Summer has arrived in upstate New York! This week the weather finally took a turn for the awesome, and I’m remembering how good it is for the soul to feel sun warming up your skin and spend Saturdays outside. Those who lived through this area’s brutal winter are rolling their eyes at me right now, but I left New York for a reason — I’m going to try to time my visits home better in the future so I don’t do another Albany April.
This week’s Photo of the Week candidates are from our Mother’s Day outing to Tulip Fest, one of my favorite Albany events. I feel so lucky to be stateside to spend this day with my mama, and especially that she allowed me to drag her out of bed even though she’s been knocked sidewise by the flu. I love and respect my mom more than I have the words to express, and I am ever grateful for this lifestyle that allows me to come spend such lovely long chunks of time with her between my adventures. I am who I am today because of my unstoppable parents and the unconditional love and emotional support they have given me. Happy Mother’s day to all those mamas out there reading.
Which photo is your favorite? Happy Mother’s Day to all the mamas out there!
Photo b! Obsessed with doggies! Check out my Instagram im always posting pics of my pup roxy! It’s EMMAB353
Ha, my Instagram has been nothing but pictures of Tucker since I got home. Love my little man too!
I am choosing A for the mixture of colours.
They were stunning, it’s amazing how many shades tulips actually come in!
Definitely photo B with your mama <3
She’s pretty, isn’t she π
She is π
Of course photo B: your mom, puppy, and flowers! winner.
Yes, any picture with my little man is pretty much my fave immediately! Love that dude.
I pick all three. So charming and colorful.
Thanks Kristen! So excited about summer!
And it’s getting into winter here (Australia)! Luckily winter is pretty mild but I am still jealous π
Does it involve month after month of snow/rain and frigid temperatures? Then as an Upstate New Yorker I have no sympathy π
B hands down. I don’t know why you even bothered with the other two. You have Mom, Tucker and the tulips all in one photo. Bravo!! And, yes, don’t forget you have a very special mother
I never do! Okay maybe sometimes very very briefly when I am being a brat π But don’t worry, totally spoiled her today.
I like the third one because it is as if the flowers are talking to the sky!
That’s a very poetic interpretation — love it!
I like the last one because of the viewpoint. The colors are beautiful!
Aren’t they? I just love Tulip Fest!
Obvi photo B!
It almost looks like she likes him in that photo, right?
I love tulips. Have you ever been to the Netherlands when all of their tulips are in Bloom? It is stunning. Maybe you can go there for your next Mother`s Day outing. π
Now that would be a dream! My parents have been to the Netherlands but I have not… though they did bring me back some lovely wooden shoes. Someday!
It’s B – without question. I love a cute dog!
And lucky for me, he loves being photographed π