This post was brought to you by Avis. As always, all ideas and opinions are my own.
I’m not embarrassed to admit I consider my iPhone as essential a travel necessity as my passport. Which is kind of entertaining considering I was one of the last people on earth to release their iron-clad grip on the Blackberry and make my way over to the Apple side, but I guess you could say we are making up for lost time.
As a full blown app-oholic, I’m always looking for new ways to be wowed by game-changing travel apps. Heading out on the road this holiday season? Here are a few of my favorites.
1. The Transportation Treat: Avis Now
Already dreading the lines at the car rental counters this holiday season? Download the new Avis Now app.
This new app allows you to go through the entire rental car experience without ever taking your eyes off your iPhone – until you sit in the driver’s seat, that is. You can make a reservation, choose an exact car using real-time availability, and then use your phone to guide you to the particular parking spot and even unlock vehicles with connected capabilities. Same deal on the way back in. You can return your car with a few phone taps, and don’t have to interact with a representative whatsoever — unless you wish to. It’s the introverted automobile lover’s dream!
Having had a few fairly stressful car rental experiences recently in the UK and in Hawaii, I only wish I could go back in time and have avoided all drama with this brilliant time-and-hassle-saver of an app.
2. The Airport Must Have: Gate Guru
Is there anything worse than half-heartedly settling for a mid-terminal Sbarros only to learn that there was a Chipotle just a few gates away? Never feel that pain again with the download of Gate Guru, which I use almost exclusively to check out airport dining options, filtered by gate and terminal. While it’s not always reliable internationally, it’s a must have for domestic travel in the US.
Runner up: For the most part, I’ve been flying long enough to know what seat I want – aisle for a short daytime flight when I plan to be working and guzzling water and tea to stay awake, and window for overnight flights when I want to sleep against the window. But occasionally I turn to Gate Guru’s sister app, Seat Guru, for a few more details. Seat Guru will tell you what kind of plug situation a seat has (full outlet vs. USB vs. fend for yourself), if reclining is blocked by an exit row or bathroom, and any other perks or pains you need to know about for those seriously long haul stretches. To be honest I find the desktop version of Seat Guru to be much more user-friendly than the app itself, but I still have it downloaded just in case of on-the-go emergencies.
3. The Time Killer: Been
Flight delays, long bus rides, endless lines at the train ticket counter. There’s no avoiding it – travel involves finding a way to entertain yourself through lots of long boring stretches. Enter Been, a deliciously indulgent app in which you can create a 3D map of your global and US travels. I was humbled by the calculation that I’ve hit up just 15% of the world – lots still to go! – but was pretty chuffed with reaching 42% of the states in my home country. This is basically the digital version of the scratch off map I have in my childhood bedroom… and I can’t wait to get more color on both.
Runner up: Next Episode. Fellow TV junkies, gather round – I got this tip from an in-the-know reader when I confessed I had a hard time keeping track of my series. If you’re marathoning your way through Bloodline en route to Florida, download this app and never lose track of what episode you’re on ever again!
4. The Accommodation Star: Overnight
I don’t have many accommodation booking apps on my iPhone – frankly, that’s the kind of travel detail that I usually take care of ahead of time on my laptop. However, spontaneous trips do happen, and when they do, Overnight has got your back.
What’s Overnight, you ask? I like to describe it as the love child of Airbnb and HotelTonight; an on-demand accommodation app that allows you to find chic and stylish rooms and apartments available around you that very evening. Perfect for everything from nightmare travel days when you’re stranded in the wrong city to impulse getaways when you’re suddenly in the right one.
5. The Budget Big-Wig: Splitwise
Long before Splitwise existed, long before an iPhone was even a twinkle in my eye, I basically hobbled together an analog version of Splitwise on the back of an envelope for every trip I went on… quaint as that was I’m feeling pretty darn grateful for the app these days.
Splitwise allows you to create trips with multiple friends, family members or whoever and input what each person has spent, and who the expense should be split between. At the end, it does all the math for you and spits out who owes who what – and is even connected to Venmo so you can settle up with the swipe of a screen. Splitting the check – or hotel bill, or flights — has never been easier.
Runner Up: I’ve raved plenty about Trail Wallet around these parts – after experimenting with several travel budget-tracking apps, this one is my absolute favorite for juggling multiple currencies and tracking cash transactions. Worried about over-spending on Christmas gifts or going over budget for your big New Year’s trip to Mexico? Create a custom category and you’ll never again wonder what happened to all those pesos you withdrew.
6. The Vacation Photo Editor: Snapseed
Don’t you dare post that sunset photo with a crooked horizon line (unless it’s intentional of course, in which points for artsy effort). I’ve never met an iPhone pic that couldn’t be gussied up with Snapseed. Lighten, brighten, crop, remove red eyes and more with a few finger swipes – it’s basically Photoshop for smartphones.
