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The Great Escape: Month 22 Roundup (and where 21 went!) thumbnail

Since I left home for my Great Escape, I’ve been doing monthly roundups of my adventures filled with anecdotes, private little moments, and thoughts that are found nowhere else on this blog. As this site is not just a resource for other travelers but also my own personal travel diary, I like to take some time…

Banaue Rice Terraces on a Budget thumbnail

I have an air-tight plan for money management on the road. Two credit cards, two debit cards, all thoroughly vetted for ease of use overseas and stored in separate location so I always have a backup. I track my daily expenses with an iPhone app and each month do a full accounting analysis of my spending…

Introducing: The Philippines! thumbnail

I remember back to years ago, before I first stepped foot in Southeast Asia. I knew that geographically there were different countries here but I couldn’t help but picture them as one homogenous lump of rice, temples, and elephants. Of course, it didn’t take me long after arrival to begin to appreciate the nuances and individualities…

Photo of the Week 92 thumbnail

I can’t believe today marks one week since I arrived in the Philippines. It’s a full third of my trip — which is clearly not anywhere near long enough. The highlight so far has undoubtedly been the rice terraces of Batad. There are not enough adjectives available to describe how awed, inspired, and humbled I was…