Have you guys heard of Trover?

If you’re switched on to what’s hot in travel, social media, or extremely addictive apps, chances are yes. (And don’t hold my personal track record for being switched on to anything hot against it, mkay? It’s not my fault no one told me what Snapchat was until mid-2014! And tons of people make the mistake of thinking Tinder is a brand of e-cigarette! Right! No? Guys?)


Basically, Trover is the ultimate travel planning tool and social media application for travelers. The photography-based app allows users to share visual travel ‘discoveries’, which fellow Trovers hoping to follow in their footsteps can then curate into to pinboard-like ‘lists’ for their own travel inspiration. Travel planning with Trover is intuitive and deliciously visual — and bloggers can’t stop talking about it. Caz at Y Travel Blog has a thorough guide to Trover’s many features, Charli at Wanderlusters has an awesome list of Trovers to follow, and Becki at Borders of Adventure has a great rundown of how to use the app for planning.


As I browsed through Trover and played with the various features I found I was subconsciously drawn to discoveries from two specific regions of the world. Unsurprisingly, they are the two regions that are currently pulling at my heartstrings and competing for the next big open space on my calendar. A few of you have started asking what’s next for me, and I’ve remained a bit coy about what’s on my mind. Well, I think we all knew that couldn’t last long.

Where will I spend the first five months of 2015 — Central America or Southeast Asia? I took to Trover to daydream.

Daydreaming Away on Trover

Initially, yes, I was drawn towards certain discoveries because they featured jaw-dropping photography — the kind that makes you think “I need to go THERE!” and next thing you know you’re booking a flight — but the great thing about Trover is that it goes below the surface. Unlike Instagram (where searching for a country name under hashtags will pull up a million duckfaced teenage selfies from that fine nation), and Pinterest (where searching for a country will bring up loads of drool-worthy images of places with zero information on how to get there), Trover goes deep.

In putting together my Central America inspiration list, I realized that I must do a yoga retreat on Isla Ometepe in Nicaragua, I scouted out the perfect cliff-side apartment rental on Lago Atitlán in Guatemala, I made a mental note to hit up the Smoky Mermaid bar in Belize, and I vowed to see the turquoise waters of the Santa Ana volcano in El Salvador. As I combed through the lists, discoveries and geotags of my fellow Trovers, I felt myself mentally packing my bags for another Latin American expedition.

Central America Travel Inspiration – a photo list by Alexandra Baackes

And then I started a Southeast Asia board. Um, I’ve spent a couple collective years of my life here at this point! How did I not know about the stunning hiking in Ninh Binh, Vietnam? How did I miss out on the mango alohas at Lazy Sundae in Pai? How have I lived without laying eyes on the tribal horses of Mount Bromo, Indonesia? (Thank goodness that I now realize I’ll have to arrive super early in order jokey for the best views of said mountain from the overlook at Gunung Penanjakan!) And how is it humanly possible that this train-loving travel blogger didn’t know about Goteik Viaduct, the highest railway bridge in Myanmar? Perhaps I shouldn’t start brushing up on my Spanish after all.

Southeast Asia Travel Inspiration – a photo list by Alexandra Baackes

Nope, it’s not all about the beautiful photos — the knowledge shared on Trover is what makes it so valuable. One sweet bonus? Many high quality bloggers contribute, and share links to helpful posts on their site for even further info.

Posting Discoveries to Trover

Now of course, once I read everyone else’s fab travel tips and soaked up all their inspiration, I wanted to get in on the fun too! (Me, wanting to overshare travel secrets and inundate the world with my photos? Shocking, I know.)

Posting discoveries couldn’t be simpler — you simply upload a photo from your computer or your Facebook account, add the geo-tagged location, and then dash off your tip, trick or treasured travel discovery. Then, sit back and watch the comments and “thanks” roll in — a thank on Trover is like a like on Facebook, but with better manners. Trover has a super interactive community of travel addicts, so don’t be surprised when they start piling up quickly.

