Start with Part I and Part II of this series.

Just because I was too much of a wuss to make it to the summit of Rinjani doesn’t mean you all should be denied the stunning views. Anders, being the mountain man that he is, practically sprinted to the summit — while occasionally stopping to do one-handed push ups — to take all these photos for me. Okay, that’s a possible exaggeration. It was either that or he went up the normal way and came back and collapsed face first back into our tent from exhaustion. I can’t really remember the details. Let’s just move on then, shall we?

Mount Rinjani Summit

Mount Rinjani Summit

Mount Rinjani Summit

Mount Rinjani Summit

Mount Rinjani Summit

Mount Rinjani Summit

I’m so very glad that I remembered to hand Anders my camera when I turned back. Didn’t he do an amazing job? Seeing these photos did give me a pang of regret — it truly is an unbelievable view from up there, and what a fantastic feat to accomplish.

And then I look at these two photos, and realize that getting to the top would have meant three hours of ascent, the last of which would be spent slogging through this:

Mount Rinjani Summit

Mount Rinjani Summit

Our guide cracked me up. Once everyone was back at camp for breakfast, I made him and Anders stand together so I could get the picture I had been dying for since we set off the first day.

Sadly, photos of Anders and I aren’t too far off this.

Trekking Rinjani Guide

If you decide to trek Rinjani, be prepared for monkey overload. I loved them — they reminded me that we were somewhere exotic, as truly the rest of the scenery wouldn’t be out of place in North America. However, they did seem to border on aggressive and they were pretty hardcore scavengers of anything left out in the camps.

Monkeys on Mount RinjaniYou can see Bali’s peeking through in the background!

Monkeys on Mount Rinjani

Monkey at Mount Rinjani

Camping on Mount Rinjani

Once again we were on of the last camps to get going, so once we had packed up and were waiting on the porters and guide, we filled the time with what else… taking pictures.

Crater Rim Rinjani

Trekking Mount Rinjani

On the right Anders is doing an excellent demonstration of the classic, “Please don’t take any more photos, I’d rather go back to the summit again than sit here for one more single moment” face.


One thing we were very sad to note was the amount of garbage not only at the campsites, but also by the lake, on the trails, etc. It was really devastating to see such a beautiful place desecrated like that. I wish we had brought some trash bags.

Garbage on Rinjani

Finally, it was time to get moving. Anders, along with most of the group, had already done a three hour ascent and a two hour descent before breakfast. We still had another five and a half hours of downhill trekking ahead of us to reach the nearest road. We said goodbye to the beautiful views and off we went.

Trekking Mount Rinjani

Rinjani Trek Day Three

While I normally quite enjoy downhill hiking, as I’m not out of breath and therefore able to carry on a conversation, this was quite brutal. My muscles were so tight and sore from two prior days of up and down, and so I ended up doing a very attractive “robot-walk” all the way down the hill as my knees didn’t really want to cooperate with bending.

We were very, very ready for a lunch break when the time came.

Rinjani Trek Day Three


so were the monkeys hanging out with us

Unfortunately we were pretty stressed for the second half of the day as we realized there was no way we were going to make the last public boat to Gili at 4pm. And then I realized that I had lost our keys and had to walk in stony silence for an hour to keep from bursting into tears. Exhaustion does funny things to a person.

Rinjani Trek Day Three

Flowers on Lombok

I was never so happy to see a road in my life. Victory! We all piled into a pickup truck for a ride back to the shop where we started, and then another very long ride to the pier, where a private boat was waiting for us. Why our guide did not convey this situation to us remains a mystery — I can only conclude that the man was a serial information hoarder that rejoiced in the confusion of his foreign charges.

But we had made it. Mission accomplished.

Lombok Sunset over Bali

Lombok Sunset over Bali

Are you planning to trek Rinjani as well? Awesome! I had a hard time finding information on the trek prior to our departure, so I wanted to be sure to share some of the tips I was looking for.

