Greetings from Koh Tao! It’s been a crazy busy week and in many ways I feel like I’ve barely looked up from my laptop, though these photos prove otherwise. I suppose I did sneak off for a 6am dive call time one morning, and sign off early for a 6pm sunset paddle one evening. Although the diving conditions were less than ideal, it felt so good to get back in the water! Not a bad deal for an otherwise incredibly hectic work week.

This week on the blog is going to be all about Bonaire — I can’t wait to start sharing my summer trip to the Caribbean with you! And here behind the scenes, I’ll be getting ready to leave the island again for another short getaway in just about a week’s time. It’s amazing how quickly I can go from having two months like these to suddenly feeling completely overwhelmed at the idea of a six day trip off Koh Tao. Looking forward to checking in with you then — and crossing my fingers for a productive week inbetween. Happy Monday, guys!

Photo A

SUP TaoAbove the surface

Photo B

Diving in Koh TaoBelow it

Photo C

Diving Self Portrait
Self portrait in bubbles

Which photo is your favorite?


Featured Blogs

Looking for new travel blogs to obsess over? Curious about new content? Searching for the perfect gift for the wanderluster in your life? Each month, I’m sharing an inspiring selection of travel blogs, travel projects and travel shops right here! Not only are these fellow entrepreneurs following their passions and creating beautiful content, they’re also supporting Alex in Wanderland by advertising in my sidebar this month — please support them back by checking out their sites and cheering them along.

Introducing Alex in Wanderland’s featured bloggers for December!

Katie is a fellow American obsessed with living abroad — she’s currently exploring Australia as part of the one year working holiday visa. Hummingbird Away is equal parts travelogue and travel resource, a balance I always look for in the blogs I bookmark and frequently go back to.

Why I Love This Blog: Hummingbird Away features big, beautiful photos of The Land Down Under — tempting enough to have me considering flight searches to the land of Oz!

Cheskie — short for Francesa, if she doesn’t mind me telling you so! — asks a pretty good questions in her tagline. Why should we only get one year? She decided to turn her gap year into a Gap Life, and has been living and working in Australia ever since.

Why I Love This Blog: Cheskie’s currently chronicling her Divemaster training experience in Gili Trawangan, Indonesia — the same island where I did my own DMT! Her posts make me homesick for one of the most beautiful islands I’ve ever seen, and might leave you considering a trip to do the same.

Y’all may remember Michelle and Angel of Anywhere At Home from my inaugural round of featured bloggers back in August. The long-term trips they’d just taken off on at the time is now well underway, and their journey has brought them through the US, Mexico, and Guatemala — with no plans of wrapping up anytime soon!

Why I Love This Blog: Angel and Michelle continue to focus on outdoor adventure, publishing everything from creative adventure gift guide roundups to tales of hiking major volcanoes in the rain. They make me want to get moving!

How much do I love my girl Diana of D Travels Round? Let me count the ways. D and I met years ago in Thailand and have bonded over blogging, living in The Kingdom and loving on adorable animals ever since (she’s a longtime advocate for Thailand’s elephants). She writes about being an expat and living abroad in a raw, unfiltered way that you find in many travel blogs.

Why I Love This Blog: Diana is the go-to blogger when it comes to responsible travel, so I love that she’s launching tours to our beloved Thailand. I know that those lucky enough to join her will have the trip of a lifetime — and one they can feel good about long after the last post card arrives home.

A born and bred New Englander, Mary travels the world taking gorgeous photos and collecting travel tales to share on her blog, Nomadic Elephant. Currently based in Maine, her weekend getaways come with a side serving of quaint.

Why I Love This Blog: Mary’s recent blog updates continue to shine — her posts have a gorgeous new layout that had me scrolling to see who her web designer was.

Get Featured

Interested in becoming a featured blogger or shop? Read more here. Limited spots still remaining for April and beyond.

  • Rashaad
    December 7 2015

    Photo C – that photo is amazing!

    • Alex
      December 9 2015

      Thank you! You never know how an underwater selfie is going to turn out 😉

  • Gemma
    December 7 2015

    Photo B – all about the colours. Looking forward to getting in the water in Nicaragua this February. However, we’ve been skiing in Whistler so can’t complain.

    • Alex
      December 9 2015

      Both sound pretty amazing. Where are you going diving in Nicaragua? Corn Islands?

      • Gemma
        December 10 2015

        I am 100% making my way to the Corn Islands. Anywhere else that you recommend for diving specifically? We’re staying at Las Penitas for a fortnight then travelling for another 2 – 4 weeks.

        • Alex
          December 10 2015

          I sadly didn’t dive in Nicaragua — I tried in San Juan del Sur, but they wouldn’t run the boat with only one customer, and no one else inquired in the two weeks I was there!

  • Marni
    December 7 2015

    Photo A, although it was another hard choice!

    • Alex
      December 9 2015

      That’s a good sign. Thanks Marni!

  • Janice Stringer
    December 7 2015

    Photo A!!!
    Love the feeling of calm I’m getting from it, as I write this at 3am…
    Needing the calm in my life!

    • Alex
      December 9 2015

      Tell me about it! I had to slow way back down to island time to find it…

  • Dani
    December 7 2015

    Photo B because colors!

    • Alex
      December 9 2015

      Thanks for voting, Dani!

  • Mark
    December 7 2015

    Photo A! That silhouette is amazing!

    • Alex
      December 9 2015

      I never get sick of sunsets 🙂 Thanks for chiming in, Mark!

  • Kristin
    December 8 2015

    Photo C! It’s just awesome seeing someone in their happy place!

    • Alex
      December 10 2015

      Thanks Kristin! My happy place is indeed anywhere in or around the water.

