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The Great Escape: Months 101 + 102 + 103 thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’ve wrapped up blogging the fourth quarter of 2019, of which this is a huge roundup. What a weird time to look back on. These first three months after losing my mom were, largely, a fog. I guess much of the year was. As the world transitioned from fall into winter, I started…

The Great Escape: Months 98 + 99 + 100 Roundup thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’ve wrapped up blogging the third quarter of 2019, of which this is a huge roundup. Summer is always one of the busiest times of the year for someone in the travel industry, and I suppose even in the most disrupted year of my life, that was one constant. Though with my precarious…

The Great Escape: Month 95 + 96 + 97 Roundup thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’ve wrapped up blogging the second quarter of 2019, of which this is a huge roundup. I realize for some this is a difficult time to read about travel. I am writing often about our current global crisis — the impact it’s having on me personally, on the world of travel, and on the…

My Travelversary: Eight Years of Travel thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping my summer of 2019, including my eighth travelversary, which I celebrated in June.  Well, there’s not much of a contest: this was the weirdest travelversary I’ve celebrated in the eight years since I started tracking them.  Needless to say for those who have been following my journey, this was a tough…

The Great Escape: Month 92 + 93 + 94 Roundup thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’ve wrapped up blogging the first quarter of 2019, of which this is a huge roundup. This period marked a new chapter in my time living back in my hometown, one in which I started to gingerly step back into the worlds of work and travel after three months of full-time care taking…

The Great Escape: Months 89 + 90 + 91 Roundup thumbnail

Whoops — did not mean to take such a long break from blogging. I have been insanely busy getting our 2020 Wander Women Retreats live, and also, to be honest, a bit stymied by this next post in my chronological queue. This post opens the floodgates, I promise! I just prepped posts for New York City, the…

The Great Escape: Months 87 + 88 Roundup thumbnail

Where we’re at: I finished recapping my fall of 2018, of which this is a huge roundup. These two months were wild ones — they were my final two months trying desperately to balance my work and travel obligations with being home as much as possible for my mom after her diagnosis. At the end of…
