Last year, I fell wildly in love with solid shampoo, and it was a complete game changer in how I pack and how I travel. The only bummer? While Lush’s solid shampoo was solid (get it?), their solid conditioner left a lot to be desired, an opinion I saw echoed many times in the comments section of my post about making the switch. So my search for a companion bar to my beloved shampoo continued.


About six months ago, I finally found my match. When I was back in the US over Christmas, my friend Nadia recommended I give a brand she’d found called Creating Harmony a try. I ordered a sample size of both their solid shampoo and solid conditioner, and crossed my fingers hoping for the best.

Because with tresses touching all the way down to my waistline, finding a good fit was a search I took seriously. As these photos of me goofing around on a recent trip to Aruba show, I’ve got some serious hair to keep conditioned.

The following photos brought to you by the talented Kristin of Camels and Chocolate. Ah, the things I won’t do to make my friends laugh.

Solid Conditioner Review

Solid Conditioner Review

Goofing Around in Aruba#fashion

Why Solids

Why is finding a solid shampoo and conditioner so important to me, instead of just going the easy route with the easily available liquid kind? First of all, for the traveler, there simply could not be a greater invention — the solid bars are insanely compact and lightweight compared to the amount of the liquid versions you’d need to cover the same amount of washes. And there’s no chance they’re going to explode in your backpack after a long flight! Plus, if you’re committed to packing carry on, these babies can sail through security.

Second of all, for the sustainability minded, they are a fantastic choice. They can be tucked into reusable containers and cut down considerably on the amount of plastic you use and then need to find recycling facilities for.

Creating Harmony has great sustainability and community-minded business principles that I as a consumer appreciate.

Solid Conditioner Review

Creating Harmony Conditioner

The verdict? I love it! While solid shampoo is an easy switch and instantly loveable, I do admit using solid conditioner takes a little getting used to. You have to kind of rub the bar all over your head, and without the lather that comes with shampooing, it’s a little trickier to get it distributed through your hair. I usually give my scalp a quick once over and then use both hands to run the bar firmly along the length of my hair like I would a flat hair brush. However, I very quickly adjusted and when I step out of the shower, the results are the same if not better than what I used to get with liquid conditioner.

Creating Harmony sells two different sizes, a 1oz travel bar and a 3.5ozΒ full size version. I eventually ordered both sizes and I found the full size version a little unwieldy to use and too large to travel with, so am sticking to the travel size.

Solid Conditioner Review

Room for Improvement

I do have a few minor complaints. First of all, I wish they’d ship the bars in wax paper like Lush does, rather than in plastic bags, as eliminating single use plastics is one of my goals in using solid products. Also, I gave Creating Harmony’s solid shampoo a try, hoping that I’d be able to order both shampoo and conditioner from the same company, but I didn’t love it anywhere near as much as Lush’s shampoo. So while it is a slight hassle and does involve slightly higher shipping costs, I’ll continue to order my shampoo from Lush and my conditioner from Creating Harmony.

Creating Harmony Solid Conditioner Review

What About Storage?

When I first wrote my Lush review, I adored their cute reusable travel tins. In my original review, other Lush fans complained that they found them difficult to open and use. While I didn’t have that problem at first, as time went on I found the tins were prone to being dented and misshapen and did in fact eventually become difficult or impossible to open and close, especially with slippery hands in the shower!

Thankfully, I found a solution — humangear’s ingenious and endlessly reusable Gotubb, which can be easily popped open with one hand. (Creating Harmony sells reusable plastic containers as well, but they are screw-offs, so do require two hands and are a little trickier to maneuver.) Granted, they aren’t as cute as Lush’s little tins, but they’re much more practical for travel. I found a pretty good compromise — I keep my Lush tins for my shampoo and conditioner in the shower in my old bedroom in Albany, and take the Gotubbs on the road with me. Gotubbs come in a few different colors, and I gussied mine up with one of the Creating Harmony stickers I peeled off the plastic delivery bag so I’ll always remember all their info for reordering.

Creating Harmony Solid Conditioner Review

Solid Conditioner Review

Where to Buy

Creating Harmony solid conditioner can be ordered directly from Creating Harmony or on Amazon in full size or travel size. A 1oz bar is $3.90 and a 3.5oz bar is $12.50, with shipping costs extra.

Gotubbs can also be ordered directly from humangear or on Amazon, where they are conveniently eligible for Amazon Prime. A three pack is $7.99 with free shipping on Amazon.

Curious to hear what you guys think in the comments! Now you tell me, what are your favorite eco-travel products?


Note: I am in no way affiliated with Creating Harmony and was not paid or perked for this review. As a matter of fact, they didn’t even know I was writing it. I was provided with a set of Gotubb containers for consideration and am excited to be able to share them with you.

I will earn a small commission off any purchases made through the Amazon links in this post, at no additional cost to you. Thanks for supporting Alex in Wanderland!

