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Grounded and Going: My 2023 Travel Plans thumbnail

Traditionally, this post has been one of my most popular of the year. Traditionally, it has also come out in, well, January, ha. However, 2023 is turning out to be a year of big changes for me and there’s been a lot of uncertainty about how this year will unfold. Unlike in recent times, that’s not…

Back to My Promise Land, Two Years Later thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping my trips to Israel in February and March 2022. This is one of those posts I’ve been staring at in my drafts for months now, wondering how to write. As I sat down this weekend, once again dreading this post in my queue, I asked myself — why is this so…

Wander Women Wednesdays: Last Chance on our Aerial Arts Retreat in Israel! thumbnail

Wander Women Wednesdays are back! This mid-week feature is all about highlighting an upcoming Wander Women Retreat, or a new aspect of our retreat business we’re excited about.  Now that y’all know what a blast we had in Mexico, it’s time to tell you about Brenna and I’s next High Flying Retreat in Israel — happening…

Plan and Pivot: My 2022 Travel Plans thumbnail

It’s National Plan a Vacation Day! Here’s what I’ve got in the works… You know how the saying goes. If you want to make the universe laugh, tell it your pandemic-era travel plans! So I should start this post by saying, anyone who dares to share content such as this best be sitting at a wooden…

My Fifth Trip to Israel, Home of My Heart in The Middle East thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’m recapping my travels in 2020, including this trip to Israel in February 2020.  It had all started to become comfortingly familiar — the exact gate the daily Newark to Tel Aviv flight departed from, the recitation of pre-boarding announcement in English and Hebrew, the familiar mix of blue-haired Christian pilgrims, families of…

The Great Escape: Months 101 + 102 + 103 thumbnail

Where we’re at: I’ve wrapped up blogging the fourth quarter of 2019, of which this is a huge roundup. What a weird time to look back on. These first three months after losing my mom were, largely, a fog. I guess much of the year was. As the world transitioned from fall into winter, I started…

Kiss and Tel Aviv: My Fourth Trip to Israel thumbnail

Where we’re at: Here, I’m recapping my travels in 2019, including this time in Israel in October. A joyous wedding celebration was just the excuse I needed to book a flight for my fourth trip to Israel in just two years. The bonus? Everything else I got to squeeze in while I was there. I’ve written…
