Oh, Belize. Fifteen years ago, it was one of the first foreign countries I ever stepped foot in — and I’ve been itching to return ever since. This photos from this past week and the one before it should explain why pretty well. While our first week in the country was spent exploring the mainland jungles and beaches, for the second, my sister and cousin and I hit the cayes after waving goodbye to my mom at the airport. Our first stop was Caye Caulker, which immediately swept us away with its small island charm. Next, after both Kirsten and Olivia made their exits, I boated over to Ambergis Caye for a change of scenery. While Caye Caulker was my favorite by a mile, they’re both surrounded by miles of turquoise waters — so, really, you can’t lose.

Next, I’m on my way back to Guatemala, though I must admit that I’m feeling a bit lost and struggling to get back in the solo traveler groove since the family departed. It doesn’t help that I’m buried under a pile of work, so my human interaction levels have dropped from near-constant to next-to-nothing as I’ve reunited with my old best friend my laptop. The one thing keeping my sane is breaking for a nightly jog or bike ride. Hopefully by the time I check in next week, I’ll have found my stride again.

Photo A

Caye Caulker, BelizeColorful houses on Caye Caulker

Photo B

Ambergis Caye, BelizeBeach scenes on Ambergis Caye

Photo C

Snorkeling in the Hol Chan Marine ReserveA suspicious turtle doing rounds

Photo D

Stand Up Paddling in Caye CaulkerStand Up Paddling (or Sit Down Paddling, more accurately) on Caye Caulker

Photo E

Snorkeling in the Hol Chan Marine ReserveSnorkeling in the Hol Chan Marine Reserve

Photo F

Sunset Cruise in Caye CaulkerOne final sunset with my sister

Which photo is your favorite?

  • Sarah
    April 12 2015

    great pictures! I really have to go to Belize.

    for me it’s Photo B! I’ll always pick the one with the puppy

    • Alex
      April 13 2015

      Ha, that sign just cracked me up. I want one with Tucker on it!

  • Caity
    April 12 2015

    Hands down Photo C for me. Such beautiful light and so much attitude from that little dude!

    • Alex
      April 13 2015

      I do feel like I can kind of read his mind 🙂

  • Lucy
    April 12 2015

    Oh man these are gorgeous!
    Photo A for me – give me pastel shades and whimsical nostalgia and I’m sold. Tough call though, the fish and turtle are incredible! xxx

    • Alex
      April 13 2015

      I know, I couldn’t get enough of the houses on Caye Caulker! So charming.

  • Belize has been on my list for years! I have to go with Photo C – the way the turtle’s shell reflects off the top of the water is fantastic. And also because he’s so darn adorable. 🙂 Great shot!

    • Alex
      April 13 2015

      That was my favorite bit — the reflection. Not to mention the ‘tude!

  • Jenia
    April 12 2015

    Definitely Photo C – such a great shot 🙂

    • Alex
      April 13 2015

      Thanks Jenia! It was a great moment.

  • julie
    April 12 2015

    love them all really but I will pick photo A. I was in Caye Caulker a year ago and now you have me itching to go back! I never made it to Ambergris Caye or Guatemala but I wish I had!

    Have you been to Spain yet? I lived in Asturias for a year and I highly recommend visiting the north of Spain.

    • Alex
      April 13 2015

      I have, but I must go back! The first time I was about twelve, and the second time I was about twenty-one — and only made it as far as Ibiza 🙂 Need to return and see it properly!

  • Leah
    April 12 2015

    Haha, that turtle is sooo suspicious. I like photo A, those little cabins are just the CUTEST!

    • Alex
      April 13 2015

      Our rental was a tad less charming, I must admit 🙂 But hey, we found a place for Easter weekend! That in itself was a feat.

  • Steve
    April 12 2015

    It’s going to be C. Turtle power!

    • Alex
      April 13 2015

      I feel like anytime a turtle is involved, it’s basically an automatic winner 🙂

  • Kiara Gallop
    April 12 2015

    I love photo A, brings about an enormous sense of calm and relaxation, and so pretty too 🙂

    • Alex
      April 13 2015

      Caye Caulker, even in Easter madness, was insanely calm and relaxing. Glad that came through 🙂

  • Rika | Cubicle Throwdown
    April 12 2015

    I like E! I am excited to be doing that there in a couple weeks 🙂

    • Alex
      April 13 2015

      Yes you will! Can’t wait to see/read your takes!

