This week was all about the water. I spent three days filming underwater movies, one day fun diving with an internet-to-real-life friend, and the rest of the time working furiously on my computer to catch up with all my freelancing work. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that today I had to call in sick to my underwater video job because I’m so ill!

I did a bad job narrowing things down this week, meaning you all have even more material than usual to choose from when voting for Photo of the Week.

Photo A

Diving in Koh Tao, Thailand

Why do dive boats leave so early? The sun rising in the morning while we gather our gear.

Photo B

Diving in Koh Tao, Thailand

I love that moment when you first jump off the boat and into the water.

Photo C

Diving in Koh Tao, Thailand

This grouper sat so still while I snapped photo after photo. I think he kind of liked me.

Photo D

Diving in Koh Tao, Thailand

Mark is actually the photographer behind this amazing Crown of Thorns shot. I’m so proud of him! I guess he is listening when I’m droning on about underwater photography.

Photo E

Diving in Koh Tao, Thailand

Another one of Mark’s shots. I love it.

You know what to do… leave your vote in the comments below!

  • Kelli Nicole
    January 21 2012

    C and D are my favorites…if I have to choose I’m going with C. SUCH a fun dive!

    • Alex
      January 21 2012

      I’m surprised you didn’t pick B… after all, you were the model! 🙂

      • Kelli Nicole
        January 21 2012

        Haha, I DO love it, but if I’m being honest to my photographic opinion I have to go with a different favorite :).

  • Kathryn
    January 21 2012

    Photo A hands down…although B is a contender…and C, what a sweet little grouper! Yeah, I think he liked you and recognized you as a friend to water-breathers everywhere.

    The shell in A and the Impressionist background is stunning and also interesting: the shell looks like a fish head from one direction and an entire fish from the opposite direction.

    Hey Mark, you’ve got a great eye, too!

    • Alex
      January 21 2012

      I didn’t see that illusion in Photo A… funny what different eyes can see! And yes, I’m so proud of the photos Mark takes now!

  • Olivia
    January 21 2012

    I’m gonna go with B.

  • OrpingtonT
    January 21 2012

    No doubt in my mind. Picture C.

  • Bridget Ball Shaw
    January 21 2012

    Love ’em all! But Photo B gets my vote!

  • karen
    January 21 2012

    This is hard–I have changed my mind many times. . .I like what Mom said so will go with A. You’re very brave (no duh) jumping into blackness! And D looks like a painting! Good work. Bravo to you both.

    • Alex
      January 21 2012

      Thanks Karen! Well, in person the water doesn’t look so black so I don’t mind jumping into it 🙂

  • Heather
    January 21 2012

    These photos are fantastic – they always are! I love following your blog, as a fellow recent college grad looking for ways to make traveling the world a lifestyle.

    I think photo B is a winner this week, it perfectly captures that moment of excitement and anticipation before a dive, although the rest are really beautiful too!

    • Alex
      January 21 2012

      Thanks Heather, you’re comment made my day! I checked out your blog, India seems amazing! Keep living the dream…

  • Cat
    January 21 2012

    This is a hard week! They’re all so good. A was my first instinct but I really like the underwater ones too. I’m glad your “photo” of the week is actually a “photos” of the week voting game.

    • Alex
      January 21 2012

      I’m glad that you guys like voting… and don’t just think I’m lazy! 🙂

  • Dad
    January 21 2012

    I am going with D. The subject matter is so foreign to most of us landlubbers, I mean the fish and the shell we know about, but a crown of thorns can only be seen underwater apparently. The scale is unknown which adds a touch of mystery.

    • Alex
      January 21 2012

      Very good point! I’ll have to tell Mark that he won your vote this week 🙂 Actually, I think D might be my favorite as well.

  • Sophie
    January 21 2012

    D and E are my favorites!

  • Sarahsomewhere
    January 21 2012

    They’re all great, but I love B- The one of the divers. Great angle, love the silhouette against the morning sun!

  • Audrey
    January 21 2012

    Oooo, I love that last one with the sunlight shining through and the fish swimming away! Great photo!

  • Laura
    January 21 2012

    Alex they are all awesome (as usual) but I have to go with D. Also, A for me is a close second. I know it’s not one of your “underwater specials” … But I love That pic.


    • Alex
      January 21 2012

      Well, Mark is the one who took Photo D so he I’ll tell him he got your vote! Photo A makes me think of you guys… beach lovers!

  • Rachael Sena
    January 21 2012

    My vote is for E! The angle is capturing the sunlight just right!

  • Wes
    January 22 2012

    E by a fuckin’ mile. WOW.

  • Wow so many comments I love it! I think A. 🙂

    • Alex
      January 23 2012

      Ha yes this must be a very divisive issue! I think this is the most overnight comments I’ve ever had 🙂

  • Jen
    January 24 2012

    I’m kinda partial to B… it’s so appropriate for your blog!

    • Alex
      January 24 2012

      You’re right! That moment of anticipation really is a metaphor for diving into not just the water but also… life!

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