I cannot tell you what a joy it was to spend some time this week with my friends Wim and Dave from Grand Cayman. Honestly, it was just what I needed. The options for this round of Photo of the Week are a bit of a preview for of future posts about what we got up to in Chiang Mai!

Again I’m posting quite a few options. One adjustment to traveling solo is not having someone to help this indecisive blogger narrow things down!

Photo AZiplining in Chiang Mai

A unique perspective on the jungle at the Flight of the Gibbon zipline experience.

Photo B

Tiger Kingdom Chiang Mai

The star attractions a Tiger Kingdom. I was apprehensive about visiting here after reading conflicting reports of drugging, etc. but ended up going anyway. Stay tuned for my full report and impressions.

Photo C

Tiger Kingdom Chiang Mai

Okay, perhaps not a serious contender. But I must-ache you a question: why not?

Photo D

Doi Suthep Chiang Mai

It’s always difficult to photograph wats, especially ones as famous as Doi Suthep,  in an original way. I like to try to focus on the details…

Photo E

Doi Suthep Chiang Mai

Or sometimes just take advantage of a stunning post-storm sky.

Please leave your vote for Photo of the Week in the comments below!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

In other news, blogger Angie of Angie Away recently spent time working in slums in Kenya and came away determined to make a difference. Her new project is an inspiring example of how we all can make a difference. I encourage you to check out her recent post, share it, and donate if you feel so moved! I’m sending her a check (well, a paypal donation) today!

  • Emma
    April 30 2012

    photo D

    love the rich gold, yellow and reds!

    • Alex
      May 4 2012

      Thanks for voting! Glad to hear your input, I didn’t know if that one was too saturated and busy…

  • Globetrottergirls
    April 30 2012

    Our vote for the tiger baby!! Adorable 🙂

    • Alex
      May 4 2012

      I recently “liked” your facebook page and saw you have a baby tiger photo as well! We’ll have to compare notes sometime 🙂

  • Nicky O.
    April 30 2012


    • Alex
      May 4 2012

      Thanks for voting 🙂 I like that one too…

  • Kathryn
    April 30 2012

    Ummmm, a little info about how you are safely in a cage with a tiger…even though he is clearly sleeping?????

    • Alex
      May 4 2012

      There will be a full post to come… It’s a place called Tiger Kingdom in Chiang Mai…. Amazing experience!

  • Aunt Karen
    April 30 2012

    Yes, I am with your Mom???

    • Alex
      May 4 2012

      Like I said to her, you’ll have to wait a bit for the full story 🙂 But rest assured, no Alexs were harmed in the making of that photo…

  • Bridget Ball Shaw
    April 30 2012

    Photo C!!! But the others are fabulous too!

    • Alex
      May 4 2012

      Thank you! Tough choices this week!

  • Amanda
    April 30 2012

    D! The colors are so gorgeous

    • Alex
      May 4 2012

      That one is turning out to be a popular choice!

  • Angie Away
    April 30 2012

    Thank you so much for helping to spread the word about Adopt-a-Slum… we’re up to $375 so far =)

    • Alex
      May 4 2012

      Congrats Angie! Keep up the good work…

  • Idun
    April 30 2012

    Photo B…because tigers are awesome^^

    • Alex
      May 4 2012

      I really didn’t realize how awesome they were until this experience! Amazing animals.

  • Gram
    April 30 2012

    D is beautiful and unique. Gets my vote

    • Alex
      May 4 2012

      I think D is the winner so far! Thanks for voting!

  • Olivia
    April 30 2012


    • Alex
      May 4 2012

      You’ll have to come back to Thailand some day for this alone… you would love them!

  • Dad
    April 30 2012

    C for sure because we rarely see you in pics…who took it? B is a close second. Great expression on the tiger and the paws are awesome!!!

    • Alex
      May 4 2012

      The tiger handler did, actually! I adjusted all the settings and handed it over expecting the usual mess that happens when I hand over “the big camera” to a stranger but these guys must take pictures all day because they took some great ones!

  • John
    April 30 2012

    The tigers make it tough, but I’ll have to go with the candles dripping wax. Nicely done.

    • Alex
      May 4 2012

      Thanks John! Big variety of subjects this week, definitely 🙂

  • Andrea
    April 30 2012

    I love B! But the one with you and the tiger is pretty amazing as well 🙂

    • Alex
      May 4 2012

      Thanks Andrea! It might be one of my favorite travel photos of myself so far 🙂

  • Edna
    May 1 2012

    I love D! And silly puns like must-ache. Thanks for pointing out Angie’s project, it looks like a great cause.

    • Alex
      May 4 2012

      Angie has one of my favorite travel blogs! Definitely worth following before, but spearheading a big fundraising effort like this makes me like her even more!

  • Sarah Somewhere
    May 2 2012

    D!!! Love it, especially as I was there again today showing my Mum around! But C is a very close second for so many reasons 🙂

    • Alex
      May 4 2012

      I hope you took her to the Tiger Kingdom as well! And that you didn’t make her bike to Doi Suthep 🙂

  • Karen a Opalka
    May 2 2012

    B because of the juxtaposition of head and paws, besides the fact that that tiger is waaaaay too cute, and really, IN THE CAGE???????????????

    • Alex
      May 4 2012

      I assure you, it was totally safe, or they wouldn’t let tourists do it, right? Ha! Well that is what I told myself but I don’t think it really holds true in Southeast Asia 🙂

  • Lauren
    May 4 2012


  • Britany Robinson
    May 8 2012

    I vote tiger baby! These make me miss Chiang Mai so much! I lived there for a month and have lots of tiger kingdom pictures as well. I hadn’t heard of any mistreatment of the tigers but I’d be interested in hearing what you heard…

    • Alex
      May 9 2012

      Well I definitely have a full post to come but basically it’s the same things I’ve read/heard Tiger Temple in Kanchanburi being accused of… basically drugging the tigers for the benefit of our photos.

  • Dan Thompson
    May 8 2012

    B for sure! I keep seeing these pictures and am dying to go there… if for no other reason then to interact with those tigers! Love it!


    • Alex
      May 9 2012

      Stay tuned for a full post to come about the experience… with many more photos! It was a very, very cool experience.

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