9 Jun '13
Happy Sunday, everyone! I hope wherever you’re reading this post is as beautiful as where I’m writing it from — my sunny backyard in Albany, New York! This week has been a quiet one for me as I focus on website updates, finishing up freelancing projects, and tackling my never-ending inbox avalanche.
I snapped this photo while walking my canine nephew Boo in Rochester. I stopped to visit my sister for twenty four hours on my way back from TBEX, and I only wish I could have stayed longer.
Stay tuned for a major post tomorrow morning!
ahhh….I vote for THAT ONE
I love Albany! One of my best friends live there and I love exploring the cute little city with her. The brownstones are gorgeous and the bars are fun. Although, being open til 4 am isn’t always great for me 😉
Aw, yay for Albany love! So nice to hear from someone who knows and appreciates my hometown.
I am looking forward to reading your major post tomorrow!! 😀
It’s up now… have a look 🙂