This week has been a strange one. Anders and I have been kicking around in Lima, where we came to see off the Swedish friends he’s been traveling with and catch tomorrow’s flight to the jungle (I can’t wait!) I’ve been in a funk about spending Thanksgiving away from home and the amount of time I’ve spent indoors on my laptop probably hasn’t helped. I was panicking about what I would post for Photo of the Week but thankfully a coastline run I went on and a tour review I did turned out to be quite photographically fruitful.

In other news, I always set aside the last day of the month to organize my accounting and check my website and social media analytics. Yesterday, I was beyond thrilled to see that my traffic has jumped to 18,000 readers per month! I can still remember the days when my grandma was basically the only person on Earth reading this blog so that is a humbling and incredibly rewarding number to see. I can’t thank you all enough for coming along for the ride.

Photo A
A Church in Lima, Peru One of Lima’s many churches

Photo B
Scenery from Lima, PeruScenes from the city

Photo C
A Pisco Sour in Lima, PeruA Pisco Sour at the bar that claims to have invented them

Photo D
The Coastline in Lima, PeruA rare sunny day

Photo E
A Market in Lima, PeruA colorful trip to the market

Which photo is your favorite?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Update: Travel Blog Success was merged with Superstar Blogging by Nomadic Matt. It’s an equally impressive course that I plan to take and review eventually — click here to take it yourself! 

Cyber Monday Sale Alert! The ever-fabulous Travel Blog Success course is having a sale tomorrow! This is the online course that helped me make Alex in Wanderland what it is today, and the first thing I recommend to those who write to me for advice. It changed the way I looked at travel blogging and helped me move it from a hobby to a business. The member’s group gives me daily inspiration, feedback, and assistance. This is truly the warmest community in travel blogging, and its lifetime membership option is on sale for Cyber Monday! Click here and use the code “cybermonday″ to get a premium membership at 35% off, an $86 savings! Sale starts and ends on Monday , December 2nd and is valid only for the single payment option.

  • Lise-Marie
    December 1 2013

    Congratulations on all your readers 🙂 You have a great blog! I am following you all the way from Norway.. My favorite photo is B or C, it would be C if the hand was not there. That’s because I loved the painted windows in the back 🙂

    • Alex
      December 6 2013

      Takk, Lisa-Marie 🙂 Happy you are here!

  • Tyrhone
    December 1 2013

    I like photo D, but I am a bit of a Graffiti lover so I am biased. Congrats on the huge readership, as much as we (I) try and tell ourselves not to need the adulation of others, it still feels good to know people appreciate what you do.

    • Alex
      December 6 2013

      It definitely makes the hours toiling away in front of the computer seem more worthwhile! The thing I try not to measure success by is dollars earned per hours, in which case I am probably at best achieving the same level of success as a fast food employee…

  • dad
    December 1 2013

    I like C. Any bar, whether it invented the Pisco Sour or not, that has stained glass windows like that is class joint.

    • Alex
      December 6 2013

      I have to agree, though I kind of think in this photo it looks like we are drinking in a church. Which might be fun too 🙂

  • Sarah Somewhere
    December 1 2013

    Congratulations on your strataspheric growth Alex!! I love E because I am a sucker for a food market. Happy trails 🙂

    • Alex
      December 6 2013

      Actually I now realize it may have something to do with the fact that I recently installed Google Analytics to track mobile devices as well (didn’t realize that needed to be done separately!) So I think some of the boost came from those checking in on smartphones 🙂

  • Jade
    December 1 2013

    Wow 18,000! That is incredible,congratulations!
    Photo C. is brilliant, such a great way to take a picture of a shot hehe.

    • Alex
      December 6 2013

      Actually that is a pisco sour! They serve them in small glasses here, and they look pretty shot-like in Anders’ big hands 🙂

  • Gaelyn
    December 1 2013

    Congrats on your traffic increase. Not too surprised as you are an entertaining writer and great photographer. I choose ‘E’ as I love to visit markets.

    • Alex
      December 6 2013

      Thank you so much Gaelyn, that is so kind of you to say! I really appreciate it 🙂

  • rachel of hippie in heels
    December 2 2013

    Awesome about the increase in readers!! I pick E. I love fruit and veg stalls.

    • Alex
      December 6 2013

      Thanks Rachel! That seems to be a popular choice this week!

  • Beth
    December 2 2013

    I pick E, but I seem to have some strange affinity for market shots! For some reason markets often become the subject of my photos here in Asia!

    • Alex
      December 6 2013

      Oh, I just looove markets in Asia. I haven’t found those here to be quite as fascinating, though the fruits are pretty exotic.

  • Steve
    December 2 2013

    This week I will choose photo c. I like the contrast of the dark against the light of the stained glass. Well done on your traffic figures.

    • Alex
      December 6 2013

      Thanks Steve! The vote and the vote of confidence are both appreciated 🙂

  • Jessie
    December 9 2013

    I love photo D, mm lovely coastlines and markets 🙂 The one of the church looks very similar to the churches in Quebec! Beautiful!

    • Alex
      December 10 2013

      I really need to see more of my neighbor to the north if beauties like that are in store! Thanks Jessie!

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