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Dominican Republic

Where to Eat in Cabarete thumbnail

Note: Post updated in 2020! Where we’re at: I’m recapping my 2019 travels, which included this trip to the Dominican Republic in February. Need a Caribbean break of your own? Nab one of the last two spots to our Wander Women Cabarete: Aerial Arts + Adventure retreat next month! There’s a lot to love about Cabarete…

Introducing Cabarete, Dominican Republic’s Coolest Bohemian Beach Town thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping my 2019 travels, which included this trip to the Dominican Republic in February. Need a Caribbean break of your own? Nab one of the last two spots to our Wander Women Cabarete: Aerial Arts + Adventure retreat next month! I can tell you that on the long list of countries I…

Riding the Wave of Encuentro, Dominican Republic’s Laid Back Surf Beach thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping my 2019 travels, which included this trip to the Dominican Republic in February. Need a Caribbean break of your own? Nab one of the last two spots to our Wander Women Cabarete: Aerial Arts + Adventure retreat next month! I remember so distinctly the moment that my friend Amanda mentioned to…

Announcing Wander Women: An Adventure + Aerial Arts Retreat in Cabarete! thumbnail

After six months in the cocoon, I am incredibly proud today to be announce the next Wander Women Retreat is emerging as a beautiful aerial butterfly! (Eh, that metaphor got kinda weird. Whatever.) Bookings are now officially open for Wander Women Cabarete: An Adventure + Aerial Arts Retreat. For a long time I didn’t think the kind…

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