  • Gemma Two Scots Abroad
    August 19 2015

    Cannot deny that the Lush shampoo is great for storage but I have fallen out of love with it for two reasons.

    1. Over time, my hair became really dry which is not great for wavy locks like mine so good timing on the advertisement of Creating Harmony conditioner.

    2. The tin is really difficult to open when in the shower, always curse myself when I forget to open it before I get lathered up!

    • Alex
      August 22 2015

      Yup, now that I’ve gone Gotubb I don’t think I can go back πŸ™‚ Give them a try — definitely solves the getting to the shampoo issue! Also, have you gone to an actual Lush location or just ordered online? I ask because I think in the store they are really good at pointing you in the right direction of which variety to go for. You might try showing up and showing them those wavy locks and seeing if they have a suggestion πŸ™‚

  • Krissy
    August 19 2015

    Alex, I so enjoy each of your posts and really appreciate all of your product recommendations. As I am preparing for an extended trip to Europe, I am finding all of this information very helpful. Thank you!

    • Alex
      August 22 2015

      You’re so welcome Krissy! Love to share my finds, especially when they are as good as this one!

  • Leigh
    August 19 2015

    I’ve just switched back to Lush’s Trichomania solid shampoo, which I love! It comes in a big chunk so I had to get the square tin instead of the round one πŸ˜‰

    I haven’t tried solid conditioner yet, but definitely worth checking out.

    Have you tried solid shaving cream yet? Love it, but I now have 3 different bars in my shower – my guests are like WTF?! Why do you have so many bars of soap???

    • Alex
      August 22 2015

      I actually use the Intuition razor, which has solid shaving cream built right into the razor head — so actually I do! Ha.

  • Nadia
    August 19 2015

    Yay! I am glad you liked the conditioner! It always feel nice when a recommendation works out…

    • Alex
      August 22 2015

      It does indeed! Loving this one… now the only liquid I have in my shower is face wash, maybe time to make that switch…

  • Ashley
    August 19 2015

    Thanks for the recommendation, Alex! I have been looking for a solid conditioner to take with me when I leave in a couple weeks so I’ll have to give this a try!

    • Alex
      August 22 2015

      Let me know how it goes, Ashley! Curious to hear others’ thoughts.

      • Ashley
        September 23 2015

        Hey Alex! I just wanted to drop a note and thank you again for the recommendation! Ive been using the conditioner since I landed in SEA two and a half weeks ago and I love it even more than my liquid conditioner back home!

        • Alex
          September 24 2015

          Yay! That makes me so happy to hear. Just packed a few bars for myself for my upcoming Southeast Asia adventures!

  • Rebecca Williams
    August 19 2015

    Thanks for posting. I recently found out that I’m allergic to chemical fragrance so I’ve been spending a lot of time researching to find and replace my products. This is right up my alley! I just ordered the shampoo and conditioner as well as a few samples.

    Thanks again!!

    • Alex
      August 22 2015

      Awesome Rebecca! Let me know what you think πŸ™‚

      • Rebecca
        August 24 2015

        Just tried the shampoo and conditioner and I’m pleasantly surprised! I have really thick, coarse hair and expected it to be a workout to get this to go through my hair. It does take a little effort but no as much as I expected. The shampoo lathers great, and the conditioner made my hair feel very soft. I am definitely a fan!

        • Alex
          August 26 2015

          Yay! That makes me so happy to hear — and it feels like they arrived quick! Glad to hear you’re a convert…

  • Marni
    August 19 2015

    I feel like I am counting the days until I can switch to solid shampoo + conditioner (I don’t like the thought of wasting what I have left of the liquid). It helps that a Lush store just opened in the mall!

    • Alex
      August 22 2015

      I’m with ya, I use everything up down to the last drop. It will be well worth it when you can make that switch though πŸ™‚

  • Katelyn
    August 19 2015

    I bought Lush solid shampoo for my recent Europe trip. It was awesome except for the case. I definitely send the bar flying in a hostel shower trying to open it one day. Not so much fun! Thanks for the conditioner recommendation.

    • Alex
      August 22 2015

      Give these containers a try, I’m guessing you’ll end up a convert like me πŸ™‚

  • Mary B
    August 20 2015

    I’ve been using the Lush solid shampoo on this trip (thanks to your recommendation) and I love it – it gets a great lather and feels super clean. But I have not been so happy with the solid conditioner. My hair just never seems to untangle, which is a major problem with long, curly-ish locks. I’ll have to try the Creating Harmony conditioner before my next voyage!

    • Alex
      August 22 2015

      Yeah, it seems there isn’t much love out their for the Lush solid conditioner, especially considering what a cult following the shampoo has! This one has won me over though — so excited to have found a solution.

