Ten days in and I’m totally loving Panama. We’ve stayed true to our decision to take things slow, and stayed in the capital for over a week. Damn I love that city! We only just tore ourselves away to make our way back to the beach, stopping for a night in the jungle of El Valle along the way.

On Monday we’re heading out on a four day dive trip to Isla de Coiba! While I’ve scheduled a few posts to keep things lively around here while I’m gone, I will have zero internet access during that time — so please forgive me for my delayed responses to emails and comments. If all goes according to plan, you’ll be looking at all kinds of underwater photo-goodness this time next week.

Photo A
Panama Hats in PanamaPanama Hats and street art

Photo B
Panama Viejothe ruins of Casco Viejo

Photo C
Casco Antiguohidden gems in Casco Antiguo

Photo D
Panama City Skylineself-timer fun with the downtown skyline

Photo E
Toucan in El Vallea toucan in El Valle

Which photo is your favorite?

  • Erica
    January 26 2014

    Photo D!! Ya’ll are too cute 🙂

    • Alex
      January 26 2014

      Thanks Erica! It is a funny set of photos… 🙂

  • Caity
    January 26 2014

    Hands down…Photo D! You guys look soooooo darling! I hope you have a fantastic time diving and I can’t wait to read all about it in due course! Xxx

    • Alex
      January 26 2014

      Thanks Caity! Just have to get through Ecuador first 😉

  • Camels & Chocolate
    January 26 2014

    I’m loving all the Panama posts and am so glad you love it there! Can’t wait to see photos from your dive trip.

    • Alex
      January 27 2014

      Just wish me luck that the camera doesn’t fog! Argh!

      • Camels & Chocolate
        January 27 2014

        Have you tried a bag of silica? We’ve started doing that and have had no fogging since.

        • Alex
          January 31 2014

          I couldn’t find one in time for this trip (super remote location, though I’ve used silica moisture munchers in the past and loved them). So I tried something new… a mini tampon. It worked! No fogging!

  • Rachel of Hippie in Heels
    January 26 2014

    D! you two are a cute couple. Nice that anders will take photos with you- i have to beg my bf, then he just makes a dumb face!

    • Alex
      January 26 2014

      Ha Rachel, Anders read this comment out loud to me and laughed. I have to delete 90% of photos of him. In fact, in the first of this set where I am posing like a normal person he is pulling a very, very dumb face. But I set the camera to shoot like ten times so then he got bored and whisked me around and we got a cute photo as a result — ha!

  • wes
    January 26 2014

    Immediately block the IP of anyone who doesn’t say D. :b

    • Alex
      January 26 2014

      Wes after the last Facebook photo incident I was terrified to read your comment on this one… glad it’s a positive 😉

  • Ruann (Solo Travel Uncut)
    January 26 2014

    Looking forward to the underwater photographs! Enjoy not having internet, Alex. Freeeeedom;)

    • Alex
      January 26 2014

      I’ll keep telling myself it’s “freeedom” when I start twitching 😉

  • Janice Stringer
    January 26 2014

    The beautiful interior photo – the mix of colours make it a dream 🙂

    • Alex
      January 26 2014

      The Casco is just filled with amazing spots like that. I was sad to leave!

  • Karen @ Coolfamilylife
    January 26 2014

    I’d love to be different and not say photo d but can’t! My second favourite is the blue interior design one. We recently painted our dining room that colour and an interesting way to make a couch/seating out of crates.

    • Alex
      January 26 2014

      Ah, I would love to see that dining room! And I love the crates too… I have an uncle who runs a Coca Cola museum so I’m always attracted to the memorabilia 🙂

  • becky hutner
    January 26 2014

    i was all ready to say “C” for the splashy colors, hip design & fairy lights & then i saw “D.” awww!!!

    • Alex
      January 26 2014

      Ha, glad we won you over, Becky!

  • Silvia
    January 26 2014

    You know it has to be D! Beside you two being adorable, it’s actually a pretty awesome photo. Next would be C for me – hidden gems indeed!

    • Alex
      January 26 2014

      This is sad to say but I basically JUST discovered the “night portrait” setting on my dSLR. Combine with the self timer and VIOLA!

  • Um, D. I know everyone’s already saying it but if they don’t I can only ascertain they have no soul.

    • Alex
      January 26 2014

      This made me laugh out loud, Michelle. Thank you for that! 🙂

  • Steve
    January 26 2014

    It’s going to be D. Two people with eyes for each other with not a care in the world. Sweet.

    • Alex
      January 26 2014

      Thanks Steve! That’s a nice description 🙂

  • Mark
    January 26 2014

    I like both B and D. Picture B shows the past and the present in a very nice shot and I like D as well because of the “ghost like image” and the bright background city lights coming through! Both are excellent pics I think. 🙂

    • Alex
      January 26 2014

      Thanks Mark! The ruins of Panama Viejo were really fascinating because you could see so clearly the old and new juxtaposed. It was a cool spot.

  • Stef
    January 26 2014

    woaa D is so cute 🙂 I actually saw C and thought this will be my favorite but then came your couple photo. You’re a great couple!

    • Alex
      January 26 2014

      Thanks Stef! I think next I’ll have to do a post about all our bickering so we don’t make people sick though…. ha. 🙂

  • Caty
    January 26 2014

    I love the way Anders looks at you in photo D…you two are such a cute couple! Enjoy your internet free time and I can’t wait to read about your diving adventures.

    • Alex
      January 26 2014

      Thanks Caty! I will try to remind myself that wifi-free time is blessing and not a punishment 🙂

  • Sam
    January 26 2014

    Another vote for photo D. Too cute! Also, I really like the composition.

    • Alex
      January 26 2014

      You should have seen the furniture pile that I created as a “tripod” in order to get that shot 🙂

  • Rachael
    January 26 2014

    D! Adorable.

    • Alex
      January 26 2014

      Thanks Rachael! 🙂

  • Lindsey
    January 26 2014

    I love the toucan!

    • Alex
      January 26 2014

      We were jumping around like mad when we (and by we I mean Anders) spotted him. What a beautiful bird!

  • Cat
    January 26 2014

    B! It’s old and new and tropical and awesome. Really like D and E too and well really just all of them as usual. 🙂 Also, woohoo for a dive trip, it’s about time for some more underwater photo goodness on your blog.

    • Alex
      January 27 2014

      I couldn’t agree more! I’ve been way to long away from the water…

  • Chris
    January 26 2014

    D for me!

    Aren’t Panama hats actually made in Equador? 🙂

    • Alex
      January 27 2014

      Well, if you want to get all kinds of technical about it…. 😉

      • Chris
        January 27 2014


        Hmmm, I thought you were offline for a few days?

        Looking forward to seeing some more of your diving shots so I can live vicariously through you… at least for the time being! 🙂

  • Krista
    January 26 2014

    D! It’s so fun & silly, and I love the skyline in the background. B is a close second, I love the juxtaposition of the ruins and the modern city.

    • Alex
      January 27 2014

      Me too, that’s what made it such an interesting site! Sadly there aren’t much left to the ruins but their location is simply spectacular.

  • dad
    January 27 2014

    I like em all.

  • Nina @WhereintheWorldisNina
    January 29 2014

    I think they are all needed to tell your story. Don’t make us choose! Just change the title… PhotoS of the week 🙂
    Keep on enjoying.

    • Alex
      January 31 2014

      Ha, it kind of is that way, right? But I do love hearing everyone’s opinions. The consensus is never what I expected!

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