Today I’m back in New York and dreaming of Hawaii as I sit out Hurricane Sandy. I’ve got the weather blues, and I’m dreaming of the final days of summer in Albany….

On my very last day in New York before leaving for Hawaii, I took a few hours off from packing and planning to attend Larkfest. This mid-September Saturday festival features hundreds of artists and food vendors stretched across Lark Street and capped on each end by a stage for local performers.



Larkfest, Albany, New York

Lark Street is one of my favorite areas with its charming brownstone houses and quirky bars and restaurants. I love my hometown of Albany, and events like this really let it shine. I love to be reminded of the creative people and cool small business that exist up here in my neck of upstate New York.

Larkfest, Albany, New York


One of my favorite discoveries of the day was Design It Together, a print studio located right over the bridge in Troy, New York. Their fun and light-hearted prints won me over and I ended up starting my Christmas shopping early! Another great find was Torch Song Metals, a small artisan jeweler located in Nyack, NY. If anyone else wants to start their Christmas shopping, Torch Song’s cupcake line is sure to be a crowd pleaser.

Larkfest, Albany, New York

Other local vendors I enjoyed meeting were Episodic Life, which makes local-pride t-shirts and Straight Crooked, a company that paints signs and makes t-shirts. My favorite local boutique for funky fun finds, Some Girls, also made a glamorous appearance. I love their new line of local-pride area code apparel.

Larkfest, Albany, New York

Larkfest, Albany, New York

Hanging around the Some Girls table were promoters for the Albany Allstars, Albany’s female roller derby team. I can’t tell you how sad I am that I’m going to be abroad for the entire season. You go girls!

Larkfest, Albany, New York

But you know what the best part of any street festival is, right? It’s fair food! The discovery of Coast Tacos alone was enough for me to call the entire day a success. I look forward to years of stalking them across the Capital Region whenever I am home.

Larkfest, Albany, New York

Larkfest, Albany, New York

I was also tickled to come across Mercer’s Dairy, the sole US producer of wine flavored ice cream. I admit that I actually like ice cream better than I like wine, but it made the perfect gift for some local friends who have helped me out this summer with re-integration into polite society (an ongoing struggle, admittedly.)



Compared to other Albany events like Tulip Fest, Larkfest is pretty low-key. The focus is more on leisurely strolling and treat noshing than on keg stands and raging after parties. Considering I attended with my mother, I was just fine with that change of pace.

Larkfest, Albany, New York

Larkfest, Albany, New York

I am so, so glad that I got to spend so much time in Albany this summer. I truly love being a traveler in my hometown when the sun is shining and people are smiling!

Are you as sad as I am that summer in over? I think I have to accept that I’m a warm weather girl now!

  • Savvy Scot
    October 30 2012

    Great Photos Alex! I am sad it’s over… London temperatures his below 0 and it sucks!! On the plus side it means it is nearly time to go boarding and skiing back home in Scotland 🙂

    • Alex
      October 31 2012

      Unfortunately I’m not much for the winter sports… so I don’t have too much to look forward to about the cold! Maybe I need to try getting into skiing again.

  • Elaine Burr - Gram E
    October 30 2012

    I, no longer, miss cold weather. We had some today. It was 53 when I rolled out this morning. For us, that’s unbelievable. I returned to the house real quickly.

    • Alex
      October 31 2012

      That does sound cold for Florida! I don’t blame you for staying inside.

  • Sarah Somewhere
    October 30 2012

    You’ve inspired me to become a traveller in my home town when I return in a month! But somehow I dont think Perth, Western Australia will compare to Albany, NY! Larkfest looks really cool, hope Sandy is gentle on you guys x

    • Alex
      October 31 2012

      Sarah I bet there is a lot more going on there than you think — most people think Albany is pretty boring, but I’ve uncovered some fun around here 🙂

  • Gaelyn
    October 30 2012

    I could easily follow summer for the warm weather and special not too crowded festivals which of course includes eating. I’m much better at outdoor activities when it’s not cold. Hope you were safe from the storm.

    • Alex
      October 31 2012

      We fared fine up here in Albany, but obviously New York City isn’t doing as well. My sister and several of her friends were evacuated from their dorms and had to be rescued and brought up here!

  • Marco
    October 30 2012

    Larkfest sounds like a blast and reminds me of many of the street festivals that take place in my home town of Chicago. It’s funny how we often overlook all the great things that go on in our home city!

    • Alex
      October 31 2012

      Chicago definitely has a lot of exciting things going on! My cousin lives there and so I’ve spent plenty of time in the windy city!

  • Margyle
    October 31 2012

    Gah the end of summer blows… although this past weekend was ridiculously warm and I thoroughly enjoyed just walking around and looking at the leaves – knowing that one good wind, like the one today, would take it all away.
    The countdown to summer 2013 begins now!

    • Alex
      November 2 2012

      The day I arrived back in NYC was surprisingly warm and toasty. It’s all gone downhill from there. Thank god I have trips to Vegas and Florida coming up!

  • Stephen Schreck
    October 31 2012

    I want that truck that looks like a boot more than words can say!

    • Alex
      November 2 2012

      Ha I don’t even remember what that truck was advertising for but I do remember that it was amazing!

  • Leah
    November 1 2012

    Alex! I just want to tell you how much I love your blog! It’s amazing how things find you when you need them most. I’ve taken every opportunity to travel since my first trip to England when I was 15, and the bug has never left me. Anyway, after 4 years of living in NYC and feeling stagnate travel-wise, I decided to make another big move this past October (which I’ll reveal in time on my blog). However, life can take crazy turns sometimes, and my long term boyfriend and I broke up just before we were supposed to leave. So, now I’m over here alone, and I can’t tell you enough how much your blog has helped me get comfortable with being a solo traveler. You’re delightful to read, and I hope you continue to live the dream 🙂

    P.s. I’m totally with you on Katy Perry’s ‘Wide Awake’ 😉

    • Alex
      November 2 2012

      Hi Leah, I’m so glad you found me! I’m happy to hear you are still dreaming, still traveling and not letting any roadblocks stop you. Please keep reading and writing and commenting and saying hi!

  • Nico
    November 1 2012

    One of the great things about living in a tropical country is you don’t need to worry about the cold, but every now and then I must admit I do miss it.

    • Alex
      November 2 2012

      I know what you mean. When I was in Thailand I would see a snowy photo of my friends huddled outside a bar and think “Awww, winter!” But I think I like it much better in theory than in reality.

  • Dad
    November 4 2012

    Nice promo for Albany. I agree with one of your later comments…frankly living in a four season climate is not that great. If I want to experience snow a postcard from someone up north might be enough to satisfy that craving

    • Alex
      November 5 2012

      Well I think it might be time to retire then Dad… let’s move to Thailand!

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