• I wrote down a list of all the things I wish I had with me every night, and that I plan to pack for the Inca Trail: Camelbak Reservoir to make water drinking easier, blister pads for the inevitable, plastic bags for garbage and dirty laundry, a solar iPhone charger in order to access my music, wet wipes, my Scottevest for easy pocket access, a hat for the cold nights, a SteriPEN for sterilizing spring water. And a few things I was SO grateful to have: flips flops to change into at night, cashew nuts and peanuts, and sunscreen and chapstick.

• Bring sunscreen — and wear it! I ended up with the nastiest sunburn I’ve had in years on the third day. High altitude equals serious burns.

• Definitely bring some high protein snacks along to supplement the provided food. I found dinner and breakfast to be a decent mix of rice, noodles, and some vegetables and eggs. Breakfast, however, was just white bread toast and an (inedible, in my opinion) pancake.

• Be sure to have explicit understanding of exactly what is included in your fee — but also bring money to tip! We paid one million rupiah each, or about $100, for our three day hike. We specifically asked if jackets were included and were told yes, though when we arrived in Lombok the company tried to charge us for them. We stood our ground as we needed the cash we had to tip the porters and guide.

• I realize this tip is laughably vague, but here goes — if you are traveling via Gili Trawangan, I highly recommend booking through the no-name shop that sells the fresh banana coconut bread, across from the smoothie stand. I was a frequent customer of theirs during my time on Gili, and they are always fair and friendly. Other shops charge 1.3 million and you have to bargain your way down to 1, but these guys just give you the real price right off the bat.

• Wear broken in shoes. I definitely think hiking boots would be preferable over sneakers — especially for reaching the summit — but what’s even more important is wearing something broken in. I wore my comfortable, well-loved sneakers and skated by with the bare minimum of blisters.

To wrap things up, I’m too excited to share this video Anders made of our trip using nothing but his GoPro! I might be biased, but I think it’s a must-watch — my favorite moments are our Vodka Joss toast at the crater rim, the bubbling waters of the hot springs, and my teeth baring contest with a monkey.

Would you hike Mount Rinjani?

  • Skúli
    August 30 2013

    This is something I might do! Just came from Mount Merapi in Java and loved every second of it…well maybe not climbing in volcanic sand at a (probably)50 degree angle.
    Absolutely stunning photos and I look forward to seeing the video when I get a decent wi-fi.

    • Alex
      September 5 2013

      Wow, sounds like quite the climb! I’d love to make it to Java at some point. Hope you get to good wifi soon (I know that struggle all too well!)

  • Kristen Noelle
    August 30 2013

    This has been magnificent to read about. Out of this world photography!

    Excellent video Anders!! The background track is perfect.

    • Alex
      September 5 2013

      I’ll pass on your compliments 🙂 Thanks Kristen!

  • Bryan Lowry
    August 30 2013

    Video turned out great. Gopro’s are so nice and easy to take along.

    • Alex
      September 5 2013

      I can’t believe the quality that comes out of such a small camera! It’s really amazing.

  • Ron
    August 30 2013

    I enjoyed this entry!

    Too bad the trail has so much garbage, a real shame. I hike a lot in Colorado, and ski, and seeing trash is rare. Other countries should follow this example. I carry a bag and pack out trash if I run across any. Growing up we had the ‘Give a Hoot, Don’t Pollute!’ slogan. Corney, but I grew up with it and live by that silly motto to this day!

    Aside, the video locked up my computer. I was able to watch it on the site no problem. I really enjoyed the video. Say thanks to Anders.

    • Alex
      September 5 2013

      You are right, the US Parks system does a really wonderful job of keeping our National Parks quite pristine. It’s one thing I would love to see other countries take up as an example. Though as that famous scene from Mad Men where the family leaves all their garbage behind blowing in the wind after a picnic shows, I don’t think we were always so enlightened!

  • Rika | Cubicle Throwdown
    August 30 2013

    Holy epic video Anders!! That looks awesome. Such a shame about the trash though. I love the photo with the guide haha. We have a dive site called Too Tall Too Small and it made me think of that 🙂

    • Alex
      September 5 2013

      He will love reading all these comments, thank you 🙂 And yes, really sad about the trash, I wish we had known and brought garbage bags… though it would have been just a drop in the ocean.

