Two weeks ago I posted a travel quote about coming home. This week is all about being home.

A wise traveler never despises his own country -carlo goldoni

Which, by the way, I am absolutely loving. I really need to write a post about my hometown of Albany, New York, which I love so dearly. Where do you hail from, dear readers? Do you feel as much affection for your hometown as I do for mine?

  • Dad
    March 13 2012

    Tucker needs a chin tuck

    • Alex
      March 13 2012

      Sadly, I’m sure that that is what’s next… doggie plastic surgery.

  • Kathryn
    March 13 2012

    While I bemoan the many past and present limitations of my hometown (Decatur, Illinois)I still love to return to it. Driving around in the geography of my first eighteen years of life feels deeply familiar, comforting and – weirdly – seem to affirm that I exist. Hanging with my mother and brothers is also a big draw.

    • Alex
      March 13 2012

      I agree- it’s all about the people and the comforts.

  • Olivia
    March 13 2012


    I too, sister, hail from Albany. I like it a lot but it’s not quite as stimulating as my big city life is now, you know?

    • Alex
      March 13 2012

      No, no one would accuse Albany of being over-stimulating. But I do think there is more here to do than most people realize! In the summer, the racetrack, SPAC concerts, Lake George, Tulip Fest, and in the winter, skiing and Christmas lights!

  • Eleanor
    March 13 2012

    I have great affection for my hometown of Clarenville, Newfoundland and love getting back to visit. I am now living on the land locked prairies and enjoy any chance I can get to get close to an ocean.

    • Alex
      March 13 2012

      That sounds like a beautiful place to group up! I agree- there’s nothing like being neat the ocean.

  • Rachel
    March 13 2012

    I’m from the rural small town of Melfa, Virginia. I haven’t been there for a while since I’m living abroad but it’s always a great place to go back and relax. Also it was great for me growing up – I could ride horses all the time.

    • Alex
      March 14 2012

      That sounds like a lovely childhood! I’m always trying to go horseback riding in my travels but rarely do I find someone willing to go with me 🙂

      • Rachel
        March 14 2012

        Well if we’re ever in the same place… I’m always up for riding!

        • Alex
          March 14 2012

          Hopefully I’ll get to take you up on that someday!

  • Erik
    March 19 2012

    Being from Detroit is tough. I am proud to be from here, but realistic about how far my city has yet to go. I am going to spend a number of days sightseeing here this summer and posting about it, trying to convince people we are headed toward better times!

    • Alex
      March 19 2012

      I too have been thinking about writing a bit more about my hometown! I actually met some people in Scotland this summer who were very interested in traveling to Detroit thank to it’s music history- might be something you want to focus on!

  • Steven
    April 8 2016

    Hey I’m from Glasgow, Scotland (UK)

    We returned from a year travelling last September.

    It’s great having family and friends close by but I do really miss a lot of the places.

    Mainly Gill island and perhentian islands + the other amazing placea that we’ve been lucky enough to see.

    And I can’t forget the amazing people we met too.

    • Alex
      April 26 2016

      Gili is one of my favorite places on the planet! So many happy memories there. I understand how you feel!

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