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The Great Escape: Month 75 Roundup thumbnail

This was it! Goodbye to summer and goodbye to the USA — at least till mid-2018. This month was made up of a whole bunch of Florida followed by a quick stop through Vegas and a final week in Los Angeles, my final stop. I normally fly back to Thailand for the winter from New York…

Tucker’s Tails: Los Angeles Edition thumbnail

By Tucker Baackes Well hello again, humans. It’s been over a year since my last guest dlog (a blog by a dog, get with the program), and I’ve got to say, I’ve been none too happy to be silenced. My busy life in Los Angeles has been absolutely brimming with potential for interesting posts — When…

Eight Sunny Memories from Two Weeks in Los Angeles thumbnail

Those of you who have been reading my blog for a while know that my relationship with the City of Angels has been a slow burn. I was pretty unenthused when my dad first relocated there, finding the city to be  spread out, stressful, grimy and quite frankly charmless upon my first visit. Then I came…

Eight Days in La La Land thumbnail

Yeah, the helicopter ride was pretty epic. But what else did I get up to for more than eight days of visiting my dad in LA? Plenty! But with no guests to entertain and no new residents to settle in, it was a very low key one — one almost like a local might live. We…

Father’s Day from Above: A Helicopter Ride over Los Angeles thumbnail

When you travel or live abroad long term, it’s inevitable that you’re going to miss a lot of the important little holidays and events that you don’t really realize are so special until you don’t have the choice to be around for them. Like Father’s Day, for example. Ever since I started spending more of them away…

Summer in San Francisco thumbnail

Last summer, while planning my now-annual visit to California to visit my dad, I added in a new stop that I hope becomes a regular one — San Francisco. One of my hometown best friends had recently moved cross-country to settle in Lower Pacific Heights, and I couldn’t wait to explore the amazing life she’d created…

Howl’oween Is For The Dogs thumbnail

When I decided to spend Halloween in Los Angeles over New York, I had one major motivation. Yes, memories of cold, rainy nights in a damp costume certainly dissuaded me from my East Coast option. But Los Angeles? Los Angeles had Tucker. Game over. Tucker has always been pretty down for dress up time — or…

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