  • Amanda
    August 30 2013

    Love the video!! I have a GoPro and I have used it a grand total of two times… I really need to break it out more since I’ve seen some awesome results, and I love the fun fish eye of it. My boyfriend went scuba diving here in California recently and he was swimming/playing with sea lions. I’m so mad I didn’t make him take the GoPro!

    • Alex
      September 5 2013

      Ahhhh, I am dying to dive with sea lions in Lima! It’s very high on my Peru bucket list. Sounds like an awesome experience!

  • I just can’t get over how beautiful this place is…it truly has to be one of the most amazing places in the world!!! Looove the monkeys!!!

    • Alex
      September 5 2013

      It’s definitely one of the most beautiful places I have ever been!

  • Sarah Somewhere
    August 31 2013

    Hi Alex congratulations on completing this challenging adventure! I really do encourage you to not see your very real anxiety as a weakness!! Whilst I am all for overcoming fear, sometimes we have to accept and even embrace our limitations on certain things. I had a very unexpected, extended panic attack on a scuba dive that was completely out of my control, yet absolutely loved sky diving! Sometimes it doesn’t seem to make sense why certain things don’t agree with us and I commend you for how far you got and for taking care of yourself!! Big hugs!

    • Alex
      September 5 2013

      Thanks as always Sarah for your wise words. I’m sorry to hear about your scuba diving experience, though glad you didn’t have the same panic I did over sky diving 🙂 I like what you’ve written here and I’m going to use this phrase — embrace your limitation — often!

  • Steve
    August 31 2013

    Great photos and video. It was as though I was there, without the aching limbs.

    • Alex
      September 5 2013

      Ha, and without the three days of sweat, dirt, and sulfur water caked on 🙂

  • aftri
    August 31 2013

    I looooove the video! nuff said!

    • Alex
      September 5 2013

      Thanks Aftri 🙂

  • Heather
    August 31 2013

    Great honest post about your experience, I really liked the lack of sugar-coating. Thanks for the tips too, sometimes it is really difficult to find out info before you do stuff like this! Well done and congratulations all around. 🙂

    • Alex
      September 5 2013

      Yup, it is — believe me, I looked! Sometimes I’m shocked when can still I discover things that haven’t really been blogged about 🙂

  • Dad
    September 1 2013

    Terrific three part post, stunning views, and the video was frosting on the cake. I am sure anyone who reads this before launching on this same adventure will be better prepared as a result. Good work!! Love Dad

    • Alex
      September 5 2013

      Thanks Dad! I’m so grateful to Anders for doing that video so I could just focus on photography. It was perfect teamwork for this series!

  • Melanie Fontaine
    September 2 2013

    What amazing views! I really love hiking, so I would love to hike Mount Rinjani one day, but at the same time I’ve never gone on a hike quite that strenuous, so that’s a bit intimidating. It looks amazing, however!


    • Alex
      September 5 2013

      With enough time to prepare I think most people could make it to the Crater Rim of Rinjani! I was able to manage it and I was pretty out of shape for my body at the time. The summit, however, is another story!

  • Hogga
    September 3 2013

    wow this sounds amazing!

  • Sky
    September 3 2013

    Those photos at the end are absolutely stunning!

    Monkeys make me uncomfortable – they look so cute but they can turn aggressive quickly and I’m always afraid of being attacked!

    • Alex
      September 5 2013

      Ha, that is true. Stay away from the Monkey Forest in Ubud and every part of Lopburi in that case!

  • TammyOnTheMove
    September 5 2013

    Amazing! I would love to hike Mount Rinjani. I love the photos from the summit. And those monkeys-sooo cute! Which tour operator did you book with? Can you recommend them?

    • Alex
      September 7 2013

      Hey Tammy! I just booked with a random travel agent in Gili — the guy I bought coconut bread from every day! Ha! There aren’t really distinctive operators. You just book with an agent in Gili and they send you to another one on Lombok. It’s hard to know who you will end up with.