Runners Up: Typic and TimerCam. If you want to add fun text and quotes to your photos, try Typic, which I’ve found to have an impressive range of fonts and a wide editing ability. Flying solo this season? Grab great shots and wide-range selfies with TimerCam, which works exactly like a timer would on a traditional camera.
Considering how many of these apps came as suggestions from friends, family and my travel community in the first place, I can’t wait to hear what you guys are going to recommend in the comments!
What are your personal essential holiday travel apps?
I always defer to you for app advice! I don’t currently have Gate Guru but am off to download it now =)
Actually while I was writing this post I was surprised to see it doesn’t have the best reviews is the app store and that many users complain it’s out of date and inaccurate. I’ve always found it to be helpful in US airports, but I’ll be curious to hear your analysis as a frequent flyer!
I used it for our flight to Seattle, and it was awesome! Thanks for the rec, blogging bestie =)
Sweet! Maybe I should start submitting info for all the teeny one gate Thai airports I fly in and out of, lol.
I just asked another blogger for accommodation app advice and viola! I stumble upon your post. Will check out Overnight. Thanks Alex!
Enjoy, John! I’m drooling over some of the available apartments!
I don’t have an iPhone I have a Samsung Note and love it but I don’t do that much on the phone just the usual Facebook and send messages and make and receive phone calls but I am middle aged and I know what the hell does that have to do with anything, I don’t know just thought I would throw that in there
Hey, that’s what phones are for I suppose 🙂 You made me smile this morning!
That scratch the map app looks so cool! Definitely downloading it. My favorite travel maps are google earth, which I like to play around with when I’m bored or curious about a destination, and the Skyscanner, Hostelworld, and airbnb apps. If I have a sudden urge to go, I can book right from my phone!! Very cool list.
Actually, this year was the first year I started booking flights from my phone! It felt so strange the first time I did it, but now I wonder why I hassled with my laptop 😉
Hi darling! Love all of them! I already downloaded all the airport apps (i take around 8-12 flights a month) and the Snapseed!
Now in BKK showing mum and sis our beloved town. Any must-do tips?
Ibiza still waiting for you ?
Wow, 8-10 flights a month is a ton! You’re the definition of a frequent flyer 🙂 One of my current favorite Bangkok finds are The Commons in Thonglor for shopping and eating… actually, pretty much all my favorite things these days are in Thonglor when it comes to Bangkok! In Sukhumvit I’ve fallen in love with Havana Social for a night out and Above Eleven for a rooftop dinner. Enjoy!
I have been looking for some good apps! They certainly make trips a little easier!
They do indeed! And I tend to get my best recommendations from my readers!
I used to work for Avis back in my uni days! I also love Spanish Dict! for Spanish speaking countries, wouldn’t have survived without it in South Am. Going to check out Overnight now.
Sounds like you’ve been in the travel industry a long time 😉 Thanks for the language app rec!
Just downloaded Splitwise per your suggestion and it already is coming in handy planning a trip to Scotland in May, so thanks! I’ve used TripSplitter Lite for a previous trip and it couldn’t add correctly so I wouldn’t recommend it. For mapping I love CityMaps2Go to pin places, and for driving directions. I also use TripIt for a view of all of my itineraries in one spot; beats sifting through email to find a reservation!
I used to use TripIt and I got out of the habit — you are right, it is really handy! Maybe I will start doing so again 🙂
Somehow I don’t have any of these on my phone but am close to out of memory so will have to decide which other apps to cull first! Keen to see what percentage of the world I have visited on Been!
Oh, that’s the worst. The constant memory struggle! I’ve been there — it’s such a pain to be constantly deleting.
These are great App ideas. I’ve heard of some of them but never really bothered until today. You’ve convinced me, I downloaded Snapseed, Spitwise & Been!
Thanks for sharing! 😀
Let me know what you think of them 🙂 I love me some fun iPhone apps!
Ooh, downloading Gate Guru and Next Episode now!
Funny you should mention “going over budget for your big New Year’s trip to Mexico” – I used TrailWallet for the first time last week in Mexico and did just that. (but only by a little!)
Ha! I must have been subconsciously channeling you 😉
I was also a very latecomer to the iPhone game (also had a Blackberry… what was I thinking?), so I totally feel you on wanting all apps I can get my hands on. I love Been and Snapseed, and I occasionally use GPS My City for walking tours in places I go.
Ooooh, haven’t heard of GPS My City! Thanks for the tip… I’ll check it out!
These are all great recommendations! I downloaded Gate Guru on my dad’s phone, he already loves it!
You should also check out Tourlina.
It is an app just for traveling females!
Hey Lindsey, never heard of it! Will have to check it out, thanks for the tip!
Had to come comment bc I just used HotelTonight for the first time and I’m so happy!! Thank you for the rec and for the promo code 🙂 hellloooo ridiculously reasonable boutique hotel stay in PARIS for the next two nights! WOO! 🙂
Thanks Alex!
Oh that’s so awesome to hear, Emily! Enjoy, girl!