Oh hey! Remember me? That blonde blogger who used to post so much you were basically like, shut up already? Ahem. I didn’t really plan to go so radio silent this week, so sorry about that. As usual, I forgot how all consuming it is to travel in a group, and so between that and a few behind-the-scenes projects, I barely eked out this Photo of the Week today!

But it’s been a blast. Since leaving Koh Tao seven days ago, I’ve traveled over a thousand kilometers north through Thailand. I spent a blissful two nights in Koh Samui with an amazing group of friends at the gorgeous Ban Ling Noi villa, a base so gorgeous we never left the grounds, followed by five days of mayhem in Bangkok with another fabulous crew. Today, the herd thinned to just Heather and I, and we’re looking forward to a few days of serenity up here in the north.

I have so many beautiful stories and photos to share with you this week — I’m finally covering Greece, my final stop before Thailand! In the meantime, I’ll leave you with these…

Photo A

Ban Ling Noi Koh SamuiThe beautiful grounds of Ban Ling Noi

Photo B

Ban Ling Noi Koh SamuiThis girl knows how to sing

Photo C

U Sukhumvit BangkokOur deliciously modern digs in Bangkok

Photo D

Chatuchak Market BangkokCatching up with my old friend, Chatuchak Market

Photo E

Bangkok Muay ThaiMuay Thai madness in Bangkok’s original stadium

Which photo is your favorite?

  • Paula Nelms
    October 20 2014

    Photo C…I’m moving to Bangkok next year and I can’t wait, so it had to be this photo. I’m soooo glad to see you back in Southeast Asia as this is where you were when i stumbled across your blog last year…I can’t wait to read all about it (again).

    • Amy | Toothbrush Travels
      October 21 2014

      Corr … Been craving that coconut ice-cream from jj market since being back! Hope you’re enjoying your time up north! Have you made it to The Elephant Nature Park yet? xo

      • Alex
        October 22 2014

        I’m not sure if this question was for me or for Paula 🙂 But I’ve been to Elephant Nature Park — and wrote a post about it! Love love loved it!

    • Alex
      October 22 2014

      I’m so darn happy to be back here too! It really feels amazing. Awesome that you’re moving to Bangkok!

  • Tessa Clare
    October 20 2014

    Hmmm A is so enticing because I would love to be on a beach holiday right now. Also love how cool C looks. Where did you rest your heads in BKK??

    • Alex
      October 22 2014

      It was called the U Sukhumvit and we got a great deal on it through travelpony.com. Highly recommended — full review to come!

  • Emma
    October 20 2014

    D – purely because I love Chatuchak and dream about being able to go back one day!

    • Alex
      October 22 2014

      It’s my favorite! I think I might just squeeze in one last visit before I leave Thailand… I can’t get enough!

  • kristin mcneil
    October 20 2014

    Photo A – because the pool and villa look picturesque with the ocean and the mountains in the background. It could seriously be a postcard. Absolute. Paradise.

    • Alex
      October 22 2014

      Hence why we never left the grounds 🙂 It was the perfect getaway!

  • Katie
    October 20 2014

    I LOVE Bangkok, so I’d have to go with C or D. A rooftop pool is always amazeballs, but there’s only one Chatuchak Market! 🙂

    • Alex
      October 22 2014

      I’m with ya! PS: Another endorsement for the Alaya 🙂 Love that place!

  • Jamie
    October 20 2014

    All these are great but E is so intriguing! Don’t know much about Muay Thai boxing.

    • Alex
      October 22 2014

      I’ve been enamored with the sport for years and written a few posts on it. There will definitely be another one forthcoming about this fight as well! It was epic!

  • becky hutner
    October 20 2014

    #1 — flowers & swimming pools! you’re making me really miss thailand, you evil thing. i can almost taste the mussaman curry & feel the warm, clear sea….

    • Alex
      October 22 2014

      Can I miss a place that I’m still in? Because that is how your comment made me feel, ha.

  • Steve
    October 20 2014

    I’m choosing B. The photo looks so relaxing.

    • Alex
      October 22 2014

      It was quite the relaxing few days!

  • Scott
    October 20 2014

    Was the Muay Thai match fun? I’ve always wanted to go see one…

    • Alex
      October 22 2014

      It was SO fun. I’ve seen many fights in Koh Tao but seeing one in the big stadium was a completely different feel. I loved it! So much energy.

  • I just thought about you 30 minutes ago and that it has been a while 🙂 I’m glad you’re having fun! My vote goes to A this week – I love the view and flowers.