  • Pamela
    September 6 2013

    It looks way too awesome! Makes me wanna go hiking in Mount Rinjani to see those amazing views. However part of me is not sure if I am able to complete it considering what you have posted in your previous entry, I am afraid I do not have the stamina.

    What kind of training should one do before going on these kind of hiking trips?

    • Alex
      September 7 2013

      Hey Pam! I am gearing up for hiking the Inca Trail right now and other than breaking in the shoes I am wearing, I am just doing my regular routine of short-distance running and basic weight training. I think being generally fit will make the entire experience more pleasant. I’m sure you can make it to Rinjani too… good luck! 🙂

  • Kristin Addis
    September 7 2013

    I just did this! I have to say, the trek to the top was A LOT more than I had bargained for. Definitely a test of will. For each 2 steps forward I took one back. It was frustrating but worth it!

    • Alex
      September 11 2013

      You go girl! I’m amazed by anyone who tackles this bad boy.

  • Steph (@ 20 Years Hence)
    September 10 2013

    While we were diving Komodo (!) we shared our dive boat with a guy from the Netherlands who had done the Rinjani trek and while he said it was quite beautiful, he also said that he had never experienced a trek as busy as that one AND he was really put off by all the trash he encountered on the paths. After a year in Asia, I’ve come to realize that it’s more unusual to visit places without garbage, but his report was the first I had heard of the rubbish problem. I’m glad you mentioned it, because while the pictures you have shared are really gorgeous, if the garbage is as pervasive as you’ve shown, I can imagine that many people would show up and feel a bit scammed.

    • Alex
      September 11 2013

      The campsites were definitely busy, though I guess I wasn’t too taken aback as it was peak hiking season. And when we were actually on the move I rarely saw other people…. maybe they were too far ahead, ha! The trash on the other hand did shock and sadden me. It is weird to have to angle your nature photographs so that they don’t include heaps of garbage…

  • Camels & Chocolate
    September 11 2013

    Wow–amazing views! I’ll have to add this to my trip plan, too.

    • Alex
      September 12 2013

      Ah, I would love to read the Camels and Chocolate version of this! I’m sure you and SVV would be much more prepared than I was 🙂

  • Lindsay
    September 19 2013

    I like the videos you have been adding!

    • Alex
      September 19 2013

      Thanks Lindsay! I definitely have Anders to thank for that. 🙂

  • Lisa
    September 19 2013


    Thanks for the post, came back from the hike yesterday and used all your tips, even booked at the place you recommended. Trying to recover from sore legs on gili t today :).

    • Alex
      September 20 2013

      Hey Lisa! So glad you found this useful! Good luck with the recovery, and congrats!

  • Candice
    September 24 2013

    Hey Alex, wonderful blog! I’ll be doing Rinjani next week – thank you for all your helpful tips. I’m super excited after reading about your experiences. And great video by your boyfriend!

    • Alex
      September 25 2013

      Good luck Candice! So glad these posts could help a bit! You’re going to love it 🙂

  • CarlaZ
    September 25 2013

    I love the video! I know it will be difficult to add this to a trip (so little time!) but I am sure I will never forget those pictures

    • Alex
      September 25 2013

      You are right, doing video takes so much time and effort! That’s why I am so luck to have Anders there to do them for me sometimes 🙂

  • Jaanus
    October 5 2013

    Exactly as I remembered it 🙂 Good post!

    • Alex
      October 6 2013

      Thanks Jaanus! Glad you enjoyed it!

  • Mrina
    October 30 2013

    Great read – I head out there next week. Yikes! Hoping to make the summit…fingers crossed.

    • Alex
      November 1 2013

      Good luck Mrina! Hope these posts helped!

  • Arusa
    November 19 2013

    Your story is fun to read ^_^ and very useful for getting ready. I’m planning to trek Rinjani Next Year…around July.
    I find your things to pack list is very useful. I will keep it in mind for solar battery charger… (I’ll order it online if I have to ).

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful trekking experience. Your page is the most useful comparing from others (which most of them are those of the tour pages.)