View Alexandra Baackes’ photos on Trover

Room for Improvement

Obviously, Trover is only as valuable as the content submitted by its users. I found that there was sometimes a notably small volume of discoveries when I was searching more remote regions of the world — unsurprisingly, El Salvador is going to have less discoveries than San Francisco.

The solution? Time. Trover will continue to grow, especially with badass travelers like you guys — I know from all the fabulous tips and tricks you all give me on a regular basis that the Wanderland community is full of crazy good ideas. Share them by signing up on Trover.com and downloading the app on Android or iPhone — and don’t forget to #TroveOn with me, too.


In Conclusion

I’m no closer to knowing where to go next. But I’m having a ton of fun — and learning so much about this big beautiful planet! — while contemplating the question with Trover. Speaking of questions…

Are y’all on Trover yet? If so, are you loving it as much as me? And where the heck should my next trip bring me — back here to my beloved Southeast Asia, or back across the world to adventure-filled Central America?

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This post is branded content brought to you in collaboration with Trover. As always, you receive my honest opinions, thorough review, and consistent non-Southerner abuse of the term y’all.

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  • Kiara Gallop
    September 3 2014

    I’ve joined Trover recently (and you’ve actually followed me, thank you very much indeed :-)) and whilst I’ve been busy adding my own discoveries, reading your post has made me realise there’s a whole other realm I haven’t explored – other people’s discoveries! And that you can actually plan a trip itinerary around these. There’s so much to this site, and I’m looking forward to exploring more 🙂 Only thing I haven’t figured out how to do yet is how to add discoveries that aren’t in their GPS database…

    • Alex
      September 3 2014

      Yes — making lists I think is the best part! As for the location issue, you just have to click “add location” and go in and pinpoint it on the map, and then give that location a name. I definitely would love to see them integrate that with Google maps or something so it found more locations automatically 🙂

  • I’m not on Trover yet but I have heard about it. I think you’ve just about convinced me to download it… just what I need, another addictive photo app!

    • Alex
      September 3 2014

      See you on the Trover side, Michelle 🙂

  • Rachel of Hippie in Heels
    September 3 2014

    looks like fun, but where girl do you find the TIME to do this!?

    • Alex
      September 3 2014

      Simple — no sleep 🙂 Just kidding. I focus o the social media platforms I actually ENJOY using, and just forget about the rest (I’m looking at you, G+)

  • Ashley
    September 3 2014

    I love Trover and I’m glad to see you on it! Tough decision on where to go next year. Can you do a bit of both?!

    • Alex
      September 3 2014

      Realistically, nah. Considering that flights are my biggest expense I don’t really want to double that for less time in each location. I try to get the most bang for my buck, flightwise 🙂 Also, I just enjoy spending longer periods in one region so I can really get to know it — it keeps me less stressed about the time I have to spend working on the road!

  • Emily
    September 3 2014

    I just started really getting into it! I’m leaving next week for my first solo world travels and it’s been helpful in planning out where I want to go in each country! I of course already had a rough idea of where I wanted to go but Trover helps to narrow things down and bit and you usually end up finding great places you won’t find in guidebooks!

    • Alex
      September 3 2014

      Yeah, as much as I love guidebooks they definitely need to be supplemented with another source of information in order to really thoroughly plan a fabulous trip. Glad you’re enjoying Trover!

  • Sky
    September 3 2014

    I think I’ve just found my new obsession. I’d never heard of Trover and I refuse to create an account until I get some work done but I can see myself wasting hours on there…

    Thinking this is going to be a great resource in planning my Central American adventure.

    Speaking of…you should definitely head to Central America! I’ve only been to Guatemala and Panama but Guatemala is amazing and I’ll be backpacking Costa Rica to Mexico next year!

    • Alex
      September 3 2014

      Guatemala is seriously calling to me! And yes, Trover gave me so many great ideas for Central America, it’s going to be hard not to go now!

