Greetings from Guatemala… again! With just a few weeks left in Central America, it was time to start the journey from Belize back down to Honduras, where I’ll soon be flying out of. My first step was to return to Guatemala via boat at the Caribbean port town of Livingston. After a few days there I journeyed up the Rio Dulce river to Lago de Izabal, and eventually bussed through the highlands to Lanquin, home of Semuc Champey.

While it was a week of stunning natural beauty, by the end I was getting antsy from lack of decent internet connection (I’m tragically behind on work) and a little lonely from too much time in rural areas. So I went off-itinerary and bee-lined back to Guatemala City, where I’m currently getting a heavy dose of good friends, big city bustle and workable wifi.

Can you believe in just two weeks I’ll be saying adiós to Central America? While I ponder the passage of time, here’s the candidates for Photo of the Week…

Photo A

Livingston, GuatemalaPlotting my next move in Livingston

Photo B

Boqueron Canyon, Rio DulceNot long after this photo was taken, we abandoned ship and swam up this Lago Izabal canyon as far as the current allowed…

Photo C

Rio Dulce, GuatemalaRiding along the Rio Dulce

Photo D

Semuc ChampeyHanging with the locals in Lanquin

Which photo is your favorite?

  • Caity
    April 19 2015

    Wow, they are all so gorgeously green! I think Photo B is my favourite. It captures a kind of anticipation…just around the river bend…Pocahontas style!

    • Alex
      April 20 2015

      Ha, Caity, you read my mind… I was singing that song the whole time! …much to my companions’ chagrin, I’m sure.

  • Sky
    April 19 2015

    I love Photo C! I need to explore this corner of Guatemala when I return!

    • Alex
      April 20 2015

      Just be prepared for bad internet when you do 😉

  • Sonja Riemenschneider
    April 19 2015

    Photo B is my favorite! The caption makes me want to jump right in!

    • Alex
      April 20 2015

      It was such a crazy fun adventure! And so unexpected!

  • Ashley
    April 19 2015

    Beautiful photos!! It’s a tough choice, but I’m choosing photo C! These photos are taking my Guatemala obsession to a whole new level.

    • Alex
      April 20 2015

      I know how you feel. I feel like I waited years to come here!

  • Kristin
    April 19 2015

    Photo C is absolutely gorgeous – so bright and tranquil all at the same time. Guatemala is climbing its way up my bucket list!

    • Alex
      April 20 2015

      Thank you Kristin! This lesser visited corner of Guatemala is indeed very peaceful…. assuming you don’t need a good wifi connection, ha.

  • Jenia
    April 19 2015

    Photo A – Because it inspires travel dreams 🙂

    • Alex
      April 20 2015

      Looking at maps always does that for me 🙂

  • Jessica
    April 19 2015

    Awh, I can’t choose! I really love the pic of the canyon, but also photo D! I’ll be heading within two months to central america and can’t wait to see these places for myself ;D

    • Alex
      April 20 2015

      How exciting! Do you have an itinerary planned out? I can’t get enough of this region!

      • Jessica
        April 20 2015

        I will start in Belize, then go to Guatemala, a little bit of El Salvador, some time in Nicaragua (especially after your pics and stories!) and it depends how long I want to stay in Costa Rica and Panama, I heard it’s a bit more expensive. And I will fly back from Bogota, Colombia. So I have a vague route in mind, only my flights are arranged, the rest is flexible. So now I am searching for destinations/people/nature parks I really want to visit! If you have must-do’s/must-sees in the region, let me know!

        • Alex
          April 21 2015

          Ahhh, sounds amazing! Well stay tuned for stories from my favorite Nicaraguan beach town coming up this week!

  • Dani
    April 19 2015

    I’ll go with Photo C! Most relaxing view of all!

    • Alex
      April 20 2015

      It was an incredibly calming place 🙂

  • Justine
    April 19 2015

    Photo D…because that water is unreal! There’s clearly so much I need to explore in Guatemala!

    • Alex
      April 20 2015

      It was beautiful. I always wonder when I see something like that… what would it have been like to be the first one to see it? What a discovery that would have been!

  • Stef
    April 19 2015

    Photo B! Looks like a beautiful place, I definitely want to see it when I’m going to Guatemala in about a month and a half too!

    • Alex
      April 20 2015

      Well worth the trip… and such an unexpected surprise!