    Now, I’m preparing my physical strength and hoping that I’d get to the summit.

    • Alex
      November 20 2013

      Thanks Arusa! I’m glad this was helpful. I had a hard time finding information online beforehand so I’m glad I could provide some!

  • Ed
    December 11 2013

    Wow, looks awesome! We’re planning to go in January! 2 quick questions… 1) do you think it’ll be fine for us to just show up and find a guide when we get to Lombok? If so where would we go? and 2) do you know if it’s possible to do the 3-day hike to the summit if we start from Gili T or any other part of the island, or do we need to be near the mountain the night before we start to do the 3-day summit hike? Thanks, and great video!

    • Alex
      December 13 2013

      Hey Ed! Unfortunately I don’t have any insight into what it is like to book from Lombok, only Gili Trawangan. Sorry! However, I do know that it’s possible to do the 3 day hike to the summit starting from Gili T because that is what I did 🙂 Good luck!

      • Yessy
        December 20 2013

        Hey Alex, been stumbled on your blog since morning (it’s already 2 PM here) and enjoyed it! Appreciate that you share information prior to Rinjani trek. Currently, I am gathering as much information as I can get and yours have been a big help. Plans to do summit attack on April.

        As for Ed, be sure to check on the weather first. The weather in December is pretty bad these days in Indonesia. Suppose January won’t get much of change.

        • Alex
          December 20 2013

          So glad you’re enjoying it, Yessy! Happy to have been a help. Good luck with your trek — I’m sure it will be epic!

  • Genesis
    January 3 2014

    Reading your blog, seeing the pictures and watching the video at the end makes me more excited to climb Mt. Rinjani next May! Woohoo! 😉

    • Alex
      January 4 2014

      Good luck on the climb! Glad these posts could provide some information and inspiration!

  • Bima
    April 17 2014

    Hi, it is happiness for me to see non-Indonesian wrote about their trips in Indonesia and you did cheerful and spiritful writings, two thumbs up !

    I have tried other path which is not commonly use by people and here some photos

    • Alex
      April 17 2014

      Thank you for that compliment, Bima, and your photos are gorgeous!

  • Rad
    June 11 2014

    Hi Alex, i was looking for “what to bring to Rinjani” and voila, your entry was one of the first results!

    Thank you for taking beautiful photos and wonderful narration. I am going there this weekend. Hope to experience good weather and safe trip.

    Keep writing,

    Rad, Malaysia

    • Alex
      June 11 2014

      Glad to hear this post has been a help, Rad! Have a great hike — it would be hard not to!

  • Ben
    June 24 2014

    Hi Alex, great work on the blog and we loved the video too.
    We have been quoted 275US to do the trip, from a guide suggested by our accommodation in Lombok. We only have one night in Lombok before the hike and don’t want to risk not having it all arranged before we arrive.
    Who was the tour company you used and would you recommend them?

    • Alex
      June 25 2014

      Hey Ben, if you look in the quote box you’ll see a description of the shop I used to book through, though they were on Gili Trawangan. Honestly if you pay $275 you will be paying double for what I’m guessing will be no discernible difference in quality, and I’m guessing the guesthouse will pocket the difference. It’s up to you if that is worth it but I wouldn’t pay more than $150.

  • Cecilia
    August 8 2014

    I will love to make it!
    But i know i am not prepared physically… and i also am seriously scared of the altitude effects…
    The link of the 2nd part is not working… so i don’t what happened! 🙂

    • Alex
      August 8 2014

      Thanks for the heads up — I will go check the link! You can always find all my Indonesia posts in my Indonesia archives 🙂

  • Jade
    September 15 2014

    Wow !
    I just red the whole thing and I am really really excited. You did an excellent job describing the trekking. The pictures are amazing!!!
    I was wondering which camera did u take during your trip ?
    Thanks for sharing

    • Alex
      September 16 2014

      Hey Jade! Check out my obsessions page or the link to my camera equipment in my sidebar. All will be answered there! Good luck 🙂

  • Claudio
    September 29 2014

    Great post, thanks!
    We climbed the Rinjani in August. Nice to read of other points of view, anyway yes… garbage is a HUGE problem!

