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Scuba and The Sphinx: Celebrating Conservation Day thumbnail

Breaking News: Our Red Sea, Egypt, and Lebanon Retreats for 2020 have officially been rescheduled for 2021, and there are a few spots left in each. More details at the end of this post! Here, I’m recapping my travels in 2019, including my Wander Women Red Sea trips in September.  Long time followers of the Wander Women brand know…

Scuba and The Sphinx: Party Boat Time thumbnail

Breaking News: Our Red Sea, Egypt, and Lebanon Retreats for 2020 have officially been rescheduled for 2021, and there are a few spots left in each. More details at the end of this post! Here, I’m recapping my travels in 2019, including my Wander Women Red Sea trips in September.  One of the reasons I first fell in love…

Scuba + The Sphinx: Welcome to the Red Sea thumbnail

Breaking News: Our Red Sea, Egypt, and Lebanon Retreats for 2020 have officially been rescheduled for 2021, and there are a few spots left in each. More details at the end of this post! Here, I’m recapping my travels in 2019, including my Wander Women Red Sea trips in September.  From the moment I first stepped foot in Dahab…

Wander Women Wednesdays: Announcing Our (Nearly Sold Out!) Yoga + Ancient Adventures Retreat in Egypt thumbnail

Wander Women Wednesdays are back! This mid-week feature is all about highlighting an upcoming Wander Women Retreat, or a new aspect of our retreat business we’re excited about. With the remainder of our 2020 retreats rescheduled to 2021, we are thrilled to relaunch our first ever Wander Women Egypt Retreat — with just four spots left! From the moment I…

Scuba + The Sphinx: Recapping Our Red Sea Dive Retreats Extension in Cairo thumbnail

Breaking News: Our Red Sea, Egypt, and Lebanon Retreats for 2020 have officially been rescheduled for 2021, and there are a few spots left in each. More details at the end of this post! Here, I’m recapping my travels in 2019, including my Wander Women Red Sea trips in September.  Twenty-one days. Sixteen yoga classes. Twenty dives. Three thousand…

Flying Tel Aviv to Cairo With a Mysterious “Paper Only” Airline thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping my travels in 2019, including this retreat research trip to Israel in September. There are more details about our Israel retreats, postponed to 2021, at the end of this post. It’s a weird time to write about travel, as the world both emerges from COVID lockdowns and faces a larger, more crucial conversation about race, power, and privilege. After…

The Great Escape: Month 95 + 96 + 97 Roundup thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’ve wrapped up blogging the second quarter of 2019, of which this is a huge roundup. I realize for some this is a difficult time to read about travel. I am writing often about our current global crisis — the impact it’s having on me personally, on the world of travel, and on the…

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