  • Katie
    April 19 2015

    I spent two weeks in the Izabal region waiting for my new passport after being robbed on a bus from Antigua. The canyon looks like one that we went up near Rio Dulce where our captain was an 8 year old and his 4 year old brother’s job was to keep his hand in the big hole in the bottom of the boat haha

    • Alex
      April 20 2015

      Ha! That sounds about right. Oh wow, sorry to hear about your passport drama! What a hassle that would be 🙁

  • Gocioo
    April 19 2015

    i love photo , i love the scene

  • Sarah
    April 20 2015

    C! Love the geometry in the photos

    • Alex
      April 20 2015

      Me too! I always look for patterns…

  • Francesca
    April 20 2015

    I think this is my favourite ever of your photos of the week, there is no way I can choose just one! Looking forward to hearing more about your swim the canyon…

    • Alex
      April 20 2015

      I always love to hear that Francesca! Thank you 🙂

  • mei
    April 20 2015

    I love photo B (actually all of them!) it makes me wanna swim there, right now 😀

    • Alex
      April 20 2015

      It was the most scenic workout I’ve had in a while!

  • Lissa
    April 20 2015

    I like photo B. I like the view of the canyons and the colors of the water. It takes me there better than any of the other pictures.

    • Alex
      April 20 2015

      And to think I almost didn’t post that one since I worried it was a little out of focus 🙂 Definitely the reader favorite this week!

  • Jo
    April 20 2015

    Definitely photo B for me! I love a good rocky cliff face.

    Surprised you’d describe Guate as ‘big city bustle’, that makes me think of somewhere nice and charming. Never hated a city so much as I did that one!

    • Alex
      April 20 2015

      I think having close friends who are living in a really funky little arts area helps 🙂 I’m so enjoying being here right now! I don’t want to leave!

  • Photo B – love it! I can’t believe you’re leaving CA so soon. I’ve loved following your adventures in the area. Where are you off to next?

    • Alex
      April 20 2015

      Luckily there are a billion trip recaps still to come 🙂 Next I’m off to the Caribbean for an all-too-brief stint, and then back to the US for the summer! I have a big post coming up about that soon….

  • Kat
    April 20 2015

    I think I’d have to go for photo B – just love the sense of expectation! (and now thanks to reading the comments, I have the Pocahontas soundtrack going round in my head all afternoon haha).

    Really loving these recent posts, central America is somewhere I’ve never been to, but it is definitely creeping further on up my ‘OMGIMUSTSEETHISNOW’ travel list.

    • Alex
      April 21 2015

      Thanks Kat! I’m so happy to be getting into Central America now in my feature posts… I have SO MUCH to share!

  • erin
    April 20 2015

    Definitly photo B! amazing

    • Alex
      April 21 2015

      Thank you so much Erin!

  • Iveta
    April 20 2015

    Wow! Guatemala is now on my LIST:)

    • Alex
      April 21 2015

      Awesome, Iveta! There is so much beauty to explore in Central America.

  • gemmajaneadventures
    April 21 2015

    Photo D is my favourite, Your photo of the Howler Monkey (I assume) brings back memories of my own time in Guatemala, which was amazing! I never made it to Livingstone or Rio Dulce unfortunately, so I’ll just have to go back one day! Enjoy the rest of your adventure there!


    • Alex
      April 21 2015

      He was indeed a howler… well, as far as I know 🙂

  • becky hutner
    April 21 2015

    B — that journey looks magical.

    • Alex
      April 21 2015

      It was, and so amazingly unexpected!

  • The Guy Who Flies
    April 22 2015

    As always Alex these are all fabulous – I love your pictures.

    I love the one in the boat and the mix of the person in front taking a picture as well as the scenery ahead – lovely combination.

    I think C is my favourite though. Particularly the one on the left, I always love these style of pictures with a naturally made photo frame in the picture (if you know what I mean?).

    • Alex
      April 23 2015

      Thank you! I love those natural framing shots too 🙂 Especially with a triangle, which is my current favorite shape. (Does everyone not have a favorite shape?)

  • Rashaad
    April 24 2015

    I choose Photo C – well, the first half of Photo C. On a bright day, the triangular view of the world can be amazing.

    • Alex
      April 25 2015

      That triangle has certainly proved to be popular! I love it too…

  • Amy M
    April 24 2015

    The pictures all seem to taken in areas that are surrounded by rocks, ledges and beautiful nature and it makes me feel so cosy! My favourite has to be PHOTO C though, it’s so peaceful to look at! xo

    • Alex
      April 25 2015

      It was a week of serious nature-immersion! Back to the big city for next week’s edition 🙂

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