    • Alex
      September 30 2014

      I’m sad to hear that’s still the case. Hopefully at some point they figure out a solution to protect such a beautiful place! Congrats on making the climb 🙂

  • Miles of Happiness
    December 20 2014

    It’s one of the highlights of my year in Indonesia! This trek is amazing, the atmosphere, everything. We didn’t get lucky, we actually had to trek under the rain^^But it was great anyway!!

    • Alex
      December 22 2014

      Sorry to hear about your bad weather, but that’s fantastic that you kept a good attitude! Glad you enjoyed Rinjani as much as I did.

  • Eddie
    January 4 2015

    What a great story, pics and Vid…been considering doing Rinjani in July and this has pretty much confirmed it, seriously cant wait now! If you guys ever get to NZ checkout Tongariro, much easier and only 1 day needed but might be right up your street. Peace 🙂

    • Alex
      January 5 2015

      That’s definitely on my list for the day I make it to New Zealand! 🙂 Thanks for the extra recommendation!

  • melissa
    February 4 2015

    Wow awesome picture! Really considering doing this now. Do you happen to know if there are shorter climbs (less then 3 days) from Gili T to Ringani?

    • Alex
      February 4 2015

      Hey Melissa! I think there are two day options available but you only make it to the crater rim — there isn’t enough time to summit in less than three days. Best of luck!

  • anupa
    March 11 2015

    Hi alex …. awsome pics nd an absolute pleasure reading ur blog . I m going to gili T in april n planning to trek up tis volcano …i would like to know if thers a slower option than the stressful 3 day option ..
    Is there a five day option u know of ? ..n if so the price must be higheri assume …ne idea?wd really help to plan .

    The video is awsome !!!!

    • Alex
      March 12 2015

      Hi Anupa! Yes I do recall that there were four and five day options for the hike, however I do not have any information on the price or route. I’d recommend booking upon arrival anyway, as prices are much cheaper than they are ahead of time online. Best of luck!

  • Desmond
    March 23 2015

    Hi Alex, stumbled upon your site while researching my trip to Rinjani and wow I was blown away by all the content you have here.

    Amazing pictures btw, and can’t wait to read through everything else. Consider me a fan now. Cheers!

    • Alex
      March 23 2015

      Hey Desmond, welcome! Glad you found me 🙂 And thanks for reading!

  • Rohit
    March 31 2015

    Hi Alex. Stumbled upon your blog while I was searching for info on Mount Rinjan. I’m planning to do a trip to Indonesia in July along with my wife and I’m planning to include this in the itinerary. Can you please provide me the name of the company which organised this tour for you. It’ll be really helpfull.

    • Alex
      March 31 2015

      Hey Rohit — you’ll find directions for the tour agency within this post — it’s in the italicized tips section. Hope that helps!

  • Alex
    April 22 2015

    Thank you for sharing your story and all these tips! I’m climbing it this weekend and I’m pretty terrified of what I’m getting into. Also, Thank you for admitting that you decided to stop before getting to the summit, brave of you to share the truth rather than making up a story.

    • Alex
      April 23 2015

      I’m all about keeping it real, Alex! I think once you accept that you’re just going to do your best and be happy with whatever the results of that are, there’s nothing to be terrified of 🙂 Get ready for some seriously gorgeous views!

  • James
    May 27 2015

    Hi there I will be going to Mount Rinjani in Oct this year and can’t wait. Just figuring what gear I need to bring along as I would like to pack light. Is there a danger of rain outside of the wet season? I have a jacket which I think is windproof but not sure if I need to buy water resistant jackets and pants..

    • Alex
      May 28 2015

      Hey James! To be honest I couldn’t tell you much about the rain on Rinjani other than we didn’t have any 🙂 Maybe throw a cheap poncho in your bag just in case!

  • Carter
    May 28 2015


    Looks like an amazing trekk I know that this was a while ago for you but do you know what company you booked through? Trying to figure out how to get started as I am on Nusa Lembongin right now and every thing here seems much more expensive!

