As this post goes live I will be en route to Lima, Peru. I can’t believe it’s really happening! This summer seemed to go by on fast forward and this trip just snuck up on me. I wish I could have pressed pause on life and enjoyed just a little more time at home before leaving, but I seem to have lost my remote control.

I actually planning this departure date specifically to fit around another very special event on my calendar, the wedding of my dear travel friend Justine and her now-husband Ben. Those who have been reading since the pre-Wanderland days will remember Justine as my partner in crime on my first trip to Thailand. From the moment I first heard her sassy South African accent in Bangkok to the moment I stood up as a bridesmaid in her wedding, she’s been a special, dear friend. This wedding deserves a post of its own, at some point.

The week since has been a whirlwind of packing, post-scheduling, and preparing for departure. Believe it or not — I don’t quite seem to, yet — next week’s Photo of the Week will come to you from deep in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon.

Photo A
Pennsylvania WeddingFabulous shoes in a fabulous barn!

Photo B
Pennsylvania WeddingThe bride gets ready

Photo C
Pennsylvania WeddingThe father of the groom takes a quiet moment in the morning

Photo D
Pennsylvania WeddingA special moment at the Jewish bedekken

Photo E
Pennsylvania WeddingA stunning reception

Which photo is your favorite?

  • Sarah Somewhere
    October 7 2013

    Oh wow. Stunning!!! At first I thought the shoes (amazing!) but that shot of the father of the groom in that beautifully decorated room is breathtaking (as is the bride)!! Safe travels Alex!

    • Alex
      October 8 2013

      She really was bridal Barbie! Just stunning. (Replying to comments from Lima Airport :))

  • memographer
    October 7 2013

    Checking-in to the “subject” with my business website 🙂
    You have a great eye for wedding story telling, Alex. Interested in switching from travel to wedding photojournalist? 😉
    Like all the pictures. Photo C is my choice.

    • Alex
      October 8 2013

      I worked as a photographer’s assistant in Grand Cayman one summer… and now she is one of my fave travel buddies! I would love to perhaps break into that field someday, but I’d need a lot more education, training, and equipment upgrades! Maybe when I’m ready to settle down a bit 🙂

  • Natalie
    October 7 2013

    I like photo D. The bride looks calm and happy and shadows cast from the lighting are beautiful. She looks beautiful!

    • Alex
      October 8 2013

      I wish I could take credit but it is pretty much impossible to take a bad photo of this girl!

  • Steve
    October 7 2013

    I am going for C. We all need that moment to reflect and caught that brilliantly. Safe travels.

    • Alex
      October 8 2013

      Thank you Steve! Much appreciated!

  • Hannah
    October 7 2013

    Wow, what a beautiful wedding, and stunning bride! I’m going for D this week, your friend looks absolutely amazing. Safe travels my dear xo

    • Alex
      October 8 2013

      Thanks Hannah! It was a privilege to be a part of.

  • D!!!! OMG you need to become a wedding photog! Have the best freaking time in Peru!

    • Alex
      October 8 2013

      Maybe someday 🙂 I do love being around people on their wedding days! So much love and joy and creativity!

  • Jade
    October 7 2013

    What a stunning wedding! I absolutely love photo C and it’s caption 🙂

    • Alex
      October 8 2013

      Thanks Jade! Both families were SO warm and wonderful, I loved capturing these happy moments between them all.

  • Cat
    October 8 2013

    Wow, wow, wow, these are all stunning! Agree with the “you could be a wedding photog” statments. I’ll go with C – my eyes keep exploring the image to see all the details. Hope your trip is going well. Excited to hear stories on South America.

    • Alex
      October 8 2013

      I can’t wait to do a full post on this wedding (I mean, it was travel related… I went to Pennsylvania!) because the details were just unreal. I have such creative friends!

  • Amazing post and also Photo D. to look happy bride is a calm, shadow is beautiful from lighting me. I think she is beautiful!

    • Alex
      October 11 2013

      Thank you Eitan! She is a stunning girl and was a stunning bride!

  • mim bottner
    October 8 2013

    Alex your Photos are SO gorgeous!! thanks so much for capturing these moments for us. they are priceless.

    • Alex
      October 11 2013

      Thank you for being so warm and welcoming Mim! It was a joy to get to know your family. I will have many more photos up soon!

  • Mim
    October 11 2013

    I had a feeling you had more photos!! I’m waiting as patiently as I can to see them!!

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