  • Lexi
    August 20 2015

    The trouble I’ve had with the solid shampoo is that I have to let it dry out every time I use it before packing up, not ideal for my on the go travel. How do you get your solid shampoo to stay solid? Thanks!

    • Alex
      August 22 2015

      I think it depends on the bar type. Jumping juniper stays pretty solid and I haven’t had issues with it, but when I tried one of the green colored shampoo bars it got super sloshy. Also, I just keep them in the case so if they are still a little wet I don’t mind πŸ™‚ The conditioner keeps its shape really well.

  • Allison
    August 20 2015

    As someone who only likes to travel with a carry-on (at least whenever possible) I’m always on the hunt for solid products. Another travel blogger actually sent me her solid perfumes, which I really love as well.

    • Alex
      August 22 2015

      Nice! I don’t wear perfume really but I can see how that would be an awesome travel solution for someone who did.

  • Kiara Gallop
    August 20 2015

    Like you I’m totally in love with Lush’s solid shampoos but was thoroughly disappointed with their solid conditioners, so I’ll be heading right on over to Creating Harmony’s website to see what their shipping costs are like to the U.K. Thanks for the recommendation πŸ™‚

    • Alex
      August 22 2015

      Hope it’s something reasonable πŸ™‚ Best of luck!

  • Amanda
    August 20 2015

    Believe it or not, I’ve never actually tried solid shampoo or conditioner before!

    But I’m planning to travel to Africa next year and will be doing my very best to travel light – I’m definitely bookmarking this so I can buy some solids for that trip!

    • Alex
      August 22 2015

      Oh Amanda, prepare for your travel life to change. Kind of kidding but only a little bit — these were such game changers for me when it came to long term trips! Also — OMG. Can’t wait to read about Africa!

  • Leah
    August 21 2015

    I have a hard time imagining using solid conditioner, but at some point I should probably give these products a try! The biggest appeal for me, since I don’t travel carry-on only, is the space saving aspect. Big bulky bottles (that I can almost never recycle) are a mild inconvenience (#firstworldproblems).

    • Alex
      August 22 2015

      I mean the idea of traveling carry on is just like laughable for this particular overpacker, but the volume and weight situation with solids just can’t be beat. I have a couple month’s worth of conditioner in my suitcase right now… in a ziplock sandwich bag! It’s nuts!

  • Janice Stringer
    August 21 2015

    Hi Alex,
    I’ll be sharing this so Chloe, my daughter, can see it. She’s booked her one way ticket to Koh Tao and is talking Lush Shampoo bars with me at the moment!

    • Alex
      August 22 2015

      I’ve got a big ‘ol supply packed for my own upcoming trip! I do wish Lush would expand to Bangkok…

  • Rachel
    August 21 2015

    I asked for Lush solid shampoo as a birthday present after reading your blog post. (Love it! Squeeeaky clean and great scent!) The salespeople there were super helpful in picking out a type for my hair, and they even gave me a free sample of the solid conditioner (just sliced a chunk off) since I was hesitant to buy it after your review! I haven’t tried the conditioner yet, but I know where to turn if I don’t love it. Also, I’m still considering the Bubble Tape container suggestion from your last post.

    • Alex
      August 22 2015

      Aw, so happy to hear that Rachel! I do love the people at Lush. They are so knowledgeable about their products. The first time I went in I was just hoping to sniff around, didn’t need to buy anything but they talked me into it and clearly so glad they did!

  • Britt
    August 21 2015

    I’ve been on the fence about whether to make the shift to solid shampoo and conditioner but I think you have just convinced me.

    Do you have a favourite solid soap or do you just use whatever? And do you put them your soap in the gotubbs too?

    • Alex
      August 23 2015

      I rarely pack soap, I usually just use whatever they leave in the hotel (even cheap hotels usually have a bar of soap at least) or use face wash or shampoo on my body in a pinch πŸ™‚

  • caroline
    August 22 2015

    I love this!!! I’m a huge lush fan and have been using their solid shampoo for a long time. But I didn’t even think about conditioner being an option. Thank you!

    • Alex
      August 23 2015

      It’s a game changer! Love not having any liquids in my shower bag! (Well, aside from some face scrub…)

  • Emma
    August 22 2015

    I had never really been sold on solid conditioners or shampoos but I never thought about what you said about them not exploding in your luggage – something I live in eternal fear of whenever travelling!

    • Alex
      August 23 2015

      Ugh, it happened to me one too many times. Such a disaster to have to arrive and immediately clean everything!

  • Julia Nix
    August 24 2015

    looking gorgeous, alex. i can’t bear having extra long as it drags my head down because i have really thick hair. even past shoulder bone, i’m already getting a bit headache.

    • Alex
      August 26 2015

      Thanks Julia! I can’t imagine ever giving up my long hair again, though I do remember how light and carefree I’ve felt in the past when I’ve chopped it off!

