Quick Note To My International Readers: A US-based reader wrote to me looking for an international pen pal to fill a requirement for a university class. Anyone want to write to a cool New York chick for a few months? Send me a message and I’ll put you in touch!

Today’s travel quote comes from a poem very near and dear to my heart. I’ve loved it for years and should I ever get married I would love to have it read at my wedding. I chose this quote specifically due to today’s date, which in case you were not informed by your significant other, NECCO hearts or Hallmark, is Valentine’s Day.

Will you give me yourself?  Will you come travel with me? Shall we stick by each other as long as we live? Walt Whitman

This quote comes from the beautiful poem Song of the Open Road by Walt Whitman. In it, Whitman expresses that the open road is a place where people come together and connect in a significant way. True relationships, he argues, can’t flourish in our “indoor world.” Though the full poem is 231 lines long, the last three are my favorite.

While the reality of traveling with a partner can be anything but glamorous, I love the romance in the idea of running away to travel with someone- giving yourself to them, as Whitman says. It encompasses that feeling of being swept away by emotions.

Do you find this quote as hopelessly romantic as I do? Do you think giving it all up to travel with someone is the ultimate expression of love? Let me know in the comments… and Happy Valentine’s Day, readers!

  • I have goosebumps. GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!

    • Alex
      February 15 2012

      That’s the same way I feel when I read that quote… it takes my breath away.

  • Kathryn
    February 14 2012

    I’ve always been a fan of the road trip, riding shotgun or at the wheel…with someone I love as excited about the adventure as I am.

    • Alex
      February 15 2012

      I’ve never really done a true road trip! It’s definitely on my bucket list, though.

  • wes
    February 14 2012

    I’ll write to your buddy if nobody else’s hand is up. Like the poem. By contrast, travelling alone, often, can really be a drag! But fun. 🙂

    • Alex
      February 15 2012

      I’ve heard from one lovely Scottish lass but if that falls through I will contact you… and true to form, you are a great guy for volunteering.

      PS: I have been following your hat’s adventure with great suspense.

  • Sarahsomewhere
    February 14 2012

    Lovely quote Alex, and I concur completely! Yesterday I spent the day on the back of a motorcycle with my significant other, exploring southern Cambodia. Though we didn’t realize it was Valentines Day till late in the day, there was no better way I could conceive spending it! XOXO

    • Alex
      February 15 2012

      That sounds like a ridiculously romantic way to spend a holiday you didn’t know was happening 🙂 It’s funny how easy it is to lose track of time when traveling!

  • Jess
    February 17 2012

    Love that quote! and love the blog! It reminded me of my fiance – we’ll be traveling to Thailand this summer so he can teach ESL. I, however, will not be teaching – twiddling my thumbs is more like it. Any recommendations for finding work?

    • Alex
      February 18 2012

      Hi Jess! Where is it in Thailand that you will be situated? The work available to foreigners really varies greatly by location.

      • Jess
        February 18 2012

        I think we’ll be in Chang Mai, but Bangkok is a possibility. Depends on where he’s placed. Sooo many questions at this point, but it’s exciting. Been wanting to travel for what feels like forever – cubicle work can be suffocating. 😉

        Seems like its mostly Teaching jobs from my bit of research.

        • Alex
          February 19 2012

          I have to admit I don’t know too much about work for foreigners in the big cities. Here on the islands we can work as bar staff, shop/restaurant managers, dive instructors, promoters, etc. If you have any marketable skills you can use online, like translating or design work or consulting in your field, that can be very lucrative. And if money isn’t an issue (you won’t earn much in most jobs here anyway) you can always fill your days volunteering! Best of luck, and stay in touch!

  • Steve
    August 21 2012

    Beautiful quote and a picture to match!

    I can’t remember now how I got to your site but just wanted to say I’m thoroughly enjoying your writing and I really like your sense of design!

    • Alex
      August 22 2012

      Thanks Steve, I so appreciate the compliment! Hope you’ll stick around!

  • Jessica
    February 9 2015


    • Alex
      February 9 2015

      Thanks Jessica! Glad you enjoyed this post 🙂

  • Nishant Srivastava
    February 13 2017

    I loved this 🙂
    Happy Valentine’s Day

    • Alex
      February 15 2017

      Happy Valentine’s Day to you too!

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