    • Alex
      October 22 2014

      I’m going to make up for it this week, promise! 🙂

  • Ashley of Ashley Abroad
    October 20 2014

    Love them all but the orchids and the muay thai were especially great 🙂

    • Alex
      October 22 2014

      Thanks Ashley! And congratulations on your big move 🙂

  • Rick
    October 20 2014

    I like all the photos except E – Don’t need to see Thai people beating the crap out of each other.

    Now another issue: you are having too much fun, in too many beautiful places, with too many cool people. This is causing us, your readers to have issues sitting here at our computers.

    Thank you for this constant reminder to get off our butts and go!

    • Alex
      October 22 2014

      Well, Muay Thai is a lot more than “Thai people beating the crap out of each other” 🙂 It is the national sport and a huge part of the culture here. But I can understand why it wouldn’t be for everyone! It’s the only version of hand to hand combat I have the stomach to watch.

  • Caity
    October 20 2014

    Welcome back! We’ve missed you! I’m going to vote for photo A this week. I can’t wait to hear all about your Grecian adventures!

    • Alex
      October 22 2014

      I missed you guys too 🙂

  • Ashley
    October 20 2014

    Photo A! Is that coconut ice cream in Photo D? I ate obscene amounts of it in Bangkok and would kill for some right now!

    • Alex
      October 22 2014

      It is indeed! And it was the perfect refreshment to get me through a sweaty marathon shopping session!

  • Dane
    October 20 2014

    Great pics again!

    • Alex
      October 22 2014

      Thanks Dane! It is a fun challenge every week!

  • Chris
    October 20 2014

    Hmmm, it pains me to say it, but I don’t really love any this week…

    I guess you’ve been having too much fun to worry about pictures! 😉

    I do have markets and coconuts, so I’ll have to pick that one!

    • Alex
      October 22 2014

      Actually I’ve probably had my camera out more in this past week than I have in the month prior… actually being on the road has given me another excuse to use it!

  • Photo A – beacuse of that pool, love it!

    • Alex
      October 22 2014

      It was pretty drool-worthy 🙂

  • Justine
    October 20 2014

    I’m going to go with Photo E this week…seeing Muay Thai at that stadium is one of my favorite memories of Bangkok. Can’t wait to read about all of your Thailand adventures 🙂

    • Alex
      October 22 2014

      Ah, it was such a good time! Being with seven great friends didn’t hurt, either 🙂

  • Amélie @ mostlyamelie.com
    October 20 2014

    May I ask what the name of the accommodation in Bangkok is? My mother in law is visiting in January and I am looking for something a little fancy.

    • Alex
      October 22 2014

      It’s called the U Sukhumvit and I highly recommend it! We got a great price on TravelPony.com… I’ll be reviewing both soon!

  • Miquel
    October 21 2014

    I have to go with C. I’m learning to fall in love with Bangkok, my temporary home.

    • Alex
      October 22 2014

      I can’t think of a better one, Miquel! One of my favorite cities in the world.

  • Stef
    October 21 2014

    I’m going with Photo B this week. I’d love to be able to play the guitar mayself 🙂

    • Alex
      October 23 2014

      Tell me about it! It is a big life goal of mine. I’m not too musically inclined, so it will be a challenge!

  • Kristen Noelle
    October 21 2014

    I just knew less posts this week meant you weren’t slaving away over your laptop and actually out having a great time instead…and for that I’m quite okay with it!
    B is different — then we’ll go with A — with C as my final fav this week.

    • Alex
      October 23 2014

      Thanks Kristen, that means a lot 🙂

  • Stephanie
    October 27 2014

    I will be traveling to Thailand Dec 26 – Jan 16 with my sister Im 21 shes 19. I want to meet as many people as possible, what are some great hostels in Koh tao, Chiang Mai, Bangkok and Phuket to stay in for just that!

    • Alex
      October 29 2014

      Hey Stephanie! I like Lub D in Bangkok and SOHO hostel in Chiang Mai. I’ve never been to Phuket and never stayed in a hostel in Koh Tao, so no recommendations there 🙂 Best of luck! You’ll have a great trip I’m sure!

  • Susan Field
    November 2 2014

    I go with photos A & B. Why? Because it is MY HOUSE!!! Check it out or contact me if you want rates and availability! I also have a great house in Andalucía Spain. Alex let me know when you are going in that direction so I can give you details. casatorre.com.
    Happy travels!

    • Alex
      November 4 2014

      I can attest to what a great house it was 🙂 I’ll definitely take you up on that next time I’m in Spain, Susan! Thank you again!

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