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The Great Escape: Month 46 Roundup thumbnail

Month 46 was dedicated entirely to Guatemala, as I slowly worked my way from El Salvador toward the Belizean border. Guatemala was the last Central American country I had yet to visit, and probably one of the most anticipated arrivals. Perhaps that’s too much for a place to live up to, as I don’t gush about…

Memories of Monterrico thumbnail

Close your eyes and picture a beautiful beach. A hundred people will have a hundred different visions of exactly what that paradise would look like. One thing the majority will probably have in common? Silky white sand. And believe me, I love those picture perfect paradises as much as the next daydreamer. But over the years…


Greetings from Guatemala City! I spent the last week unexpectedly returning to Antigua and then, thrillingly, heading back to the beach for a weekend in Monterrico with my friends from Brooklyn. While Monterrico is a low-key destination mostly popular with domestic tourists, I was thrilled to have my toes back in the sand, and to put…