I write this post from the terminal at JFK airport, where I’m awaiting my flight back to Indonesia (well, first to England and Kuala Lumpur — it’s a thirty five hour door to door journey!) This trip home was the definition of a whirlwind, and it concluded with what could only be labeled a five day Extravaganza of Awesome in Miami.

I spent the first half of my visit hanging out downtown with my cousin Eric, who lives in a building so beautiful we rarely felt the motivation to leave it. Then for the weekend, my Albany bestie Kristin flew in and we moved to the Fontainebleau Miami Beach for the iHeartRadio Ultimate Pool Party. You guys know I love to break out my stilettos just as much as my trusty flip flops, and this event combined both with a day of poolside performances followed by an over-the-top evening of celebrity schmoozing. Spoiler alert: I totally met Ke$ha.

I loved seeing this glamorous and fun side of Florida and I’m already plotting a return trip in April! I’ll have lots more photos and a full recap of my trip coming up next week, but for now — onto the Photo of the Week candidates!

Photo A


The design-tastic Icon building where my cousin lives

Photo B

Icon Building MiamiThe sunrise over downtown Miami from the balcony

Photo C


Getting ready for the iHeartRadio pool party

Photo D

Miami Beach Fountainbleau PoolKristin relaxing poolside

Photo E


The big concert Saturday night on the lawn of the Fountainbleau, and the unofficial after party at LIV

Next week I’ll be checking in from Indonesia! Which photo is your favorite?

Many thanks to iHeartRadio and VISITFLORIDA for their amazing hospitality. Kristin and I were official guests of the event and as always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

  • Dad
    July 2 2013

    I liked B because I am an architecture buff – but the impression I got was cold and impersonal…the uniformity of the buildings made it look like some high end soviet era apartment blocs, not what you were intending to convey I am sure. But my POTW vote goes to D. It a signature Alex Baackes photo.

    • Alex
      July 6 2013

      Ha, well not what I was going for but now that you mention it I see where you are coming from 🙂

  • Margaret
    July 2 2013

    I agree with Dad. I picked D before I even saw the others because the sun-glass reflection is your thing. Also, keep me in mind for April…I AM NOT letting another year go by with out a vacation.

    • Alex
      July 6 2013

      Let’s meet in Tampa and then go to Orlando?!

  • Melanie Fontaine
    July 2 2013

    I’m glad you’re on the road again! I hope you’re having some great adventures in Indonesia! 🙂
    My favorite is Photo B – it’s just the iconic Miami look!

    • Alex
      July 6 2013

      Thanks Melanie! Considering how much state-hopping I do in the US, I’m pretty much always on the road. These six weeks in Indo will actually be much more relaxing than my six weeks “home!”

  • memographer
    July 2 2013

    Photo B.
    Perfect timing and lighting!

    • Alex
      July 6 2013

      Sometimes waking up for sunrise is worth it 🙂

  • Hannah
    July 2 2013

    I’m going for D this week. I love how you notice all the tiny little details like this, the reflection is awesome! You have such a good eye.

    • Alex
      July 6 2013

      Thanks Hannah! This has definitely become my classic shot… if someone wears sunglasses around me, they better beware 🙂

  • Kristen Noelle
    July 2 2013

    Looove Miami… looks like you had a fantastic time in one of my favorite US getaways!! I choose B, for how the early morning sunlight peeks through and its reflection bounces off the building, and how I long to live in one of those high rises.
    D as well! For how she happens to be wearing Fountainebleu shades, and in them you get a glimpse of how lavish the hotel is. Doesn’t hurt that we pretty much have the same name 😉

    • Alex
      July 6 2013

      I always thought there was quite the rivalry between Kristins and Kristens! 😉 Thanks for voting!

  • Camels & Chocolate
    July 2 2013

    B and D are totally my favorites (as are you and Kristin!). Let’s do it again. Same time, same place, 2014? 😉

    • Alex
      July 6 2013

      I’m SO in. Actually I’m hoping to get back to Florida in April!

  • Cat
    July 2 2013

    Oh man, this week is hard. Think I’m going with B but almost all were in the mix! So awesome you got to go to the iHeartRadio event!

    • Alex
      July 6 2013

      It was crazy fun 🙂 Can’t wait to post more fully about it!

  • Sarah Somewhere
    July 2 2013

    Wow that was quick! I can’t keep up with you Alex! Oh, and I think ‘D’ took it this week. Enjoy your reunion 😉

    • Alex
      July 6 2013

      Thanks Sarah 🙂 And yes, this trip was a little too hectic for me. I prefer things a little slower paced!

  • Hogga
    July 3 2013

    love photo d

  • So sad we didn’t get a pic together! 🙁

    All awesome shots, but B is amazing!

    • Alex
      July 7 2013

      I know! What were we thinking?! How did two travel bloggers fail so hard!

  • Chelsea
    July 9 2013

    Photo B made me heart flutter. Amazing stuff hun.

    • Alex
      July 9 2013

      Thanks Chelsea! I wouldn’t mind waking up to that view every morning!

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