  • Megan
    December 8 2015

    I loved diving in Koh Tao!! So insanely beautiful!

    • Alex
      December 10 2015

      Indeed! Looking forward to getting in the water more often when the weather is hot and sunny!

  • Bas
    December 8 2015

    Going for B, just love them fish!
    You’re going to have such a good time at Bonaire when it comes to diving! Just went there for a week last month and totally loved it.

    Salt Pier (A MUST!): amazing to swim between the with beams below the pier which are overgrown with corals&sponges and during the day the place is loaded with Baracuda’s
    Karpata: Beautifull for nightdives (coral in good shape)
    1000 Steps: Quite a nice bay to see and easy to enter (quite rare for Bonaire).
    Divesites below Salt Pier: best for spotting Eagle Rays. Saw my first one, hope you’ll manage too as well!

    My first post now because of Bonaire, but following your stories regularly 😉
    Have a great time on the island!

    • Alex
      December 10 2015

      Hey Bas! Sorry I was unclear — I was actually in Bonaire this summer, but I’m just starting to blog about it now 🙂 I LOVED Salt Pier and would go back simply to dive it again and again. Hope you’ll chime in on my posts and let me know what you think!

  • tammyonthemove
    December 8 2015

    Looking at those photos make me realize how desperate I am for a relaxing holiday. I don’t even have time to read all of your posts anymore. What has the world come to? One week to go and I will be on a R&R break from Ghana, hopefully having more time again to read your great blog posts. Haven’t forgotten about you. Promise! 😉

    • Alex
      December 10 2015

      You’re so sweet Tammy 🙂 Haven’t forgotten about you either! Glad to hear you are getting a much deserved break. I’m looking forward to going on a little holiday as well.

  • Susan
    December 8 2015

    They’re all beautiful! I’m partial to C because it inspires me to get back out and try scuba again. I loved my DSD class, but I’m still building up my resolve to maaaybe get certified. 🙂 Thank you for the inspiration!

    • Alex
      December 10 2015

      Just wait till you see the Bonaire posts I have coming up — if they can’t get you back in the water, nothing will 😉

  • Kacy
    December 8 2015

    Love Photo A! Just seems so peaceful. I can’t wait to read about Bonaire!

    • Alex
      December 10 2015

      I’m GIDDY with excitement about all my posts coming up. Can’t wait to share!

  • Photo B! Always love an underwater picture 🙂

    • Alex
      December 10 2015

      Tell me about it! The conditions were pretty rough that day but I was thrilled I managed to salvage some.

  • Alex
    December 9 2015

    I love the one with the fishes ?. You make me want to get my certification. Maybe if I hit up Koh Tao

    • Alex
      December 10 2015

      Koh Tao is an amazing place to learn to dive! One of the most popular spots in the world…

  • Allie
    December 9 2015

    I love diving and paddle boarding, so happy you fit in some water time!

    I haven’t been diving as much this year (our poor boat is broken), but hope to start getting back into it soon!

    Have a great day love – xoxo.

    • Alex
      December 10 2015

      It’s funny how easily it can be on an island to go days without so much as seeing the water! It’s a good reminder to step away from the computer and towards the beach 🙂

  • Steve
    December 9 2015

    I am choosing photo C Alex. It’s not all about work.

    • Alex
      December 10 2015

      Nope, it’s not! Some weeks are more balanced than others… these ones have been crazy work focused as next week, I’m going on vacation. Woo!

  • Sky
    December 9 2015

    The first shot is gorgeous! And it makes me reallllly wish I was somewhere, anywhere near a beach. It’s abnormally warm for a PA winter so far but I have no doubt negative temperatures and snow will be here soon. 🙁

    • Alex
      December 10 2015

      I can’t wait for all the snow pictures to start piling my newsfeed… they always help ease off the homesickness, ha ha.

  • Dominique
    December 10 2015

    B! I’m still loving your underwater shots! I can’t wait for your Bonaire stories! I’m planning a short trip to the Caribbean in February and I’m trying to decide where to go

    • Alex
      December 10 2015

      That’s awesome, Dominique! I looooove the Caribbean and can’t wait to slowly explore more of it.

  • Julia Nix
    December 11 2015

    photo A! BB effect.

    • Alex
      December 12 2015

      🙂 He’s a winner!

  • Michaela
    December 15 2015

    Love all the photos…but my favorite is definitely C for its uniqueness…not everyone can capture that. Not long until we arrive in Thailand and have several months lined up for Koh Tao!!!! Hope to meet you there x

    • Alex
      December 23 2015

      That sounds awesome, Michaela! What are you planning to get up to while you’re here?

  • Priya
    December 4 2016

    Hi Alex. I’m going on a solo trip to Thailand at the end of the month to dive and snorkel. What do you do with your valuables (phone, cash, credit cards) when you’re out on the ocean? Do you use a waterproof bag and snorkel with your belongings? Leave your belongings on the boat?

    • Alex
      December 6 2016

      Hi Priya! When I’m diving or snorkeling off a boat yes, I leave my valuables on the boat. Hope that helps!

  • natasha dobbs
    January 19 2017

    Hi Alex im making my way to Koh Tao solo in March, to mainly do my divers license. can you recommend the best place to learn and stay at? im a very chilled person, and seeing this holiday as time to relax, so would love to be close to the beach and bar or something, would really appreciate your imput.

    • Alex
      January 31 2017

      Hey Natascha! If you prefer to be in Sairee I love diving with Sairee Hut. They have a fun pool bar and a great dive team! If you’re basing yourself in Mae Haad, Master Divers provides an excellent, really thorough education. And down in Chalok, Ocean Sound Dive and Yoga is a great bet! Enjoy and let me know how it goes!

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