  • Sara @ The Let's Go Ladies
    September 3 2014

    Okay, I’m legitimately embarrassed to say that I’m just finding out about Trover now. Seriously though? That’s amazing! I can’t wait to start using it – thanks for putting it on my radar!

    • Alex
      September 3 2014

      You’re so welcome Sara! When you sign up, give me a follow so I can return the favor 🙂

  • Kristen Noelle
    September 3 2014

    Love/hate relationship with finding out about shiny new things to keep taking my attention! Welp, just downloaded it and I’m looking forward to diving in for my upcoming Hawaii trip. Let’s hope I won’t be addicted!

    • Alex
      September 3 2014

      Ahhh, I bet there are some awesome discoveries to be uncovered about Hawaii! And don’t forget to add some of your own when you’re on the road 🙂

  • Stef
    September 3 2014

    I really enjoy using Trover. I didn’t know it before reading the post on ytravel. It inspires a lot and I use it for all future travels to see what’s possible. I have to agree that it’s hard to find something for more remote places but I am convinced that’ll change over time. Definitely a great invention!

    • Alex
      September 3 2014

      It definitely will improve as the user base grows. I’ve been focusing on adding discoveries in lesser known locations!

  • Breanna
    September 3 2014

    Hmmm maybe this is what I need. I have bounced around say two different continents and a small island in my head as to where I go next and still have no solid plans. This may help. Thank you.
    Also any tips?! Australia, Europe, Or Iceland ?

    • Alex
      September 3 2014

      Set up some lists and see what pulls on your heartstrings! I guess it depends on how much time you have but man, Iceland is one of my favorite places on Earth 🙂

  • Diana Edelman
    September 3 2014

    I tried to use Trover in Europe. I put up some pics and tips, but turned out I just didn’t have enough hours in the day to keep up with every social media outlet!!

    • Alex
      September 3 2014

      I’m sure your discoveries were much appreciated by your fellow travelers 🙂

  • Chris
    September 3 2014

    Hmmm, is Trover another of those wonderful sounding things that is an App for phones only (I don’t travel with a phone and have never had a smart phone…)

    • Alex
      September 3 2014

      Nope, all these screenshots are from the desktop version — that’s what I prefer using, actually!

  • Kristin Addis
    September 3 2014

    Looks like a great tool. I had heard of Trover but hadn’t played with it yet, but it could be great for discovering hidden gems!

    • Alex
      September 4 2014

      And I’m sure with your extensive travels you’d have some great tips to share 🙂

  • Justine
    September 4 2014

    You know, I’ve heard of Trover but I never actually knew what it was. It sounds kind of awesome for a travel fiend like me! Alex, you’ve convinced me to sign up. Oh, and don’t worry. I had no idea what Snapchat was until a few months ago either!

    • Alex
      September 4 2014

      I finally caved and downloaded Snapchat but I only get snaps from my sister, who sends adorable photos and videos of her students 🙂

  • Mary B
    September 4 2014

    Just read one of the other comments and realized that there is a desktop version – life changing! One of my big complaints with Trover thus far was not being able to access pictures other than what was on my phone. I’d love to go back and add discoveries from my pre-iPhone travels (though there’s always the risk that information will be outdated if I go too far back).

    • Alex
      September 4 2014

      Not to mention that I constantly have to delete things off my phone due to memory issues — the desktop version is key!

  • Raymond @ Man On The Lam
    September 4 2014

    I’ve heard of Trover but haven’t taken the time to take a look. Thanks for the detailed report! (You’ve done all the work for me) 🙂

    • Alex
      September 4 2014

      It’s hard work daydreaming on social media… but someone has to do it 🙂

  • Laura
    September 4 2014

    How have I never heard of this before? It brings together my love for pretty pictures with my borderline-OCD travel planning!

