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The Wanderland Guide to Twin Falls, Idaho thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m jumping ahead to share my trip in late August 2020 with Visit Idaho. I’ll jump back into chronological time eventually! Real talk: As soon as I found out Idaho was the Gem State, I was tickled, because I truly do feel like it’s a hidden gem.  Now, that’s how I feel about the…

The Niagara of the West: Kayaking to Shoshone Falls thumbnail

Where we’re at now: I’m jumping ahead to share my trip in late August 2020 with Visit Idaho. I’ll jump back into chronological time eventually! And by the way, Wander Women On Demand is live! If you missed either of our virtual retreats, or ever wished you could gift one to a friend, don’t miss this…

Staying In Idaho’s Most Famous Spud: The Big Potato Hotel thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m jumping ahead to share my trip in late August 2020 with Visit Idaho. I’ll jump back into chronological time eventually! Honestly, can you you think of a more a-peel-ing accommodation than this? Groan. Sorry, but I can’t promise that’s the last potato-related pun in my coverage of my trip to Idaho. Punning…

The Great Escape: Months 101 + 102 + 103 thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’ve wrapped up blogging the fourth quarter of 2019, of which this is a huge roundup. What a weird time to look back on. These first three months after losing my mom were, largely, a fog. I guess much of the year was. As the world transitioned from fall into winter, I started…

Trading Pine Trees for Palm Trees: Christmas in Los Angeles thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping my travels in 2019, including this trip to California in December. In 2019, for the first time in my life, I spent Christmas somewhere other than my hometown of Albany, New York or my home island of Koh Tao, Thailand. (Actually, as I typed that, I realized it’s a lie —…

Taking my Little Bear to Big Bear: A Dog Friendly Trip to Big Bear Lake, California thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping my travels in 2019, including this trip to California in December. New York and LA. East Coast to West Coast. I think that no matter how light-hearted, it’s hard to deny there’s a slight rivalry going on there. And while I grew up in the Empire State and “wandering heart, New…

Howdy, Houston: Everything’s Bigger in the Biggest City in Texas thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping my travels in 2019, including this trip to Texas in December. Until recently, Texas was a big — huge, actually — untouched swath on my state scratch-off map. A quick weekend in Austin for a conference finally introduced me to the state in 2018, and a year later, I had an…

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