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Pet Friendly Travel

Taking my Little Bear to Big Bear: A Dog Friendly Trip to Big Bear Lake, California thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping my travels in 2019, including this trip to California in December. New York and LA. East Coast to West Coast. I think that no matter how light-hearted, it’s hard to deny there’s a slight rivalry going on there. And while I grew up in the Empire State and “wandering heart, New…

Asanas and Alpacas: Trying Alpaca Yoga on Martha’s Vineyard thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping the fall of 2018, including my Wander Women Retreat in Martha’s Vineyard. Bookings are currently open for Dominican Republic and Thailand. Find out more about our latest retreats here! I’m one of those girls. I’ve done goat yoga. I’ve done dog yoga. I’ve done aerial yoga, yoga on a paddle board, yoga…

Tucker’s Tails: California Livin’ Edition thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping my summer of 2018, and my dog Tucker is stepping in for this final post from my trip to Los Angeles and Santa Barbara in July. In other news: after the first week sold out so quickly, we opened up a second set of dates for my Wander Women Red Sea Retreat. Grab…

Hotel Crush: Kimpton Goodland Santa Barbara thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping my summer of 2018, which included this trip to California in July.  The number one way to incite a crush? Win over my canine companion. Which is exactly how Kimpton Goodland Santa Barbara earned itself the latest billing in my Hotel Crush series. No kidding — this hotel was one of the reasons…

The Ultimate Dog Friendly Santa Barbara Guide thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping my summer of 2018, which included this trip to California in July.  I have a confession to make: after a few days in Santa Barbara, Ian and I had started musing that the dog friendly guide I was there to research would be the easiest post I’d ever had to write…

Howl’oween Is For The Dogs thumbnail

When I decided to spend Halloween in Los Angeles over New York, I had one major motivation. Yes, memories of cold, rainy nights in a damp costume certainly dissuaded me from my East Coast option. But Los Angeles? Los Angeles had Tucker. Game over. Tucker has always been pretty down for dress up time — or…

San Diego is For the Dogs: A Pet Friendly Travel Guide thumbnail

I think I’ve had a pretty wide breadth of experience when it comes to travel. I’ve traveled alone, I’ve traveled with friends, I’ve traveled with family, I’ve traveled with flings and serious boyfriends. But until recently, I’ve never traveled with the love of my life: my eleven-year-old cocker spaniel, Tucker. Regular readers know that Tucker is…
