for a photographer named Heather Holt. She did a Photo A Day project that required taking, editing and posting a photo every day for an entire year- and never cheated once! I was inspired by her dedication but slightly dissuaded by how demanding the…

Greetings From Scotland! thumbnail

… And the journey begins. After an astronomically expensive cab ride, a mad scuffle at the airport to avoid excess baggage fees, three semi brutal plane rides, and a car ride through the Scottish countryside with a breathless sighting of a highland cow, I have arrived safe in Irvine, Scotland. I feel like my 9 hours…

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