  • Naville
    August 24 2015

    Seems something I can give a try. I just have one question, is your hair dry or oily? My hair is oily and I seem to find no solid shampoo that can work for it.

    • Alex
      August 26 2015

      My hair is pretty greasy. The jumping juniper bar from Lush works really well for oily hair, I’ve found!

  • I LIVED for the Lush solid shampoo and conditioner while in Asia. While the conditioner was not nearly as good as the shampoo, I still found it did a relatively okay job. Much better than me lugging around liquid conditioner, at least. That said, for future travels I will absolutely consider Creating Harmony. Thanks for sharing!

    It’s always a joy to skip through lines at the airport with only carry on and no liquids for this department!

    • Alex
      August 26 2015

      Ugh, I wish I was a light enough packer to consider carrying on πŸ™‚ Alas, it’s not for me!

  • Chella
    August 24 2015

    Much Thanks, for informing us that there are solid shampoos. Liquid shampoos have a notorious problem: portability unlike solid shampoos. In my vacation this year, I will carry my shampoos. Solid shampoo bar soaps occupy less space and will be workable for me since I do not carry gigantic bags when I go for vacation.

    • Alex
      August 26 2015

      The beauty is indeed in the portability, at least for travelers! Love them!

  • Erica
    August 26 2015

    Hi Alex! Love that you wrote about bar shampoo.. I just bought the Lush shampoo and conditioner bars for my extended travels!

    I hope they work well for my hair, but I will look into the brand you are reviewing once my Lush products finish up!

    Loving the blog, girl!!

    • Alex
      August 26 2015

      Thank you Erica! That means a lot. I love the Lush shampoo and haven’t looked for anything better, but was so happy when I found this fantastic conditioner.

  • Amy M
    September 3 2015

    I haven’t tried the dry shampoo but it’s such an awesome idea for travel. Do you use it all the time or do you alternate between dry and liquid? And has it dried your hair out over time at all? xo

    • Alex
      September 9 2015

      I pretty much use it all the time now, unless I’m at a hotel that has a fancy liquid kind I want to try or I’m staying at someone else’s place and using their shower stuff. My hair is naturally kind of greasy but no, it hasn’t dried it out in the slightest!

  • Evelina
    September 23 2015

    Finally! Can’t wait to try this out πŸ˜€

    • Alex
      September 24 2015

      Let me know how it goes! Looks like others are loving it so far as well πŸ™‚

  • Lauren
    November 11 2015

    I cant wait to purchase this for my upcoming SE asia trip along with the lush shampoo!! How long does the 1oz travel size of conditioner usually last for you?

    • Alex
      November 15 2015

      It depends on the month (and how lazy I’m being, ha) but I estimate about one per month! Let me know how that works for you!

  • Katy
    March 20 2016

    So glad I stumbled across this post! I am getting ready for a few trips coming up and can’t wait to try out bar shampoo and conditioner. It will make getting through security so much easier traveling with a carry on!

    • Alex
      March 21 2016

      Let me know how you feel about them, Katy! I’m hooked for life — and always looking for more awesome travel product suggestions like these.

  • Nikki
    August 9 2016

    Hey Alex – I know this post is old but I just came across it. It looks like Amazon doesn’t sell this anymore and I can’t figure out how to actually purchase from Creating Harmony website; I can only add to my wishlist? Do you still use this/know where I can buy?


    • Alex
      August 10 2016

      Hey Nikki! I am still working off a stockpile of the stuff from last summer so I haven’t bought any new ones in a while! Have you tried reaching out to Creating Harmony? Sorry about the hassle!

  • Heidi N
    December 1 2016

    I keep the solid shampoo in an old retainer case from the dentist. It has small holes for ventilation and drainage so the shampoo doesn’t get gummy on the bottom.

    • Alex
      December 5 2016

      Hey Heidi! Brilliant idea! My only retainer case is currently holding a retainer but I like the creative recycling πŸ™‚

  • Emily Painton
    May 30 2017

    Thanks for the update about solid conditioner. I too have long locks that require conditioning. Excited about trying it out. Also realized here in New Orleans we have 2 LUSH stores. Yay!

    • Alex
      June 1 2017

      SWEET! Bangkok just opened a Lush, which was like Christmas for me πŸ˜‰

  • Brittany
    June 5 2018

    I love your site! I’m preparing for a service trip to Haiti this summer and I have to pack carry on only…something I’ve never done before. Unfortunately the Creating Harmony conditioner seems unavailable. Do you have any other suggestions or products you like that I could try instead?

    • Alex
      June 14 2018

      Oh no! I stocked up a while ago — when I run out, looks like I’ll have to try this brand, which has been recommended to me by friends. I recently tried another variety of Lush’s conditioner bars and still don’t like them, unfortunately. Let me know if you try Beauty and the Bees and if it’s any good!

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