    • Alex
      May 28 2015

      Check the bullet point section of this post, Carter — I explain who I booked through there.

  • George
    July 7 2015

    Hi Alex,

    Thanks for sharing your experience. Regarding this no name shop you mentioned in the 5th bullet point, is it close to the market beside the jetty? Don’t you have another reference point? Pretty vague indeed 😉

    • Alex
      July 8 2015

      Sorry George! If you’re on Gili Trawangan already, I’m sure you know that it’s quite hard to give directions, especially to a little no-name shack of which there are dozens. When I was on the island there was only one dedicated smoothie stand, so that’s the best reference point I had — there may be more now. It was closer to the side street with the local’s fruit and vegetable market than to the tourist night market by the jetty. Apologies it isn’t easier to explain!

  • Sylyvann
    July 24 2015

    Hello I plan to trek Mount Rinjani 14-17 October, can you recommend any agencies that you used before?

    • Alex
      July 25 2015

      Hey Sylyvann, check for a description of the little shack I booked through in the bullet points section of this post.

      • Sylyvann
        July 31 2015

        Thank you so much 🙂

  • Anne
    December 22 2015

    Amazing photos! Great tips, if only I had seen this before I left for Indonesia. I was also quite saddened by the amount of rubbish on the trail, I really do hope the government will help with conversation and clean up.

    Here’s my recount of Rinjani trek, although I only trekked up to the crater:

    • Alex
      December 26 2015

      Thanks for sharing, Anne! Bummed to hear they haven’t made any progress on the trash problem.

  • Erina
    December 29 2015

    I really enjoyed reading everything about your story.
    I am planning to do this in 2017. Thank you for sharing, Alex.

    • Alex
      January 4 2016

      You’re welcome Erina! I’m happy I was able to put up a first-hand account of this trek, as I found it hard to find one before I did mine. Enjoy!

  • Tammie
    January 10 2016

    The photos look amazing and i was thinking of conquering the summit in late April. Did you only use GoPro for the M Rinjani trek?

    • Alex
      January 11 2016

      Nope! Only for the video. Full details on the cameras we used can be found on my obsessions page 🙂

      • Tammie
        January 11 2016

        You brought both the DSLR and Powershot S100 to conquer the mountain?

        • Alex
          January 11 2016

          Yup 🙂 What can I say, I’m a travel blogger!

  • Attia Nurani
    February 7 2016

    i’m glad i did it go there

    • Alex
      February 9 2016

      I’m glad I did it too!

      • Attia Nurani
        February 9 2016

        hope someday will go to segara anak lake. i’m falling in love with my first mount i climb and get to the top of Rinjadi

  • Ria
    March 13 2016

    do you remember with which tour operator you made a trekking? I want to do it but would like somebody already tested 😀

    • Alex
      March 14 2016

      I describe how to find my operator in the bullet points of this post. Good luck!

  • Derek
    April 4 2016

    Hey, we’re planning on climbing Mount Rinjani too, but I’m curious as to how much stuff the porters carry. How large a bag did you guys bring? Do you think it’d be possible to bring a small tripod on the trip?

    Thanks in advance!

    • Alex
      April 6 2016

      Hey Derek! We were living on Gili Trawangan so just packed the camping essentials. We were worried about being cold so packed a lot of layers which my boyfriend at the time carried. From what I recall the porters did not carry any personal items, only the camping gear and food. I think you could pretty easily clip a small tripod to your bag. Enjoy!

  • Rani
    April 9 2016


    First of all, love this blog! Amazing pictures and what an adventure!

    I’m planning on hiking up Mount Rinjani aswell! I’m just worried about all my personal stuff, because my boyfriend and I will travel through Indonesia for three weeks during September, so we’ll both have a pretty big backpack. What did you do with ALL your stuff? Did you bring it or did you leave it elsewhere?

    And can you book this trip just a day before the hike?

    Kind regards,

    Rani, Belgium.

