I am just getting more and more indecisive as this Photo of the Week project goes on. Most weeks I have between 3-5 contenders, which lately I’ve been selecting a winner from via poll. This week I made my mind up, but I just couldn’t resist sharing the outtakes.

Sunset Reflection

The official photo of the week is the stunning sunset reflected in the window of our friend Nadia’s place.

Here are the runners up:

Palm Tree Forest

A walk through the palm tree forest…

Golden Pagoda

A pagoda atop a hill…

Koh Tao Sunset

Or another sunset. Have I mentioned the sunsets have been really nice lately?

So, did I make the right choice? Which is your favorite?

  • Dad
    October 15 2011

    hands down the best choice. You have a knack for the reflection photo. I have one did of the Brooklyn Bridge in cafe window

    • Alex
      October 16 2011

      It’s true, some of my favorite travel photos are reflections! I’ll have to do a retrospective post one of these days.

  • Roy patterson
    October 15 2011

    The window wins hands down.

  • Briony
    October 16 2011

    The window was a great choice, I also like the pagoda, it looks almost like you’ve stumbled upon hidden treasure or something it’s slightly out of place with it, I also love the sea behind it. But as your Dad said you have a knack for reflection photo’s and that sunset is beautiful.

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