  • Katie Featherstone
    April 12 2015

    Both the underwater shots are winners for me. The yellow fish are more cleverly composed, but I love the turtle. 🙂

    • Alex
      April 13 2015

      I guess the yellow fish are just better underwater models 😉

  • Marie @ Marie Away
    April 12 2015

    C is just amazing. One I’d hope to recreate myself one day!

    • Alex
      April 13 2015

      Head to Belize and I bet you can 😀

  • Katie
    April 12 2015

    Photo E – still one of my favourite snorkelling trips (followed by the worst hangover of my life – I blame the cheap coconut rum)

    • Alex
      April 13 2015

      Ha! My hangover was worse after F — the sunset booze cruise!

  • I really want to head to Belize to go diving. Maybe when I’m home this summer in Florida… much closer than from China! Photo E is my favorite, but I love underwater photography 🙂

    • Alex
      April 13 2015

      Definitely! It’s just a short hop from Miami, really 🙂

  • gemmajaneadventures
    April 13 2015


    Those photos are great, but the first first and last ones are my favourites. I was in Belize about 1 year ago and loved it, it was right at the beginning of traveling, and after an initial, brief culture shock, I loved the country, and would love to go back there!

    Your underwater photos are awesome, I’d love to have an underwater camera, (and your photography skills!)

    • Alex
      April 13 2015

      Aw, thanks Gemma! It just takes practice, practice, practice. I look back on my early underwater photos and cringe. A few years of shooting and editing has really turned things around, ha!

  • Janice Stringer
    April 13 2015


    • Alex
      April 13 2015

      My favorite way to get a workout… and a tan 🙂

  • Marni
    April 13 2015

    Wow, I think this is the hardest week yet! I love them all, but I think I have to choose the turtle. The details, the colors, the clarity, and the turtle’s expression are all amazing!

    • Alex
      April 13 2015

      It was a very lucky capture 🙂 Thanks Marni!

  • Stef
    April 13 2015

    I choose Photo E this week. I loved the underwater world of Caye Caulker!

    • Alex
      April 14 2015

      It’s pretty magical! Some of the best snorkeling I’ve ever done.

  • becky hutner
    April 13 2015

    A! I’m a sucker for colorful beach bungalows.

    • Alex
      April 14 2015

      These ones weren’t quite on the beach but in Caye Caulker… anything is close enough 🙂

  • Rashaad
    April 13 2015

    I love all the pictures but I choose the one with the swimming turtle. I just Leonardo, Rafael and the others could swim like that.

    Now that I think of it, if I had throwaway money, I’d live in a house like the one in picture A.

    • Alex
      April 14 2015

      Actually, I don’t think they’d set you back too bad! Even over Easter, which is the peak travel weekend of the entire year for Caye Caulker, we only paid $70 a night for a two bedroom.

  • Olivia TWO FOR TWO Baackes
    April 13 2015

    Photo D and E


    • Alex
      April 14 2015

      You a rockstar, girl.

  • Julia Nix
    April 14 2015

    I am grateful that your blog still works. My internet is next to nothing (wifi issues for weeks)It seems your page is the only one working for me right now. Weird but true. THANKFUL FOR THAT, because I can read on and on…while this thing gets fixed.

    • Alex
      April 14 2015

      What a miracle that is, Julia 🙂 Glad to hear I’m blasting through the bad wifi!

      • Julia Nix
        April 15 2015

        Indeed. Your blog is a miracle. XOXO 🙂

  • Emma B
    April 14 2015

    The turtle!!! Amazing! Blew me away snorkelling with them in the national park there. My heart still smiles when I think back to it! Come visit in Costa Rica!! Xx

    • Alex
      April 14 2015

      Emma! You’ve moved to Costa Rica?! I’d love to…

  • Gimme Shelter
    April 15 2015

    We’ve got to vote for the turtle. We all need to do everything we can to raise awareness and protect sea turtles!

    • Alex
      April 17 2015

      I love me some turtles. Couldn’t agree more!

  • Love it! Other than hopping over the San Diego/Tijuana border, Belize was the first foreign country I visited too! Strangely, also about 15 years ago (in 2001). I have been wanting to go back ever since and still remember it as some of the best snorkeling I have ever done 🙂

    • Alex
      April 17 2015

      It was the first — and still the best! — snorkeling I’ve ever done!

  • WEIRD. My first snorkeling too. I had always wondered if I remembered it as the best because it was my first or if it was really that good. I am happy to hear it’s really IS that good and not like the snorkeling version of re-watching a childhood favorite movie that did not hold up 🙂

    • Alex
      April 18 2015

      I think it really is that good 🙂 Fairly pricey! But worthwhile.

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