Google Reader, my beloved tool for keeping up with favorite blogs, is going the way of the travelers’ check (or the dodo, as the more traditional saying goes). On July 1st, Google Reader will shut down for good.
My stats tell us that many of you choose to follow Alex in Wanderland’s RSS feed via Google Reader — more than 250 of you, in fact. Let’s wipe our tears and talk options.
There are alternatives to Google Reader that you can try out. Personally, I’ve switched to Feedly and I’m loving it. It’s a much more beautifully designed interface and I love the iPhone app.
However, if you want to ensure that you never miss a post from Alex in Wanderland, — and really, you never know when I’m going to post an urgent photo of mango sticky rice — may I suggest that you sign-up for my email updates? This free service will deliver new posts 3-4 times a week, and ensures that you never miss a misadventure.
Anyone else mega bummed about the impending death of Google Reader? Let’s commiserate in the comments, geek-style.
I discovered your blog recently. Ever since I’ve been eagerly waiting for my weekly dose of Alex in Wanderland (and dozens of blogs via Google Reader). So sad they’re shutting it!
Hope you stop by Bangkok again =)
Your new faithful reader from the Big Mango!
I’ve only recently learned this nickname, “The Big Mango.” I love it! Wish I had known about it long ago. Lovely to hear from another heartbroken Google Reader user, hopefully you’ll love Feedly as much as I do 🙂 Thanks for reading!
you’re cute as a button
No YOU are! (This could devolve quickly.)
Wahhhh! I’m bummed about Reader too! I switched over to Feedly on my iPad and I’m liking it as well. Either way, I will keep reading – love your blog!
PS- Glad to hear you’ve found romance abroad again. My heart was broken for you!
Thanks Sarah! Appreciate it — all of it 🙂
Been using Feedly for a couple months. Don’t really need any more emails.
Agreed, I don’t subscribe to anything by email anymore… I’m a slave to my inbox already!
What’s Google Reader???
It’s…. I’ll explain later. 😛
Okay, total non-geek here, but does this mean no more Feedburner (i.e we have to switch our RSS) or is it just the reader that is shutting down. #Confused !!!
At the moment, Feedburner is still safe but I hear rumors of it’s imminent demise. Argh, so stressful! I am hoping they are just rumors and it will stay open for a long time to come…
I am with Dad and am very happy with the email updates. Thanks
Hi Chet, glad those are working out for ya. Thanks for reading! 🙂
So very sad about Google Reader, we were best buds! I forced myself to start using Feedly about 2 weeks ago and have been happy about how pretty it is so far. Then 2 days ago the Chrome extension thingy updated and it seems to have lost my saved articles but just in the online version (droid phone and kindle seem to be still working fine) so I’m a little worried and hoping the Chrome version fixes itself and doesn’t lose my stuff…we shall see.
Agreed, Feedly is so beautiful from a design standpoint! But that’s a bummer about the Chrome update.
I never even involved myself with Google Reader so haven’t quite grasped what the fuss was all about.
Feedly is definitely the shizzle for staying on top of EVERYTHING going on in the world.
Yeah, I am quickly converting to Feedly 🙂 I think people just liked having everything in one place connected to their Google Account.
This post made me finally get feedly and I frigging love it! Thanks Alex!
I’m still getting used to it in some ways but the layout is really beautiful!
New readers today, loving the posts we’ve read so far. Absolutely fantastic pictures too! I need to get on to Feedly to keep up to date.
Thanks! Glad to have you guys here 🙂 Enjoy Feedly!