    • Alex
      April 26 2016

      Hi Rani, I was living in Gili Trawangan at the time so the majority of my stuff was just in my house. I think we booked a day or two before. Good luck!

  • Kelly
    June 5 2016

    Where did you book through? This looks so rad! My fiancé and I have to re-plan our honeymoon, but I think this is just what we’re looking for! Thanks ?

    • Alex
      June 10 2016

      Hey Kelly! Sorry I don’t have more details, but I booked through a no-name banana bread stand described in the bullet points of this post. Ha, good old Gili Trawangan — sorry I don’t have more details!

  • nadia
    June 23 2016

    Hi Alex, great blog entry! It was funny and informative at the same time.

    Planning to go for Rinjani myself soon, and I’m just wondering… can you hire people to carry your bag for you? It looks tough and I wonder if I can make it carrying my traveling stuff on my back.

    • Alex
      June 23 2016

      Hey Nadia! The porters carried all the camping equipment, but from what I recall we didn’t have the option to hire anyone to carry our personal things. Luckily I had a strong boyfriend. Ha!

  • Kyle
    July 20 2016

    Hi Alex,

    I’m going for the hike next week and after reading your blog..I definitely know what to expect! Great work! Keep it up!

    • Alex
      July 25 2016

      That’s awesome to hear Kyle. Enjoy Rinjani — it’s gorgeous!

  • Bill
    August 21 2016

    Thank you for the report. How much difficult, technically speaking, is the trekking? I read reviews of some people saying that is dangerous. So I’m not sure if going for it

    • Alex
      August 24 2016

      Huh… I haven’t heard that it’s dangerous though it was indeed extremely challenging! No special gear was required so I’m not sure how technical that is. Best of luck if you decide to tackle it, Bill.

  • Hajar
    November 13 2016

    Hi Alex!
    Firstly I would like to thank you for your inspiring post about mount Rinjani, it is such an actual information that might help traveler easily finding what to prepare, mentally and phisically before commencing the hiking trip.
    Secondly I wish as there more blogger writes about our country especially Lombok, there will be more and more tourists will come.
    Thanks Alex

    • Alex
      November 14 2016

      But not tooooo many… I like that Lombok is still a hidden gem 🙂 You have a beautiful home!

  • Chelsea
    December 7 2016

    Thanks for the post! I’m going to Bali in may and had been researching this hike. Did you book the hike in advance, or just showed up the first day?

    Thanks 🙂

    • Alex
      December 11 2016

      We just booked the day before in Gili Trawangan. It was easy peasy!

  • Cherene Saradar
    March 24 2017

    Hello! Loved your series. Entertaining and informative! Your photography is great.

    I was hoping to do this trek next month. I will also be staying in Gili prior. I was trying to figure out logistics. How far in advance do you need to book? What was the company? Are you able to leave GIli in am and start hike that day? The day the hike ends…what time is it approximately? Is it possible to get to Lembongan after the hike or would I have to wait until next am?

    How did you find the difficulty compare to Inca Trail (which I recently did). I’m concerned that I have no warm clothes since I’ve been in SE Asia for 2 months.

    Sorry for all the questions. I can’t seem to find this kind of info very easily. I am also a blogger and would definitely return the favor! LOL

    • Alex
      March 25 2017

      Hey Cherene! We booked the trek literally the day (or maybe a day and a half) before departure, and yup, we left Gili T that morning and started the hike the same day. I can’t remember what time we got back to Gili Trawangan the third day, but I think it was right around sunset. You’d have to wait until the next morning to get to Lembongan, I think. Maybe you could get to Lembongan more easily from Lombok? Not sure about that though. And I gave all the info I have about the company we booked with in this post, sorry I don’t have more info. You can rent a big puffy jacket from your trekking company — that’s what we did.

      It’s hard for me to compare this with the Inca Trail because I was SO unprepared for this and I was like the most prepped person ever before the Inca Trail. So in a lot of ways this was harder for me because I just wasn’t ready or packed properly. But considering the days and distance of the Inca Trail, I’d say objectively it’s probably a bit harder.

      Good luck! Hope that helps!

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