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Sacred Valley

The Inca Trail. If I was able to peek into the mental bucket lists of travelers around the world, I think it’s safe to say that this world-renown trek would merit a high ranking spot on most of them. Four days hiking through brutal altitude and stunning panoramas towards an unmatched final destination: the ancient Incan…

It feels like much more than seven days have passed since the last Photo of the Week! That might have something to do with the face that in that time span we’ve explored Cusco, conquered the famed Inca Trail, and spent a night recovering in Aguas Calientes. You might be surprised not to see any photos…

I don’t usually set off for a country with a developed itinerary. Sometimes, things are scheduled more or less to the minute, like my eight days in Iceland. Sometime, my plans for five months in Southeast Asia can be summarized as — and I don’t want to overwhelm you here with how detailed this is —…

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