This week we’re back to voting, because Mark and I were bickering over which photo is best and we decided to leave it to you guys. Of course we put a small wager on what would be the winner….

Photo A

Tonle Sap River

A boy rowing a boat during my tour of the Tonle Sap River with Tara Riverboat Tours in Siem Reap (post forthcoming!). An amazing experience and many more photos of this day to share.

Photo B

Battambang Buddhas

After an emotional walk through the Killing Caves of Battambang, we emerged to find this comforting row of glowing Buddhas.

Photo C

Battambang Monkey

Cheeky monkeys are everywhere in Cambodia! This Battambang bugger couldn’t be cuter!

Photo D

Gecko in Fruit

At the night market in Battambang this gecko stalking his ant prey caught my eye. I love the lighting and textures.

So have your say below! We are eagerly anticipating your responses as if Mark wins he gets to pick next week’s photo! If I win I’m going to the spa πŸ™‚

Travel Photo of the Week 20

Can you guess which one Mark liked and which one I liked? Happy weekend!

  • Can I vote for all 4?

  • Roy
    October 28 2011

    The boy in the boat wins hands down. Good job with all four though.

  • Briony
    November 1 2011

    That was a tough one between A and C. Although A looks like something you’d see in National Geographic so I voted for that one, but it was like a 60% over 40% scenario. πŸ™‚

    My guess is you voted C and D and Mark voted A? Maybe… Hmm. Let us know who won! πŸ™‚

    • Alex
      November 1 2011

      Thanks for the compliments! Photographing for National Geographic… now that would be a dream job!

  • myline
    January 15 2021

    If I could vote, I will choose Photo A! It shows how the citizen of Cambodia’s facial expression, and it shows a lot of meaning!

    • Alex
      January 16 2021

      Thanks for voting… what a throwback!

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