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General Planning

Plan and Pivot: My 2022 Travel Plans thumbnail

It’s National Plan a Vacation Day! Here’s what I’ve got in the works… You know how the saying goes. If you want to make the universe laugh, tell it your pandemic-era travel plans! So I should start this post by saying, anyone who dares to share content such as this best be sitting at a wooden…

Fingers Crossed: My 2021 Travel Plans thumbnail

Wanderland Workshops are here! Don’t miss our very first, a Travel in 2021 Workshop on Thursday, February 11th 2021, from 5-7PM EST! Before I start this post, I’d like to take a good, long, hearty and hilarious look back at some of the exciting predictions I made for 2020: • “I have a pretty good idea of…

On The Road Again: My Travel Plans for 2020 thumbnail

Well hello, 2020. Yes, we’re already more than a month in, but I feel like I blinked and 2019 was in the rearview. I was eager to have most of my plans firmed up by the end of January, but life keeps pulling me in a more spontaneous direction — I write this post from San…

My Upcoming Travel Plans thumbnail

It’s become my tradition recently to start each fresh year with a post about my upcoming travel plans, a fun way to share what’s ahead and get myself dreaming about the year ahead. Things are a bit different for me right now and while I am traveling again part-time as of January, it’s loaded with a…

My Travel Plans for 2018 thumbnail

Yes, late February is a tad late for a post announcing anything to do with 2018. But what can I say, my plans took a little longer than usual this year to start coming together! In fact, I’m still in the thick of confirming loads of these, which does give me a small, minor heart attack every…

The Last Minute Wanderland Gift Guide For Travelers thumbnail

Good morning, fellow procrastinators! Did you wake up this morning and brace yourself to finish all your shopping over this final weekend before Christmas? Fear not — you can do so without so much as leaving the house. While I admit to starting my stockpile of gifts sometime in August, I always find that I put…

Announcing My Next Adventure: To The Dead and Red Seas! thumbnail

Those of you who follow my writing closely and keep an eye on my social media have probably noticed a theme lately. I’ve been restless. Restless?! I hear some of you saying. But you travel all the time! Yes, that’s true. But I go to visit family, or hang out with friends, which is fantastic. I…