    • Alex
      September 4 2014

      I’ll see ya on Trover, Laura 🙂

  • De'Jav
    September 4 2014

    I haven’t heard of Trover until now. After reading this article definitely will be joining. Seems like a good way to find new places to adventure. Thanks for sharing your experience of the app.

    • Alex
      September 4 2014

      You’re so welcome, De’Jav! I hope you’ll be signing up soon!

  • Karlijn Travels
    September 4 2014

    I love Trover too, and thanks for following me! I will start adding tips for Nicaragua soon. If you decide to go to Central America, I would definitely recommend this brilliant country 🙂

    • Alex
      September 4 2014

      Nice! I will keep an eye out for them… Nicaragua is calling to me big time.

  • Joella in Beijing
    September 4 2014

    I have never used Trover but I love anything involving pretty travel pictures. Thanks for the tip off!

    • Alex
      September 4 2014

      Hope to see you over on Trover, Joella 🙂

  • Abi
    September 4 2014

    I’m not sure…Sounds dangerous to me! Once I signed on to Pinterest I was never the same again!

    Have a trip to Aruba coming up that I’ll need to plan for…Time to check out Trover…

    • Alex
      September 4 2014

      Ha, I know how you feel. I don’t even remember who I was before Instagram…

  • I have signed up and taken a quick look but definitely need to spend some more time on it before my trips to Fiji, Singapore and South Africa later this year

    • Alex
      September 4 2014

      Yes! Get those lists going… addictive!

  • Angie Away
    September 8 2014

    I’ve been putting off joining Trover using the excuse that I just don’t have time for another social site… but you make it seem so necessary for travelers! Thanks for breaking it down =) Now off to Trover to sign up!

    • Alex
      September 8 2014

      I would LOVE to see your discoveries — I bet you’d have some great ones for Jacksonville!

  • TammyOnTheMove
    September 8 2014

    I wanted to get trover on my iPhone when it got out, but my operating system is too old and so I cant get the app. I cant get a new operating system either as I haven’t got enough space left. Sigh! Will have to wait for my next iPhone or iPad upgrade from the looks of it…

    • Alex
      September 8 2014

      I had the same issue with an app recently! Forced me to do a MAJOR cleanout of old photos, which was a huge hassle but worth it in the end. Good luck! In the meantime you can always use the desktop version of Trover 🙂

  • Alana - Paper Planes
    September 16 2014

    I’m intrigued by Trover….but I’m just weary about getting sucked into another social media platform, I feel too scattered as it is!

    • Alex
      September 17 2014

      I know how you feel! I’ve been paring down and just going with the ones that feel the best lately… and I’ve found it tends to be the visual ones like Trover and Instagram that hold my interest.

  • Marni
    October 23 2014

    Wow this site/app sounds amazing!! There are only so many times I can search for surface-related things on the places I am craving to visit (notable trips for me in the next few years are Scotland & England, an Alaskan cruise, and hiking the Inca Trail), so I’m looking forward to joining and delving deeper into my travel obsession. Thank you for introducing me to the site!

    • Alex
      October 23 2014

      You are so welcome Marni! I love travel planning and am always thrilled to find anything that aids in that obsession! I’ll see you over on Trover 🙂

  • Kalie
    December 16 2014

    Ometepe is a MUST SEE. And Nicaragua in general is one of the greatest places on Earth. If you go to Ometepe, I would recommend Hacienda Merida as a place to stay. You can hike to the waterfalls, kayak to monkey island or around the bay, lounge in hammocks, learn spanish or tortilla making, and many other things for free. There is a Spanish school that is run from the property and the kids love to speak english with travelers. There is also a huge buffet of the most delicious foods every evening. This side of the island has the most spectacular sunsets every evening. You won’t want to leave. 🙂

    • Alex
      December 18 2014

      Thanks for that recommendation, Kalie! I’ve been doing a lot of flipping through a Nicaragua guidebook lately, so this is super helpful 🙂

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