When I first traveled to Thailand in 2009, my sister (sarcastically, I hope) asked if I would be living in a treehouse. Two years later and I’m not too far off.

Koh Tao Bungalow
The range of accommodation in Koh Tao varies vastly. For a one bedroom apartment I have heard a range of prices from 6,000-15,000 baht a month (about $195-485USD). The cheaper end gets you a fan, a cold water shower, and a manually flushing toilet in a wooden bungalow. The higher end gets you air con, a modern bathroom, a kitchen, and if you are lucky, a great view.

Koh Tao Bungalow

When we first arrived in Koh Tao we moved into a wooden bungalow high on a hill with a view to die for. We paid 10,000 baht a month between us (about $300 USD). That price included water, electricity, internet, and weekly cleaning. Unfortunately most of you were too far away for a house warming party so instead I made a video tour:

I like how I take the time to point out our clothes hamper and our broom and then spent an inordinate amount of time babbling about nothing with the camera is pointed at our dog curtains. I also had a much more charming conclusion to this video but I decided to narrate it zoomed in while spinning in a weird circle and the resulting footage was nauseating so it had to go. Then, I realized when watching my finished uploaded video that I had made a huge mistake when importing my original clip and cropped out a lot of the frame. I’m bummed because you see a lot less of things, but I just didn’t have the heart to re-do it. Clearly video blogging is something that I need more practice in.

For those that are viewing at work, or can’t stand the sound of my voice (I’m with you), I snapped a few pictures. These aren’t a great indicator of how we lived in the space though as I snapped them before we really moved in.

Koh Tao Bungalow

Koh Tao Bungalow

Koh Tao Bungalow

Koh Tao Bungalow

Unfortunately, we no longer live in this charming little bungalow. There were three things that did us in:

1. Crappy Wifi. I’m not ashamed to say that I need internet like I need air, as a source of income, entertainment, and connection to home. So after waiting three weeks for our free wifi to be set up, we were met by one of the worst connections I’ve ever encountered.

2. The Hill. That beautiful view up there doesn’t come without a price. The steep hill that led to our bungalow is poorly paved, and in some place just dirt and rocks. A nasty bike crash (post forthcoming!) left me paralyzed with fear craving a place closer to sea level.

Perhaps both of these things could have been remedied in some way if not for:

3. The Incident. I hate to scar you all in this way. But I’m going to have to do it. One night, I came home and Mark showed me the following picture:

Spider, Koh Tao Bungalow

I started looking for a new place the next day.

What do you think? Do you think we got a good deal? Would you live here or is it a bit too rustic?

  • Briony
    October 12 2011

    So glad you did a warning before the spider so I could preppare myself mentally! 🙂

    Shame it didn’t work out beautiful wee place.

  • OMG I seriously had all of these fantasies going on in my head and then the last picture ruined them all for me. No freaking way I’d EVER stay there ahhhhhhhhhhh!

    • Alex
      October 12 2011

      Like I said, it was the straw that broke the camels back. I don’t care how long I live in South East Asia, I will ALWAYS hate spiders!

  • Dad
    October 12 2011

    Happy to hear you are off Spider Mountain

  • Dani | Globetrottergirls
    October 13 2011

    Oh my god, seeing the photo of the spider made the hair in the back of my neck stand up. I could definitely NOT live there, I wouldn’t be able to sleep at all knowing that these spiders live there. What’s your new home like – we’ll arrive in Thailand next week and are looking for a nice place to settle down for a while…

    • Alex
      October 13 2011

      Koh Tao is a great place to live! We are now in a cement place and there are far fewer creepy crawlies (the ants will always be everywhere though…) What day are you arriving in Thailand? I’d love to meet up. I’ll be in Bangkok on the 18th and then sadly I am leaving for a few weeks to explore Cambo and Laos… Would be a shame to miss you!

  • crazy sexy fun traveler
    October 13 2011

    It looks nice but I would need some more people around and things to do close by.

    • Alex
      October 13 2011

      Luckily Koh Tao is so small, even up in the hills we are only a 5 minute drive or a 15 minute walk from the heart of town!

  • Macs
    November 18 2017

    The house looks nice, peaceful and simple. Living in nature is just so different, it’s very calming. Not including the spider though.

    • Alex
      November 21 2017

      Tell me about it! My number one fear on Koh Tao!

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